High School Diaries (Chapter 18)~Goat And Barney

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Barney's POV

Goat and Is have been planning all nights. This Travis is goings to be... DIRTY GOATS MILK! After this. Goats walks back into the room with red eyes. 

"Goats, I thinks that it's time for us to goes to bed. It's late." I say. Goat nods then runs upstairs, me following shortly behind.

~The Next Morning, Travis' POV

I think I could get used to this. I know that Barney has some bad blood with me-- Not even me, really. More so my dad then anyone else. Everyone else other than Barney seemed to accept me, and after that, we had a great night. AND DANG THIS BED IS COMFY! I roll around in the bed in my own world until I hear a knock on the door. 

I stop immediately, "Come in!" I say, slightly groggy. The door creeks open, Adam in the doorway, "Hey, Adam." I give him a sleepy smile. 

"Morning, Travis. Breakfast is ready whenever you are." Adam informs. 

"Thank you!" I chime.

He nods then leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Luckily, since we were exploring the city yesterday, we managed to get me some clothes and such. I change into new clothes, a black hoodie that's unzipped with a white v-neck on and jeans. I lace my sneakers, grab my phone then run out of the room. I slip my phone into my pocket and meet with Adam in the kitchen. He's with another woman, who I'm assuming is his mom, with his dad coming downstairs. 

"Adam, where's Alesa?" I ask 

"She's getting ready, she'll be out in a few." Adam replies, not looking at me. 

Adam's dad eyes me down, along with Adam's mom staring at me, startled. 

"Who are you?" Adam's dad growls. 

I'm frozen in place, unable to move, "Dad, he's the boy that I was telling you guys about." Adam tries to calm the tension down. 

"So, you're the Warlock's son, eh?" Adam's dad raises me by the collar, my mouth ajar. 

"Uhh... Y-Yes..?" I reply nervously. 

He throws me onto the ground, "Stay away from our family! You'll only bring evil!" He leads me to the door. I can see Adam trying to calm his parents down, but fails after I'm thrown outside, "And don't come back!" Adam's dad growls then slams the door in my face.

Adam's shadow disappears from the door's window, so I sigh and get up. A few minutes later, I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and it's Adam. 

"Adam, you told them I was the Warlock's son?" I ask quietly, so no one would overhear. 

"I didn't but I think Barney did. Barney and my parents are relatively close. Here are your things, I couldn't let you go without anything. It's filled with 200 dollars that you could possibly use to stay at a hotel, or even with Ross. My parents won't let you back in the house and I am terribly sorry. Go see if Ross can have you stay there." Adam explains, guiding me to Ross' house as he explains everything. 

Adam knocks on the door, with it opening seconds later.

Ross appears in the doorway, "Hey Adam, Travis!" Ross smiles, leading us inside. 

Ross' eyes travel down to my bag, "Barney." Ross mumbles, "I'll be back... M-Make yourself at home." With that, Ross leaves the house in a hurry. 

"What do you think that was all about?" I question, looking up to Adam.

"Barney." Adam mutters, following Ross out the door. 

I shrug, drop my bag then start running after them. Anger bottles up inside me, causing my warlock form to show. Luckily, the horns don't show, so I don't scare anyone. People give me weird stares, with my skin being gray and my eyes being purple and all, but it doesn't bother me because I always get weird looks, warlock or not. I mean, normal people don't have devilishly good looks, such as shiny white hair and piercing green eyes such as myself. Moving on from my handsome looks. 

I run with them, soon catching up, "Where's Barney's house?" I ask 

"Right down here." Ross says. 

Ross and Adam burst into the house that they were running to, me following them. My demonic blade fills my hands, the horns now sticking out of my scalp. 

"Barney!" Ross growls, turning into a.. Narwhal person? 

Adam has an amulet appear on his neck, it glowing purple. His sunglasses from yesterday appear again and a small ponytail grows in the back of his head. Ross looks back at me with the most derp face ever. I can't help but chuckle. Ross rolls his eyes, then looks back at Barney. He turn into a purple dinosaur with Goat turning slightly bigger. Apples appear in Barney's hands, with an eyepatch covering one of his eyes. 

"Well, well, well." Barney smirks. 

"What's going on?" I ask confused, still not loosing my fighting formation.

"Barney has major-- Not even Barney, more so Goat has bad blood with the demon warlock, and Barney is most likely using it against you." Adam whispers in my ear. 

I nod, then Goat charges for me. I slash my blade at the goat while closing my eyes. I feel a hand on my blade, and it being yanked out of my reach. I open my eyes and Barney's standing there, with my own sword to my neck. The sword shrivels into a million pieces, it reforming in my hand. I slash at Barney, who dodges it. Ross tackles Goat to the ground, poking Goat with the small horn on top of Ross' head. Adam's amulet glows a brighter purple, a person with black hair and caramel eyes appearing. 

"Aphmau?" I ask 

"Adam, what's going on?" Aphmau asks, distraught. 

"Get Travis out of here, it seems that Goat has a rough past with the demon warlock and is blaming it on Travis. Barney and Goat are trying to do something to him, most likely kill him. Take him somewhere safe, take him to Ross' house." Adam explains quietly while Ross fights them off. 

Aphmau nods, takes my hand then leads me out of the house, taking me to Ross'.

"Aphmau, what's going on?" I ask. 

"Adam, Ross, Barney and I have magicks." She states. Wow.

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