High School Diaries (Chapter 39)~Meeting A New Little One

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Laurance's POV

It's been a week since they all left. I bet it's only been a day or two for them, but for me, it feels like an eternity. I sit in the cell I was put in the other day, now plotting my escape. Small droplets of lava fall from the ceiling, replacing the normal water. A sizzling sound fills the room when the droplets hit the ground. I then hear crying. 

"D-Dada?" A small voice cries. 

I look around my room, trying to find a way out of the- I'm so stupid. I turn out of my Shadow Knight form and slip through the bars. I transform back into that fatal form, then creep downstairs to see a little kid sitting on the ground, crying at the main entrance. I pick her up and shush her by gently rocking her in my arms. The fire reflects on her red eyes, making the color more crimson. Her little cat ears stick out of her brown hair. Her hair only goes to the end of her chin, so it's pretty short, but that's a lot for a baby of this age. 

I look at the hoodie she's currently in and see something on the zipper. I look at it, to see a tag there. It says 'Lil Marshal'. I smile at the baby. 

"Hi..." I whisper. 

Her red ears and cat tail perk up to the sound of my voice. 

She giggles softly, "HEY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING OUT OF YOUR CELL?" A guard growls at me.

I turn around swiftly. I glance back at Marshal, then bolt out of the building with her in my arms. That one guard calls for backup, and now there's about 8 of them behind me. I start to panic, but force myself to remain calm. Once I'm off of the fortress grounds, I lay Marshal on the ground. I cover her eyes with her hoodie, then pull my blade out. I really hope she doesn't see this.. She sits up straight, her ears falling on her eyes too. I look at the guards, getting into a fighting formation. 

"1 against 8! Haha, you can't defeat all of us! Not without your little pawns that you call friends." A guard growls. 

This really gets me angry. I charge at them, everything in my body going numb. I can't think, I can't move. I've lost control. I can see everything that's going on, but I can't control it. I slash the guards left and right, them all falling to the ground. I kill them all with just a few swipes of my sword. Blood drips off of the tip of my sword, but that doesn't phase me. I drop my blade and fall to the ground. My head hits the ground, then I instantly gain control again. I get up, grab my blade, hoist it onto my back then get to Marshal. I pick her up, then run away. 

I refuse to let the guards get her. I pull the hoodie off of her head, her ears coming up with it. Her ears are static, the hair rising up. Probably from the material of her hoodie. 

"Oh my Irene, Kawaii~Chan's going to love you." I mumble. 

She giggles at the word 'Kawaii', "Swilly." She continues to giggle. 

Once Marshal finally calms down, I'm at the portal. I look at it, broken. The broken portal stands before me. I try to jump through it, but only end up on the other side of the portal. I sigh, giving up. I trudge over to an isolated place, in attempt to hide Marshal and myself from Shadow Knights. I turn into my regular form, then Marshal looks at me like I have 10 heads. I guess it's because she hasn't seen me as a human yet. 

I sit down my her and take the hoodie off of my sleeves. I lay it on the ground for her to sleep on. She lays down immediately, then I zip up my hoodie, causing her to be in a little cocoon. I fall asleep immediately too, once my head hits the ground. I hold Marshal close, making sure not to lose her. I can't afford it, she needs a home.

Garroth's POV

I ponder, pacing around the room. It's been 3 days since we left Laurance in the Nether. It's eating all of us alive. The guilt, the pain, everything. Aphmau's still on bed rest, so I'm here with her. Her and I are thinking of ways to get Laurance out of the Nether, but nothing's coming to mind. She plops back onto her pillow, sighing. 

"I know it's only been three days, but it feels hopeless. I can't believe we just left him there!" Aphmau whines. She has every right to. 

"I understand, but it was for our own safety. We'll get Laurance out of the Nether, I promise." I assure, unsure of my promise. 

But did we do it for our own safety? Maybe... She grows silent. I then hear small snores coming from her. I guess she fell asleep. I kiss her forehead, then leave the room, turning the lights off. I'm glad she fell asleep, she's been up for most of the past couple nights thinking of Laurance and how to get him out. I've been there with her. How're we going to get him out...?


A/N: Lil Marshal/Marshal is a character that @LilMarsh made. I hope you guys enjoy her, along with all the other characters. Marshal will become a main character btw. Also, the picture at the top is Marshal's hoodie, but it's means to be smaller. Just saying that. Hope you guys enjoyed and have a fantastic rest of your day!


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