High School Diaries (Chapter 5)~Let The Games Begin

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Aphmau's POV

We walk into the lazer tagging place, called Lazer Blazer (I know, cheesy name, but it's what it's called!). We walk to the check-in desk 

"Hi! I'm Cheryl, would you like to do the arcade games or lazer tagging? The next lazer tag game is in 15 minutes!" Cheryl introduces. 

"Hi, we'd all like to do lazer tagging." I reply, smiling at her. 

"Sounds like a plan." She says gleefully. 

I pull out my wallet, grabbing my credit card when someone puts the card back into my wallet, slapping their credit card onto the table. I look at and see Laurance standing there, placing his credit card on the desk. 

"Thanks." I thank. 

He replies with a smile, then Cheryl hands him his card back then we all go into the preparation room. 

"You guys are awesome, you know that, right?" I ask. 

"I know." Cadenza pats my shoulder, causing me to chuckle while putting our jackets on.  Since Cadenza's hair is so long, she asks me to hold it while she slips the vest on. 

"I know your pain." I retort. 

She doesn't say anything, but the safety buckle on her vest clicks, signalling me to let go of her hair. It's Cadenza, Zoey, Donna, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Lucinda, Aaron and I on my team (The best blue team EVER.) with Laurance, Dante, Travis, Emmalyn (And Emmalyn's friend Kenmur who she decided to bring alone) with Zane, Garroth, Kiki, and Jeffory on the red team. 

"Everyone for the 4:30 lazer tag game, please report to the game room!" A bored boy says over the intercom. 

"You guys are goin' down!" I exclaim, walking into the game room. 

It's a small, square room with seats that look like stairs with glow-in-the-dark purple lights shining down from the ceiling, making anything white that anyone's wearing glow a slight shade of purple or green. The blue team (AKA my team) sit on the right side of the room, with the red sitting on the left. 

"Ok, people. I'm Jason and I'll be your instructor for this game of lazer tag!" He introduces, sounding more peppy than the guy on the intercom. 

He grabs the vest behind him with green lights shining out of the clear plastic. "This, here, is an example vest. Since you all already have your vests on, you know how to put it on. If you'd please grab the gun at your side, attached to your jacket, you'll see that there's a small screen on the back. This screen will tell you your game name and score. Keep a good eye on that to know if you're winning, because at the bottom of the screen, it'll say which team is in the lead. You have to have your hand on the back handle, below the screen and the trigger holder to be able to shoot. Like most lazer tag guns, you'll have to pull the trigger to have a small light shine. When you hit someone, their vest colors will turn clear for 10 seconds, because when you guys get into the arena, the color of your team will shine on your vest. The rules are on signs in the inside, and on this wall behind me." He explains, telling us the rules, "Ok! That's it, have fun!" He exclaims, the door opening, leading us into this huge, dark room with the same glow-in-the-dark lights from before, making the white in my clothes shine purple. 

AWESOME. Cadenza and I decide to stay together, with the rest of our team splitting up into their own groups. 

"Cadenza." I whisper-shout. 

"What?" She says, holding her gun. 

"Lets go after your brother!" I say, a hint of evil in my voice. 

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