High School Diaries (Chapter 64)~Baking Gone Just Plain Wrong

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A/N: RIP Prince (1958-2016) BTW, the second picture is of Malachi and the first one I think is of Garroth. (Garroth's not in this chapter, so just focus on Malachi) Enjoy! ~Carleigh


Malachi's POV

"Since Auntie Amber's back in town, can we make cupcwakes?" Levin asks with a smile. 

I think for a moment, then nod, "Want to invite Marshal? We haven't seen her in a while." I offer. Levin nods frantically, his smile only growing bigger. 

I chuckle, then pick up my phone and call Cadenza, "OF COURSE MARSHAL WOULD LOVE TO COME!" Cadenza screams into the phone. 

Not even a minute later, there's a ring of the doorbell. I get it, to see Cadenza standing there with Marshal at her knees. Marshal has a pink ruffled apron on and pink gloves on her hands. 

"Cadenza... Why the gloves?" I ask, adding a chuckle on the end. 


"Cadenza... My earbuds." I wince. 

She gently hits me in the shoulder, "Don't be such a wuss, Malachi." She chuckles.

I roll my eyes, then pick Marshal up and bring her to the kitchen. Cadenza follows me, until I get Marshal and Levin working on stirring the batter. 

Cadenza then smiles at me, "I better get going." She says. 

We say our goodbyes, then she leaves. I turn around to see the pink gloves on Marshal's hands almost falling off. I chuckle under my breath, then walk over to them. I take Marshal's hands away from the batter bowl, then slide the gloves off. Her little silver nails shine from the light. She silently thanks me, then her and Levin continue stirring the bowl of batter. I glance outside to see a blonde haired girl with Cadenza. Her violet eyes shimmer in the Sun. I see Aaron in the background and he's actually... Smiling? He doesn't smile often. He must like that girl. A soft smile paints onto my lips, then I make my way to the kids. My eyes widen at the horrific sight.




"Like it?" Marshal asks innocently. 

A hint of mischief glistens in her eyes, the same thing with Levin. I grumble under my breath, then trudge over to them. 

I glance down at Marshal's nails, "CADENZA'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I yell. 

Batter it under her nails, on them and in places I didn't know batter could go! I start to panic as I start trying to clean up the room. Aphmau must have heard the clanking of baking supplies, because she ran downstairs. She gasps, in awe of the mess. 

"LETS MAKE IT MESSIER!" Aphmau exclaims. 

"You're just as bad as them." I smirk, pointing to the two little ones covered in batter. 

Aphmau chuckles, grabs an apron off the wall then runs over to us. We ignore the mess, then continue messing. 

"CADENZA!!" The violet eyed girl from earlier screams. 

I chuckle, then Aaron walks in. Levin, Marshal, Aphmau and I look at Aaron wide-eyed, considering he has his mask off. He never has his mask off. 

"STRANGER DANGER!" Marshal squeals since she's never seen Aaron without his mask on before. 

"Sweetie, that's Unkie Aaron." Aphmau kneels down to Marshal's level, speaking in a caring tone. 

Marshal giggles, then runs over to Aaron. Marshal hugs his leg tightly. Once she releases, Aaron chuckles then starts helping us clean up. While we're cleaning up, Marshal trips over Aphmau's foot an accidentally falls on Levin. Levin blushes a deep shade of red. Marshal has a pink tint lining her cheeks. 

"S-Sorry, Wevin." Marshal apologizes as she gets up.

Levin doesn't say anything, then he scurries off to continue cleaning. I glance at Aphmau, who's trying to hold in giggles. Finally, Aphmau and I finally burst out laughing minutes later everything happened. Levin, Marshal and Aaron look at us, obviously confused but we ignore them and calm down. Once we're done cleaning, Aphmau takes the gloves and aprons downstairs to be washed. Aaron takes Levin to help wash him off, which leaves me with Marshal. She's not really that messy, but Cadenza would kill me if she saw Marshal's nails, so I better help get some of the batter out. I walk over to Marshal, then I pick her up and place her on the kitchen counter. She gives me her tiny hands, then I start scrubbing the batter from them. Once all of that's out, I place Marshal down and she runs to the couch. Her and I decide to watch Spongebob. 

Minutes pass, then we hear footsteps. I glance at the stairs to see Aaron coming downstairs with Levin. Levin's hair is wet and a towel is wrapped around his neck. He's in a different set of clothes, so I guess he took a shower. They watch TV with us until Aphmau eventually comes upstairs. She places Levin near Marshal, then takes Levin's place. Eventually, both Marshal and Levin fall asleep, so Aaron changes it to Fear The Walking Dead. 

"Annnnddd... BOOM, HE'S DEAD!" Aaron chants. 

He's a real big fan of FTWD (Fear The Walking Dead). He's also a fan of the original series, The Walking Dead. Marshal starts waking up, so Aphmau rushes over to her as I glare at Aaron. Aaron then sinks down into the cushions of the couch. 

"Yea, you better become a couch." I snap. 

He cowers down, now half of his body hanging off of the couch. I grab the remote and change it back to Nickelodeon before the kids see anything that could possibly scare them.

~One Hour Later, Malachi's POV

The interrupt Spongebob, there's a knock on the door. 

"SQUIDWARD, GO GET IT!" I yell, getting too into the show. 

"Malachi, Squidward's not real." Aaron says. 

"SHUT UP, HE IS!" I snap. 

Aphmau rolls her eyes, then gets up to answer the door. She opens the door to see Laurance standing there. 

"I heard Marshal was here, so... Me... Being the heroic person I am, came to get her." Laurance puffs his chest out playfully. Aphmau  rolls her eyes, then lets him in. 

"Hey, Squidward." Laurance winks at me, which earns a glare from Aaron. 

"You're many things, but heroic isn't one of them." I joke. 

Laurance gives me a pretends to be hurt, "I'm superman!" Laurance exclaims. 

Levin's eyes glisten with curiosity, "SUPERMAN?" Levin yells. 

Laurance chuckles, then picks Marshal up. We all say our goodbyes, then Laurance leaves with Marshal in his arms.


A/N: sorry for the filler chapter :( I couldn't think of many eventful things so I made this :/ ~Carleigh

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