High School Diaries (Chapter 1)~Pilot

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Aphmau's POV

I wake up to the glistening sun shining through my windows.

"Ugh." I grumble, pulling the covers over my head in an attempt to block the sun.

It didn't work. I stay there for a few minutes, until I realize something. 'I HAVE MY FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL, I GOTTA GET UP, NOW!' I jump out of bed, bolting past my dad, running into the bathroom. I stuff my toothbrush into my mouth, when I hear a knock on the door.

"Aaron, go away!" I grumble, through the toothpaste. (A/N: By the way, Aaron and Aphmau are siblings in this story.)

"It's Dad." The voice says.

"Sorry, Dad!" My voice sounds muffled with the toothpaste in my mouth.

I spit it out quickly, rinsing out the extra toothpaste, setting my toothbrush in the holder and open the door. I grab my brush and run out of the bathroom, to my room.

"Aaron, get out, I have to change." I command.

"No. We're siblings, it doesn't matter." He turns around, his back to me, allowing me some privacy.

"Ugh, fine. Don't look." I shrug.

"Noted." He replies.

I chuckle softly while I slip on a purple and white sweater with black leggings and purple boots. I look into my mirror that's by me. I brush my hair, then put some make-up on. I don't have much make-up, only foundation, blush and lip gloss. I run downstairs, grabbing my bookbag off of my bed. Aaron and Dad are downstairs, eating breakfast.

"We gotta go, we're going to be late!" I exclaim, rushing Aaron out the door.

"Ok, ok." He mumbles, picking up his bowl of cereal, putting it in the sink.

He grabs his dark red bookbag, catching up to me by the door.

"Bye, Dad! Love you!" I yell.

"Bye, guys!" He replies.

"See ya, Dad." Aaron mumbles loud enough for him to hear.

After that, we're off to school.

"Aaron?" I look at him, walking along the sidewalks.

"Yea?" He doesn't look at me, only ahead, so I do the same.

"Are you nervous?... About today, the rest of the year. I mean, this is the first day of highschool. Earlier this year, we were in middle school, and now... We're just, not." I confess.

"A Little nervous, but everything will be ok. I'll be there if you need anything." He assures.

"Thanks." I smile.

He doesn't reply, noticing that we're already at school. We run to the door, slowing down as we get closer. Aaron and I get inside, heading to the office. We get inside to see an older lady (About mid 50's) sitting there, typing on a computer.

"Uhh.. Miss?" Aaron asks.

Her attention directs towards us.

"Hi! How may I help you?" She smiles.

"We're Aaron and Aphmau Obsidian. We're new here." Aaron informs.

"Oh! Aaron and... Aphmau? Her name isn't here." The woman looks through files in a cabinet.

"My name's Jess, but I go by Aphmau sometimes." I tell her. Sh

e nods, continuing to look through the files. She hands Aaron a yellow folder, with his name written on it.

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