Her Butler, At the Funeral

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  "Here we are a demon and a reaper! I suppose we'll never resolve this. These feelings that we have are forbidden. Oh, my! It's just like Romeo and Juliet! O my dear Bassy! Wherefore art thou my sweet love Bassy? If you would deny thy master and refuse thy name, I know that we could be happy together..." Grell prattled on.
"The moment my master uttered my new name, the word became our solemn contract. I was re-baptized as his and his alone. From that day, I have been Sebastian. By yonder moon I swear it." The two were basically dancing, swerving in and out and jumping about. Selima stood protectively over Alette, Ciel behind her as well. Madame Red stood, processing that if it weren't for this woman in black, she'd be dead.
"To swear by something inconstant as the moon, how I can believe your words? Yet I see your eyes and know that they do what your lips and hands long to do. You caress me softly with your unworthy, devilish gaze! Oooh! It's too much, Bassy! I would bear your children if only you let me!"
"Oh that is it!" growled Selima, shooting past Alette and Ciel, who only stared in surprise. She was suddenly on the roof, her gloved were off, and sleeves rolled up, revealing her pentagram engraved in her skin. "Keep your filthy hands off my man!" she yelled, marching up to Grell.
"Oh honey, feeling jealous? I'd almost go straight for you, you know." She walked right up to the reaper and, making a tight fist, punched him right in the jaw. The crimson man flew backward, right off the roof. She promptly cracks her knuckles then turns with a flare.
"I think your butler fancies mine a bit." Remarks Ciel
"I agree." She turns to Sebastian, who smirks with raised eyebrows.
"So since when have I been your man?" he chuckles. Selimas confidence does not stutter in the least bit.
"Since I first laid my eyes on you. I always get what I want you see." She slowly walks forward, toward Sebastian who does not shy away from her. They are soon centimeters apart.
"Does that mean you like me?"
"Maybe it does."
"Then Maybe we should go out some time."
"Maybe I'd like that."
"Maybe I would too." Their lips are close to touching; he reaches down and takes her uncovered hand. Besides her face and neck, it was the most skin she was showing. He takes her hand and brings it level with his own, intertwining their fingers.
"Real ladies never kiss on the first date."
"Then I'll have to make a lady out of you later."
"Sebastian you're being revolting!" catcalls Ciel. They both smirk, then part, as Grell's chainsaw slits down their middle, separating them. They of course avoid having their limbs ripped apart by backflipping in opposite directions straight off the roof.
"Just who do you think you are, trying to steal my man?!" accuses Grell.
"Selima Lovelace, demon extraordinaire. I make heart beats stumble and backbones crumble." She replies cockily. Grell ignores Selima and goes after Sebastian.
"Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! My dove-feather'd raven! Oh, Bassy! Bassy my love... If only cruel morning would never come! Then the two of us might go on like this forever. Our love permanently lit by the moon's seductive glow. But, no, I'm afraid our adventure ends here. Shall we part with a passionate kiss? No, then good night, my love, a thousand times good night! There now, surely your Cinematic Record would be far more interesting than any human's! Mmhmmm... Mmm? Mm?" he slices him across the front and watches his Cinematic Record spill out. He sees images of the casual wrongs done by Baldroy, Finny and Mey-Rin, with the occasional appearance of Tanaka. It was almost mundane for a demon, until the end when a ebon haired emerald eyed woman appeared, doing back flips out of mansions, killing men left and right. Then they were dancing at a ball, pressed up against each other in the hall..
"AH, Bassy, how can you let this temptress captivate you so?"
"I am no temptress. Hell, I'm simply one bloody good maiden." She teases. Despite Sebastian's lack of blood, he nods to Selima. She rounds on Selima, slices her across the middle, drawing no blood but ripping her dress.
"I suppose both our clothes our ruined now." Smirks Sebastian. A bit of fabric slips down, revealing her corset, which makes Sebastian's scarlet eyes widen.
"I guess we'll just have to take them off." She walks over and pulls off his coat, revealing the white benath which was patched with red.
"Selima stop being disgusting!" jeered Alette.
"If you two are going to do it on the roof would you at least give me leave to take the children home?" called Madame Red.
"You just tried to kill my master not twenty minutes ago, he has no business with you." Replied Sebastian "There was one technique that we absolutely did not want to use... but we have no other choice."
"Two against one Oooh... how delightful." Selima charges from behind, while Sebastian stops his attack with his tailcoat.
"That was my finest tailcoat, it was made of the highest quality Yorkshire wool. Wool is a very tricky fabric. Once it becomes caught in something, it is exceedingly difficult to remove."
"How could you do this to me?!" he cries. Before he could utter another word, Selima yanks out a knife she keeps stashed in her sleeves and grabs Grell from behind. She places the weapon to his throat
."Wait, it won't be as much fun if we just kill him. Hold him for me." Sebastian proceeds to ignore Grell's requests, and only adds to the blossoming bruise forming on the reapers jaw line.
"We finally found something you're good at: screaming. Very well done. And as a reward, I shall kill you with this cherished little toy of yours." He taunted
"You did say it could kill anyone didn't you?" adds in Selima.
"Stop it, stop! Don't kill me!"

