High School Diaries (Chapter 78)~No, Marshal Don't!

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Malachi's POV

I hear a faint giggling from outside. It sounds familiar, so I go outside to see who it is. Once I get out, I see Marshal running around with a chicken in her palms as Levin chases after her. 

"GIVE ME TWIMBERLY!" Levin screeches. 


Marshal and Levin chase each other around in endless circles. 

"Stop!" I bellow. 

Both kids stop immediately at the stern tone. I rarely use that tone, but I had to. 

"Put the chicken down." I command, pointing at 'Twimberly'. Marshal hesitantly puts the chicken down, her movements slow, "Put Timberly down." I state. Marshal groans and slams the chicken onto the concrete,"Not that hard!" I exclaim, reaching my hand out. My tone isn't stern anymore. 

"TIMBERLY!" An unfamiliar voice calls out. 

"Castor, no!" Laurance exclaims, chasing for the guy in a chicken suit, "CASTOR THE CHICKEN SHAMAN." Laurance growls. 

'Castor The Chicken Shaman' stops immediately, "What STUUUUPPIIIDDD Laurance?" Castor rolls the word 'Stupid' around. 

"Don't hurt her." Laurance commands.

Castor frowns, "But she almost hurt Timberly!" Castor whines. 

"Key word... Almost." Laurance walks around, making a point. 

He does that when he tries to make a point or think that he's got the higher advantage in a situation or conversation. 

"She didn't hurt Timberly, so there's no reason to hurt her." Laurance finishes. 

Castor seems stumped, not sure on what to say next, "B-But--" Castor starts, but Laurance shakes his finger 'no'. 

"Uh, uh, uh! No buts. Now, grab Timberly and leave." Laurance growls in a stern tone. 

Castor grumbles something under his breath, grabs the chicken the stomps off. The chicken bawks before leaving our sight. Laurance mutters a 'I can't believe him' under his breath. I know that I wasn't meant to hear it, so I don't say anything. Marshal rushes to Laurance, hugging his leg. 

"Tank you for saving me, Daddy Laur Laur." Marshal's voice is muffled, her pronouncing the word 'Thanks' like 'Tanks'. 

I personally find it amusing at how she pronounces some words. I chuckle, pick Levin up, then take him inside. I set Levin down on the kitchen counter so I can clean the dirt off of his knees. 

"Aye, Levin." I try to spark a conversation out of the silence while I grab a rag and drench it in water. 

"Ywes?" Levin replies. 

I can tell he's smiling. When he's smiling while talking, his words are more breathy. It's actually, pretty cute if I do say so myself. 

I walk over to Levin, crouch down and start rubbing the towel on his knee, "Do you like Marshal?" I ask.

A blush spreads across Levin's face, "YE--- I MEAN.. NO! COOTIES!" Levin exclaims. 

His blush as only grown. I start rubbing the towel on his cheek. I can almost see the redness of Levin's cheek through the towel. I roll my eyes, pick him up then place him on the floor. Before I can say anything, Levin runs off. I throw the towel into the laundry bin then walk to my room. Kids... They're crazy. Especially the ones in Phoenix Drop.

But you can't help but love 'em.

Laurance's POV

Marshal runs over to me, wrapping her arms around my leg in a hug. 

"Tank you for saving me, Daddy Laur Laur." Marshal thanks. 

I smile, "You're welcome." I say, "Are we walking home like this?" I assume since she's completely wrapped herself around my leg. 

Marshal nods, "I don't want to walk." She mutters. 

A smile curls onto my lips, then I trudge home with her hanging onto my leg. Once we get home, Marshal hops off of my leg and runs to Cadenza. Cadenza smiles at me, then walks into her room with Marshal following. I decide to check on Travis, I haven't seen him in a while.

~A Few Weeks Later, Aphmau's POV

I'm watching a movie with Levin and Malachi when suddenly my head starts to hurt. But, not just any headache. A pounding feeling. Like a drum pounding onto my brain. The sound of the TV gets faint,the sound of it now like a freight train on steroids. My vision starts to blur as I fall to the ground on my hands and knees. 

"Aphmau!" Malachi exclaims. 

"Get Levin out of here." I command, barely able to hear my own voice. 

Malachi is hesitant at first, but soon grabs Levin and rushes upstairs with him. A bit of blood spills from my mouth. I soon find myself coughing up blood. The freight train like sound dissipates, it replaced by evil laughing. 

"Have fun in the End, Jessica!" Ty's voice rings.

Next thing I know, purple goop takes over my vision.

Everything goes black.

All I can feel is cold.

And the sound of Zenix's laughing.

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