Her Butler, Testing

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  The two enter the carriage, letting the hired horsemen drive.
"Report." Commands Ciel.
"We were...interrupted."
"By whom?"
"And you were doing what?" asked Alette, knowing all too well what the two could have been doing.
"The nice snake man." Giggled Selima. Sebastian smiles and gives her hand a squeeze. "And we were searching the grounds, as you told us to, my lady." Selima bats her long eye lashes, as if that was all they could possibly have been doing.
"We need to get closer to the circus' organization." recognizes Alette
"Exactly what I was thinking. This is only the surface"
"Joker admitted he was only the hired replacement. He's not the real ring leader."
"Speaking of which, I have a request for the both of you."
"What?" growls Ciel. Sabastian narrows her eyes and Selima tosses her hair as Sebastian explains exactly what they had gotten them into. By the time the story is finished and by the time Ciel had comprehended everything, they were back at the one of the Phantomhives many town houses. This particular one harbored a sleepy, yet alert Prince Soma.
"I'm asking you why this suddenly became the plan!" snarls Ciel. As Sebastian and Selima remove their master's coats, Ciel's being a light shade of blue to complement his eyes, while Alette's was a mauve with black buttons. Ciel removes his top hat in frustration. "When did I order you to say that?"
"How mad can you honestly be? You wanted to get close didn't you? Now we've infiltrated their ranks."
"Not quite." Reminds Selima. "You still have to pass an initiation, my lady"
"What? But I don't have any special talent like you two do! Neither does Ciel, besides being a major pain in my arse."
"She's jesting with you, my lord. Does it inconvenience you two?" Ciel tosses a glare over his shoulder and grits his teeth.
"Well, we'll argue about it later. I'm exhausted, I want to go straight to bed."
"Certainly, but--."
"Ciel! Ciel I'm so glad you're here! I've been waiting and waiting!" yells the Prince with enthusiasm.
"Welcome home, Lord Phantomhive and Countess Vamphina." Welcomes Agni.
"Right, I forgot you were here..." sighs Ciel, not in the mood for this nonsense. All he wanted was a hot cup of tea and some sleep.
"Alette it's been too long!" shouts the Prince, enveloping them both in a bear hug.
"Not to be rude, but why are they here?" asks Selima.
"This town house has been granted to him, as to allow him to stay in London." Elaborated Sebastian.
"I didn't expect you two at the townhouse so early. Did you miss me that badly? Poor lonely Ciel!"
"Sorry but I'm tired. I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now."
"Ciel, you need to develop some people skills. You're always so blunt."
"I don't need any." He spat, heading toward the stairs. Even the townhouse was ornate, with flawless wallpapering, paintings and polished railings. The hall was lit by two glowing lamps, and moonlight spilled in through a window above them.
"What?! But I've been so excited to play this "chess" game of yours! Don't you care about dashing my hopes?"
"No!" answers Ciel
"What's wrong Ciel? You look so grumpy! We finally get to see each other again, at least smile a little! Alette can do it!"
"Shut it! I'm tired! Keep quiet!"
"Right...you won't attract good fortune if you don't smile, you know..." mumbles Soma.
"I guess I'm going after him..." exhales Alette, climbing the stairs. She opens the door just as Ciel sits down on his bed.
"Now what?" he snaps.
"You should be nicer."
"Does it matter?"
"It may not to Soma, but your attitude is going to get you into trouble soon."
"Whatever." He flops onto his back, laying down.
"It's like talking to a wall. I guess I'll go." She turns around.
"What do you mean? You're staying here." She turns around.
"But my manor isn't too far from here."
"It's late. And I don't want you to go home to a place where you're hit."
"I'm not. Anymore..." she trails off. "Selima stops her anyways."
"I don't care; I don't want you there."
"What are you saying?"
"Stay with me."
"Live with me at the Phantomhive manor."
"I can't just leave..."
"You can though, you have no ties there any longer."
"I guess, but. —"
"You know Sebastian and Selima would love to live together."
"Since when do you care about how happy other people are?"
"I don't but I also don't want you to be in danger."
"I'm not."
"It's not up for discussion, now let Sebastian in. I'm tired." On cue, Sebastian, who had been listening in, opens the door.
"It's not like you to be so thoughtful, my lord." He observed.
"Shut it. I didn't do it for you." He snapped. "This is beside the point though. Why should I be forced to join the circus, too?"
