Her Butler, However you Please

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Lady Elizabeth zoomed around the manor as she arrived, weaving in and out of the halls.
"CIiiiiieeeeellll!" she bellowed, Ciel groaning, annoyed as one would be with a little sister. She dashes up to him and begins twirling Ciel round and round, knocking Alette right onto her bum.
"Ooof!" she grunted.
"Lizzie be careful!" warned Ciel
"Sorry!" she hurriedly, halfheartedly apologized, then shoves a small box in his hand.
"Here this is for you. Hurry up and open it won't you?" she stares at him, anticipation gleaming in her green eyes, until she noticed Ciel's bejeweled finger. "But I broke this—how?"
"Oh Sebastian repaired it." Ciel drawled
"What but it was chipped! I don't even see any cracks!"
"Yes, a Phantomhive butler who can't do this much--."
"Is not worth his salt." Finished Selima.
"Quite, my lord."
"I see, Sebastian fixed it."
"My lady..." comforts Paula.
"What do you have in that box, Lady Elizabeth?" asks Ciel
"Er, um, it's a secret!" she lied profusely, snatching the box from him.
"Didn't you just say you were giving it to me?"
"That was a feint,."
"No proper lady would try to win her gentlemen over with material things." Sebastian glances at Selima, who frowns.
"As if you would know the aesthetic of a lady!" she huffs, making Sebastian chuckle.
"Well then good afternoon!" she exited.
"So..." Ciel, turned to Alette. "What did Lizzie come here for?"
"Tomorrow is your birthday. I imagine that's the reason. Well young master? Why not hold a birthday party? After all there are others who wish to celebrate you too." He glances from Alette, giving him puppy dog eyes, to the three servants peeking around a pillar.
"My birthday..." Ciel considers.
"Young master?" interrupts Sebastian, looking upon Ciel's glassy eyes with concern.
"This is nonsense, bring tea to my room." He demands, dismissing him.
"Very good, my lord."
"I am throwing that boy a party." Declares Alette, walking out the door. "Selima, assist Ciel. Keep him company." She orders.
"Actually." Entices Sebastian, wrapping one long arm around her waist, pulling her against his body. "I'd prefer it if you kept me company." He smiles, then leans in. She smiles, letting their lips brush against hers smoothly like water, letting warmness course through her cold body. She surrendered herself into the kiss, letting herself wrap her arms around the man she'd been dating now two months, tangling her hands in his hair as his hands maintained their position around her waist.
"Sebastian MY TEA!" shouts Ciel. Sebastian breaks off the kiss with a disgruntled sigh.
"You know the aesthetic." She giggles. "A butler's work is never done,"
"Yes, my lady." He chuckles.
* * *
Alette never returned home that night. Ciel was worried, he fretted even shouted.
"Why are you not doing anything?!" yelled Ciel, directing his anger on the ever so calm Selima as he made phone calls to see if anyone had seen her.
"Because my lord, for now my lady's life is in no danger. Leisure is permitted." He sighed. "Elizabeth is missing too?!" he stared at Sebastian.
"Yes, her personal maid says she lost her on a street in Islington."
"We'll head there immediately! Good god what were they thinking?" he suppurates.
"First please look at this." Presents Sebastian, a letter on a plate. "The kidnappings Scotland is frantically investigating only target young girls." Ciel shudders when he thinks about what could be being done to them. "The bodies haven't been found, but they're most likely...The criminal sends a Hope piece to each victim in turn. A piece of the diamond said to bring ill luck to its owner." Ciel reads aloud. "I never thought the treasure I lost out on would come up again in this connection."
"What now, my lord?"
"We dispel her majesty's worry, that's our first priority." Ciel affirms "But no matter what happens, we save Alette and Lizzie." Within moments they all had boarded the carriage to begin their search.
"Young Master?"
"You open the carriage door." Demands Ciel.
"My lord?" asks Sebastian. Selima remains silent.
"Both of you, question those who knew the victims and come up with a suspect list." he ordered, gazing out the window, trying to distance himself from the case and keep his mind clear as always. Selima was amazed by his ability to remain so dethatched. "Names, addresses. Then raid the scene of the crime. I'm sure three hours will be sufficient. While you two are doing that I will be taking care of some trifling business."
"My lord, is it really safe to allow you to wander about in the current state of things?" inquired Selima.
"Of course, the culprit only takes female victims."
"But my lord, you have made quite a few enemies."
"And if I am captured I will bark and you'll come running."
