Her Butler, Agitated

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Sebastian grasped the sword.

"My lady, no further." he asserted.

"Sebas...tian...?" questioned Elizabeth.

"To have forced a lady to go through so much trouble, I have failed as a Butler. I am deeply sorry."

"Don't be!" Argued Alette, fighting another undead.

"Huh?" Asked Sebastian and Ciel.

"We are more than ladies! We are warriors, we are made of fire and blood!" Supported Selima, kicking Grell back.

"Our gender does not constitute our capabilities!" Confirmed Alette.

"Nevertheless, I shall assist you." vows Sebastian.

"I guess my entrance was ruined! Well. Whatever. Let's continue!" Interrupts Grell, as Sebastian sprinted away.

"Wait Sebastian! We have no time to worry about those guys!"

"He's right! One of you should go after Ryan, he could stop all of this!" Agreed Alette.

"Wait a second, you! You're saying if we put the screws to this guy, we can learn about these walking corpses?"

"Senpai, look." Instructs Ronald

"Hmm? I see. Indeed, we have no time to waste. It's too bad, but it appears we'll have to leave it at this for now, Sebas-chan! I'll wrap you both in the red of roses next time for sure! Bye ❤️" babbled Grell

"We should hurry- ugh!"

"Young master!" Sebastian hurries over and inspects Ciel's twisted ankle. "It's quite swollen."

"Oh no!" Squeaks Lizzie. "I'll carry you on my back!"

"What?" Perplexed Ciel.

"Ciel, you had one job, and that was to stay okay while we kicked ass." Sighed Alette

"Shut it, you!"

"Lady Elizabeth, I'll take care of that." Offered Sebastian.

"Ah! That's right, yes..oh no...I...I... I'm the type of scary wife Ciel hates!" She sobs. Alette rolls her eyes; what a foolish and tedious girl. Then again, she was at times too. She tries her hardest to not let Ciel's words get to her, but she still felt a soft pang in her chest when their marriage was mentioned.

"We don't have time for this! Let's go upstairs already!" Chattered Ciel, feeling awkward.

"Even the young master can't help himself in front of a lady, how amusing."

"Shut up!" Growled Ciel.

"Well then, let's go."

"Bastard. Stop laughing already."

"Siren! Smile!" A faint call can be heard. Only one person on the sinking ship knew them by that name.


"I'm glad you're all okay, says Emily."

"Where's Ryan?"

"I'm sorry. He managed to get away, says Oscar."

"I see.. in any case let's meet up with the Marquis for the time being." Edwards outraged yells can be heard from far away. Alette and Selima sit by idly as Ciel gives his spot to Snake, and as Sebastian knocks Lizzie out to keep her from arguing. Soon, they are running again, Alettes least favorite thing to do. They sprint through the sinking ship until they are met with an unusual, unwanted presence.

"The Viscount of Druitt?" Inquires Ciel. Alette shakes her head in dismay. Why, of all people, did it have to be him they ran into?

"Hmm? Who are you? How do you know my name?" Solicited the Viscount. "Oh, well considering I'm well known as the incarnation of beauty, I suppose it's rare for someone not to know me." Alette was about to pipe up, and ask what the hell he was doing on a sinking ship still, when Sebastian took over.

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