"You aren't being "forced to join." Sebastian walked toward him, a bit annoyed with the boy's disposition. He was as stubborn as always, and unappreciative of the work he had done to make this infiltration possible. "You're passing a test and getting them to admit you. You joining should be enough."
"I don't fancy living in a tent!" he rumbled.
"Are you sure, my lord? I suppose Alette will have to do this one on her own, surely she can handle living in a tent." That hurt Ciel's pride.
"I never said I couldn't handle it! I said I don't fancy it, but if you insist on making a fool of me, well I suppose I must." Sebastian smirks as he removes the boy's shoes. "But circuses require tricks, don't they? I can't do any."
"Oh? But you seem so good at stay and fetch." There it was again, that snide attitude he had picked up on from Selima.
"Pardon me, my lord. At any rate, do your best at your entrance test tomorrow. As your butler, I'll give you my heartfelt support." He smiled, whether he was being genuine or mocking Ciel could not tell. His resolution was weakening. He crumpled like a piece of paper, furious at the helplessness of the situation. If he refused, he'd be shown up by Alette, but if he went he'd be made a fool of. Either way, he'd be made a jest of.
"Fine, I'll join too."
"Very good, my lord." Complied Sebastian.
"What lovely little children!" bellowed Joker. Alette fumed, did she look like a mere child to him?
"I've been in service as a pageboy."
"I was employed at a local factory in my town, I did a lot of sewing there."
"My name is er...Finnian." stuttered Ciel. They were surrounded by the various acts of the circus, both training and professional, familiar and foreign. They all stared at him, and he felt like a bum in these peasant clothes.
"That's an imposing name! And what about you?"
"Antoinette Thornton." She introduced herself, thinking on the spot. All the ladies were surrounding Sebastian as he smiled, Selima gripped his arm a little tighter and glared at the prowling women, like animals she was sending the message to back off.
"How fancy, you could almost pass for a noble. Well we'll give 'ee a stage name if 'ee pass. What's your specialty?
"Well...darts I suppose."
"What about you?"
"I can..." she blanked out.
"She can do lots of things."
"We'll start 'ee out with juggling then." He decides with a smile. "Finnian, you're first, you'll be throwing knives. Dagger! Give him some knives." The short man with an alabaster painted face smiled and sprinkled the knives into his outstretched hands.
"Thank you..."
"Now aim for the target." Instructed Joker. Ciel squinted his eyes in fortitude, lifted the knife back, and whipped it forward. Even with all his strength, he only made it about halfway. He was about to frown, and shrug it off when the knife suddenly shot up, hitting the target. Ciel was confused, to say the least.
"You're a mean one, sir. His skinny arms couldn't even throw far enough!" Alette overhears. She frowns at the two, and hopes for Ciel's success.
"I am not! There's no show if the targets close!"
"Blimey!" They yell as they notice the adolescent's success. He looks up from his recent victory, to Selima, who winks at him. He tosses another knife that appears to almost hit the floor, then, as Sebastian and or Selima would flick a stone, it would ricochet upward and hit the target. Ciel smirks, feeling better now that he was confident.
"Will that be all?" gestured Ciel, leaving Dagger gaping at him.
"Well, that's fine control! You're more talented than I reckoned, but the test isn't over yet! Next is tightrope walking!" Before Ciel could even comprehend anything further, a girl was fastening a rope around his waist and he was staring down at Alette and their butlers.
"That's tight!" he complained, everything seemed to shake as he stared across.
"Cope, do you want to die?" she replied bluntly.
"Doll! Do that lifeline up tight!" Joker advised. "He's new, and he'll be hurt if he falls!"
"Could you test me on something else, please?" pleaded Ciel. He did not like the prospect of plummeting to his own death.
"What? Quitting already, boy?"
"N-no!" he stammered. "I'd just rather be tested on something else!"
"Then stank along then! Haven't got all day, do we?!" Ciel gathered all his courage.
"Will you quit?" asked the young girl known as Doll.
"No, I'll go." Replied Ciel. He stepped out, and progressed slowly, shaking a little, struggling to keep his balance. He felt a tinge of fear go through his small body. He began to feel his balance shift to the left, and just as he was about to fall, a sharp pain hit his side, then as he tilted the other way, he felt another.
"Oh look! He regained his balance!"