"Yes, my lord." Sebastian offers Selima his hand and she takes it, as they both depart out of the moving carriage. They land in a puddle, but Sebastian quickly swoops up Selima so her dress does not get dirty. Ciel chuckles a bit at the pair as the carriage carries on. Ciel goes on with Pluto to investigate.
"Come, my lady." Beckons Sebastian to Selima. "We have much work to do."
"You realize we could blow off my young master's orders for a while and take to the night." Sebastian seduces. She giggles a bit. She leans in and pecks his nose
"I would, if my master's life weren't in danger."
"I suppose so." He sighs. "Come let us begin our work."
* * *
It was after Ciel discovered two dolls identical to Alette and Lizzie that he really began to worry. The dolls chocolate hair cascaded well over her shoulders and her ice cold blue eyes shone just as the real Alette's had. Ciel, Grell, and Pluto all warily approached the open door, to find an almost castle like feature outdoors.
'They're definitely in there!" declared Ciel.
"Goodness what a delightful estate!" commented Grell, his crimson hair cascaded over his shoulder, making Ciel scowl as he reflects upon their last encounter. He knew this was the man that had killed his last living family.
"Grell. Protect me." He ordered, with authority he always carried.
"I'll grant you any request."
"Don't be insulting, I'm not the sort of cheap girl you can just pay—"
"I'll give you leave to do whatever you want with Sebastian for a day." He offered, knowing full well Selima would kill him when she got the chance.
"Hmm...whatever I want with Sebby means...I can even kiss him?!"
"Do as you like." Ciel gulped. He wouldn't be surprised if she showed up that very second just to beat him. Sebastian would probably let her after he finds out what he might have to do.
"W-with tongue?!" Ciel shudders.
"Whatever you order him to do."
"Suddenly my fired up meter is maxed out! I'm deadly serious! All right here we go!" They advance into a dark room, the visible object a half dead girl with flaxen hair. "Oh my. Doesn't that ring look awfully like yours?" inquires Grell. Ciel examines his own ring, and then makes the connection from the cases he's read. Suddenly reinvigorated, the girl grabs Ciel by the throat and squeezes mercilessly.
"Pluto!" he manages to squeak out, despite the fact the dog is playing with a children's doll in the background. "You mongrel!" he chokes out. The girl shows absolutely no remorse, or emotion whatsoever as she snuffs the life of this little boy out. Just as abruptly as she had started, he fell to the floor.
"Now, now. I wish you'd call the right name. "
"Grell!" he calls, glancing up, rubbing his throat. There he stands, marvelously planted on top of the chandelier grinning like a madman. "Reapers have the tools to harvest souls. Yes! Death Scythes!" he dramatically states, whipping out a pair of scissors'.
"Those are just...scissors." Groans Ciel, annoyed as ever with the reapers tom foolery.
"I can't help it! Will took my custom death scythe away! That's it! I'll chop you to bits!" he threatens, lurching forward.
"Wait don't kill her! She's no doll!"
"Kiss In the heavens!" He slashes away, and lands as the girl falls. Hay and seed spill out of her throat.
"Was it a doll after all?"
"Wood and clay will wash away, wash away, wash away..." The door swings opens and a mysterious man walks through, holding three lit candles. "This doll was a failure. So I thought to myself: I must make them much much stronger. Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel..." he sang, cueing the hoards of replicas to advance on them. "Build it up with iron and steel, my fair lady."
"Hmph! Anyone who stands in the way of Sebby and mine's love..."
"Grell!" he calls
"...Gets this!" he screamed, attacking... and is shot backward. "They're hard!"
"Grell this is an order. You and Pluto play with the dolls here...forever."
"Huh? You're going to leave me behind? You're inhuman!"
"You're calling me that?" muttered Ciel as he ran past. He sprinted up numerous stairs, running through the case in his mind until he burst through a pair of closed doors.
"Ciel Phantomhive. You are very beautiful; I must make you into a worthy doll."
"Where are Lizzie and Alette?" he demanded to know.
"Now what shall I make you out of?" he mocked, not listening. "Clay will wash away, and iron is far too crude, I say. So I thought to myself: Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold." Ciel scampered out and into a dark room."Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady." The darkness was patterned with masks, all diverse and all sung the tune of the puppet. He covered his ears, shut his eyes tightly and scuttled on through. He slams the door shut once he enters another seemingly dark abyss, lit up by something purple glowing inside a circle.
"Truly , nothing good ever happens on your birthday, does it?" asked a figure from behind the curtain.
"You lost your mansion."
"Your parents."
"Now will you lose Lady Elizabeth?"
"And Lady Alette?" Sebastian and Selima both smirk playfully as Ciel stares at them aghast.

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