Her Butler, In Vain

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Alette banged her head against the nearest wall.

"Well this has turned into something unpleasant,hasn't it, young master?"

"Unpleasant doesn't seem to cover it!" Snapped Ciel

"This is a more of a 'this sucks ass' situation." Adds Alette.

"Oh, my lady. Always so flagrant as of late." Teases Selima.

"Even one of those monsters is a hassle." Sighed Ciel, clearly exasperated.

"This was a massacre." Ponders Alette

"Imagine ten times this!" Gasped Ciel. As the undead besieged the passengers, people were running jumping screaming diving. They were cornered. They were desperate. They were done for. They tried taking the offensive, grabbing whatever weapon they could find. They hacked bodies to pieces, tore limb from limb. The Midfords were amongst the chaos, seemingly defenseless. They watched as meat was torn from bone, teeth sunk into flesh. Death caresses them each as pure adrenaline rushes through veins. Blood that had once flowed through bodies, thick and scarlet, bending and turning like a river, now seeped out of open wounds.


"'To my dear Mary'? What kind of lame telegram is this? Uh..?"

Beep beep

The man's eyes widen at the prospect of this devastating news.

"What happened?"

"It's a warning signal from the ship preceding us!" Warned the man, sweat rolling down the side of his face.


"This is bad! The ships going to--." he fiercely scribbles down something on a piece of paper. "Go tell the captain!"

"Yes!" Obeyed the subordinate. He exits the room, and is met with a rotting body, maw agape and teeth sinking into brawn.

"So basically this ship is most likely infested with a hoard of them at this time."

"So we're screwed." Concluded Alette.

"Sebastian, go-ahead and take my aunt and the others to a safe place." Instructed Ciel.

"What are you going to do?" squealed Lizzie.

"We'd just be a burden."

"Besides, Selima is still here."reminds Alette.

"I have a gun, you have a knife. Together we'll be fine for a little. And with your butler here I'm sure no harm will befall us."

"Come back as soon as you are sure they're safe!"

"Certainly." Sebastian gives Selimas hand a small squeeze before running off.

"Now, then" Ciel swivels around on his heel, to face the man encaptured in the poisonous green serpent. "I believe you owe us an explanation. Be brief, i'm not very patient."

"What is the proper way to eliminate them?" Alette decided information would be most valuable as of the moment: it had to be more complicated than smashing in the head."


"There is no way you decided to transport something so dangerous without some kind of insurance." Decided Ciel

"Well, there is one way..." Selima presses the heel of her boot into his most sensitive area, his eyes widen in fear.

"Spill." Commanded Alette. "Or."

"The prospect of your having children will be very low, should we get out alive." Completed Selima.

"Th-there is a device that allows you to render patients subjected to complete salvation inactive again by exposing them to special supersonic waves."

"And where is it?"

"In my room, in first class."

"Lead us there. Selima will protect us." Protecting three little brats, a deranged man and serpent whisperer would be a challenge. But if she couldn't do it, what kind of butler would she be?

"There is a freight elevator in the boiler room, we can use that to go upstairs."

"I have a question as well. How can corpses move?" Probes Ciel.

"We transplant a special device into the heads brain, that generates a weak electric current. This way we can send signals to various parts of their bodies and they recover the healthy physique of when they were alive, basically..

" Answered Ryan

"That's enough."

"Did you honestly believe you could have the power of god?" Accuses Alette.

"Better yet, what is the purpose of all these corpses to America?"

"I... can't tell you that."

"I see. I reckon you want me to pierce your ears?" Ciel forces the gun to his temple, causing the man to panic


"Or perhaps you'd like a red smile?" Alette presses the blade to Ryan's Adams apple, just hard enough for blood to spout and trickle down, the uncanny warmth causing him to shudder.


"Or maybe... you'd like to lose your testicles?" Selima applies a bit of pressure and suddenly a stabbing pain shoots up from his crotch. His gaze becomes has become shallow, as he fears for his life and his balls.

"Wait wait! If you shoot me you won't be able to use that device."

"He's right." Sighed Alette.

"But I could always stick to crushing skulls." Countered Selima.

"A certain company bought our complete salvation technology!" Confessed Ryan.

"What company?" Solicited Alette

"It's called 'Osiris'! Rumor has it they're developing a new drug." Alette couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of this company. After all, what man wouldn't want the power to bring back the dead?

"If it doesn't harm the queen, then it's none of our buis-."

"Speak for yourself. Guard dogs may be specifically trained for one purpose, so I can understand why you're so narrow minded. However, us scorpions can adapt to almost any climate. So I suppose I'm fit for this task." Ciel glares at her. "Some of us have morals, Ciel."

"It's in here." Directs Ryan.

"Snake, take your snake off Ryan." Alette raises a thin chocolate colored eyebrow at him, curious about his motives."It will go smoother of we pretend to be his comrades."

"All right says Webster."

"Damn it's noisy!" wailed Alette.

"Hey passengers shouldn't come here!" Berated a employee.

"The complete flame in our chests -" began Ryan.

"Shall not be extinguished by anyone!" Completed the staff.

"We are the Phoenix!" synthesized the men.

"Would you let me use the elevator, my friend?"

"Ok...who are they?"

"They're comrades as well! Right?"

"The Phoenix!" They yelled, yet posing again. Alette shook her head, knowing she'd never regain her dignity.

"Here ya go." He ushered.

Sebastian was rejected by the English knights, told to return to the group. Ronald began to worry about overtime as his task was nowhere near complete. And then, as of hundreds of undead penetrated the ranks, stealing away lives like thieves, it made contact. The iceberg was large, formidable, dangerous. It rammed into the stern, cracking and reducing the mighty ship to shambles.

"It's like a great guilt trip of death. 🌟" Smirked Grell  

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