"Damn I, I knew this would happen!" he muttered
"He'll be okay won't he?" Alette was antsy about Ciel and anticipating what they might have her do next.
"Of course, my lady. No harm will befall him while I am here." Meanwhile Ciel was struggling to endure the sharp pains echoing throughout his body as Sebastian flicked rocks at him. He let out a sigh of relief as he reached the other side.
"Amazing! I didn't reckon you'd make it across." Clapped Joker, while Sebastian covered his mouth to hide his snickering.
"This cutie passes then, eh Joker?"
"Not yet! There's something else 'ee be missing!" Ciel felt himself fill with dread, what would they have him do next? "A great big smile!" Selima and Sebastian struggled even more to hide their laughter. "Come on, smile! What's wrong? Don't look so chuff! Here smile! Come come!" He seemed to be calling for a dog. Ciel was a guard dog after all, he had to live up to his name. He spread his mouth into an adorable smile. Next was Alette, she tried her hand at juggling, Selima taking a leaf out of Sebastian's book, flicked rocks at all the balls so they did not move unwarrantedly.
"She's good, but almost anyone can juggle. That's more of an additional talent. She needs something to draw the crowd in, something unique!" claimed Joker. So they had Alette take a much longer test, where she stacked chairs, did acrobatics, and played with animals. But all were talents already possessed by the professionals. Alette was just about to be rejected by Joker, when Selima stepped in.
"I know what she can do. Just let me be paired with her, and I'll show you." Selima took a torch, and began to play with the fire, swirling her fingers through it, making shapes out of it, etc. Finally, she put the fire to her lips and blew. The spectators had to step back for a large colorful flame enveloped the circus. They were lucky the tent didn't get caught up in the conflagration, but Selima knew her limits. The fire was an array of colors, cherry red, faded to rose, the blossomed into a fiery orange, which paled to yellow, then lit up to cobalt, then darkened into purple. The ball swirled around the tent and dove for Alette, right when it was about to consume her, a ball of water, spinning, conjured form seemingly nowhere.
"Woah, did you see that?" cried Dagger
"That young lady just made water appear, and she spun it to put out the fire!" they observed. Alette was perplexed, she hadn't done anything. But as soon as Selima gave her a wink, she knew that demon had many secret powers.
"All right everyone! We have some new mates joining us!" announced Joker. "This is Black." Sebastian, who had a small purple line painted across his eye and a purple skull bowtie thing, smiled.
"I'm Black. Nice to meet you."
"Then there's our own Lady of Pyre!" Selima smiled with a face full of makeup. There was a light dusting of white, red lipstick, and light blue and black makeup all around her eyes, adorned with a few stick on gems. Her dress was black and green, and clung to her curvy figure. Straps went around her neck and arms, exposing he shoulders. Compared to Beast she was okay but for a lady in this day and age, she was indecent. Sebastian couldn't help but notice as well. Her shoes were heels with straps all over, exposing her feet as well. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, Her Victorian Updo was a new thing to her and she did not quite know how she felt about it. A necklace that matched her dress dangled around her neck, and crimson earrings from her ear lobes. Most women did not have pierced ears these days but she was an exception. Her face was covered by a mini black hat with a veil, and her mark covered by a pair of laced gloves. She had a bracelet to match her earrings, and plenty of rings. One climbed the length of her hand, others just encircled her fingers. Sebastian had noticed long ago, she had a it of an obsession with jewels and such.
"Isn't that a little too much?" scoffed Beast, examining her hands. Selima looked her up and down and laughed.
"As if you should talk." Joker brushes over the tension with introducing the children next.
"The wee one here is Smile!" Ciel was dressed up in blue and light purple, he had purple diamonds painted under his right eye and his hair and hat was styled to cover his other eye.
"Sm--!" he nearly exploded right there.
"And the young lady here is Siren!" Alette wore a black lace dress that also bared her shoulders, with a small purple tie around her waist. Along with this she wore vertical striped thigh highs, small scarlet shoes, gold and diamond stud earrings, her family ring, and a small red hat. Er hair was done in an intricate French braid. On her right hand, she bore a small silver ring, a gift from Selima when she was only little. On the inside it says Don't Forget. She wore a band aid over her neck, to cover her mark, a small purple heart was pained below her left eye.
"Give 'em a warm welcome everyone!"  

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