"So sorry."
"I can tell you who killed the kid's parents!" Ciel almost orders them to cease, but they are interrupted.
"I apologize for interrupting. Let me introduce myself: I am William T. Spears, an administrator at the Grim Reaper Staffing Association. I've come to retrieve that reaper there." Introduces the new man.
"William! Oh, William! Did you came to save me-- Urgh!" He jumps directly on top of the reaper Grell, which earns Selimas approval.
"Attention, Reaper Grell Sutcliff, you have violated several regulations. First, you killed people not on the To-Die list. Second, you used a death scythe that had been modified without authorization. And finally, you offered someone strictly classified information regarding the identity of his relatives' murderer. I apologize for all of the trouble this wretch has caused. Here, please accept my card. Honestly... I never thought I'd see the day when I had to bow my head to demon scum like you...This is a disgrace to all grim reapers." He hisses. Selima unsheathes her weapon ready to strike when Sebastian signifies he has it under control.
"Then perhaps you should keep a better eye on your minions... so they don't trouble us. Humans are so easily tempted. They will do anything when in the grip of utter despair. They will grasp at any thread that promises to save them from unhappiness, no matter the consequences. You should know that."
"That's a charming bit of hypocrisy. You demons capitalize on that quality more often than we do."
"That I cannot deny."

"Right now you seem to be a tame dog; that makes you far less dangerous than the rabid mongrels running around free. Now, come with me, Grell. We're leaving. We're already shorthanded, and here you've gone and landed me with even more overtime. The Board is not going to be pleased." He drags the reaper away by his long pretty crimson hair. Sebastian frowns, then throws the weapon he had hoisted at the Reaper Will. Will, just barely catches it.
"I assume you want that, yes?"

"Yes, thank you. Now, if you'll please excuse us."
"What a grim little bastard he is, remarks Selima.
"I'm sorry, my lord. I allowed half of Jack the Ripper to escape."

"It's all right... It's... done."
"What are we to do with you?" pondered Alette out loud
"We'll decide later." Adds Ciel as Sebastian places a now gloved hand
"You're chilled to the bone, master. Let's hurry back to the house now. I'll make some hot tea to warm you up."

"That's a good idea." Agrees Alette, who had begun to feel faint from all the excitement.
"Sir?!" Sebastian cries, attempting to grab him, only to find Selima had already caught him. He pushes her off.
"But master..." starts Sebastian

"No. Stay back. I can stand on my own. I'm fine... Just a little tired, that's all."
"Selima." Commanded Alette, as soon as Sebastian and Ciel were far ahead.
"Yes, my lady?"
"I have an inkling of a suspect for this Madame Rubis. I will tell you and tonight I want you to investigate her and act as I would if my suspicions prove correct."
"Yes, my lady."
That night all was quiet in the Phantomhive estate. There was not a whisper or worry In the air. Sebastian and Selima cleaned, washed and ironed, whilst Alette and Ciel snored on quietly The sun rolled up on the horizon around five a. m. Ciel did not awake until nine. Sebastian woke him up more like it, but the point being by this time, Madame Red was nowhere to be seen. Ciel searched everywhere; until finally he creaked open the door to her guest bedroom. He thought maybe she had been sleeping late but it was nearly noon. Ciel let out a blood curdling scream as he saw the ruby colored scene. He was greeted by the decapitated head of Madame; her eyes were rimmed with tears, her makeup perfect though she looked paler. Alette and Sebastian rush in on the scene, Sebastian ready to pull his silverware on someone. Alette and him collectively gasp as Selima strolls in.
"It looks like Grell returned to finish his work." Starts Sebastian.
"Goodness me we have a mess here. Sebastian I am not cleaning this up alone." As they look closer they notice the lady's arms and legs have been severed. Ciel closes her eyes as a sign of respect.
"I will end that reaper if it's the last thing I do."
* * *
"She has departed from us now, as all mankind must leave earth, as someday we all must.
Her flesh will turn into ashes, but her spirit will remain with the Lord." drones the priest. It is a closed casket funeral.
"You're here...!" cried Elizabeth as Ciel walked down the aisle, strong willed as ever, red rose tucked away in his lapel. Alette follows, dressed in all black, matching her butler. Their dresses were long and flowy; Sebastian and Selima remained behind, as their masters ambled forward, attracting all the attention in the room.

"Is that the Phantomhive boy?"

"With a scarlet dress..."

"How inappropriate."

"Not so. Think of how she loved the color red." Alette pries open the casket, as disrespectful as it may seem, and Ciel laid the scarlet dress over his beloved, dismembered aunt.
"I am so uncomfortable." Muttered Selima, as they watched the scene from outside the church. He reaches down and places his cold lips to her hand.
"I am as well."
"White flowers and plain dresses didn't suit you in life and they don't now. You belong in red, the color of passion, color of spider lilies... Farewell, Aunt An." A few tears leak out of Alette's eyes. She'd never seen the young boy so strong and passionate about anything.
♪ London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. ♪
♪ London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady. ♪

"Rest peacefully... Madam Red." He takes out the red flower and places it in her hair; sniffles can be heard throughout the audience. Selima takes a handful of petals and blows, sending them rushing down the aisle. Ciel gives her and Sebastian a glance as she spreads the petals throughout the hall. As Ciel exits the bell tolls, and Alette lingers. She makes as if she was giving a heartfelt hug to the cadaver, then snatches the ruby pendant dangling at her neck.
"I'm so sorry I did this to you, Madame Rubis."
* * *
Sebastian sneaks up behind Selima and wraps his muscular arms around her.
"You know, you are very lucky I covered for you back there. Had the master investigated, he surely would have dawned upon the conclusion it was you, ordered by Alette. Then he would have ordered me to kill you."
"I know. Thank you. Though you lied."
"I did no such thing. I said it looked like the reaper came back, not that had. I made a simple suggestion, that is all."
"Well thank you."
"And I get no reward? What a stingy girlfriend you can be." He teases her, whispering in her air.His warm breath smells of mint and as tight as he hugs her to him, she restrains herself.
"We've been dating a day and you expect me to put out?"
"Of course not dear I was only toying with you." She turns and presses her painted lips to his warm, squishy cheek.

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