High School Diaries (Chapter 22)~Ty's Clashing

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Aphmau's POV

It was good hanging out with the guys, but I think it's time for me to go home. Besides, I can't have Travis leaning on me whenever I'm here. He needs to learn his way around San Francisco without me and I think that him knowing Adam and them, that it's not going to be hard. Once we sit down on Adam's couch, I immediately get up. Everyone expect Adam looks at me, confused. 

"I think it's time for me to go." I state. 

Travis looks heartbroken, along with everyone else having sorrow painted on their faces, "W-Why?" Travis chokes. 

Ty's mouth is ajar, "But we just saw you again, and you're already leaving." Ty says. 

I look at him with big eyes, then glance back at Travis and Adam who're sitting by each other. I was squished between Mudkip and Ian. Travis runs up to me, hugging me suddenly. Everyone 'Awws' but I ignore it and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you, Snow Bunny." I muffle. 

"I'm going to miss you too, Jess." Travis replies. 

I let go of him immediately, "How-- Why.. Why'd you call me Jess?" I question. 

"Well.. If It's going to be my last time seeing you, then I'd at least want to say your name once." Travis says genuinely. 

"T-Travis.. I'll see you again, don't doubt that." I lightly grab his shoulders, pulling him into another hug.

We then release and he grabs my face suddenly, crashing our lips together. My eyes widen, all eyes on us. 

Tyler clears his throat, "Get a room!" Tyler mocks. 

Travis and I stand there awkwardly with us being bright red. My blush calms down, along with Travis'. I give Adam a thankful look, nod and take one last glance at everyone, then I disappear in a white light, appearing immediately in Phoenix Drop.

Travis' POV

I'm actually doing this... I'm kissing Aphmau! Tyler clears his throat, causing us to pull apart, "Get a room!" Tyler yells. 

Aphmau and I are glowing with embarrassment as our cheeks could be mistaken for cherries. Our blush fades, then Aphmau-- I mean Jess, looks at Adam, flashing him a smile. Adam nods, then she looks around the room one last time. She laces her hand with mine, looks at me and smiles then disappears in a blinding light. Once the light fades, it's only us in a room. Ty gets up and slaps me across the face. 

"Dude! That's our Jess!" Ty frowns. 

My eyes are wide, "Uh-Uhh... I-I--" I stumble upon my words, but before I finish my sentence, my feet are already carrying me down the hall. 

"Hey! Come back here!" Ty growls. 

I slam the door in his face, exiting the doorstep and bolting down the streets. I see Barney and Goat and Goat lunges at me. I block his attack with my blade, then push past Barney and continue running. I hear wings behind me, so I look in the sky and see Ty. But he's purple and more ender-like. My warlock form starts to come out. My horns shoot over my hair, my skin turning gray and my eyes turning violet purple. A multi-colored blade appears in my hand, then I start running faster. 

My heart beats out of my chest as I witness the evil side of Ty. I hear Adam, Tyler, Ian and the others shouting Ty's name from behind me. I see a potato hit Ty in the head, then Ty starts spiraling down. I stop dead in my tracks, Ty coming closer to me. His teeth turn into fangs and he gives me an evil smirk. I pull my blade out, defending myself by throwing it over my head. It hits Ty in the stomach, scratching his wing as he falls to the near ground. I hop over him as he's weak and run as fast as I can. 

"Get back here, you demon!" Ty insults. 

I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes now forming into a blood red color. The purple washes out of my eyes. 

I turn around, "What did you call me?" I ask, not showing my face. 

"Demon boy." Ty smirks. 

I raise my blade and charge at him. His eyes widen a tad as he sees the color of mine. I give him a smirk, out weapons clashing together. 

"You called?" I taunt, my voice having an evil ring to it.

Ty stutters, trying to find words. Everyone else watches in awe. I twist my sword around, catching him off guard. His weapon falls to the ground, making a sound echo between the buildings. Ty's mouth is ajar with his eyes widened. I lunge at him, tackling him to the ground with my sword to his neck. 

"You messed with the wrong warlock." I smirk, pulling my blade away from him and standing up. 

I run away, everyone looking at me with awe filling their expressions. I run off to the bridge to collect my thoughts.


A/N: There you go, all the #Travmau shippers! Your prayers are fulfilled!!! ~Car

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