High School Diaries (Chapter 27)~Returning Home

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Quick A/N: I know that I should probably have a schedule for this book, but I don't, honestly. I used to have a schedule (For those who knew me back in December). But I soon demolished it and started to write randomly. I also didn't have as many stories to write in. I feel like schedule would limit me, to the point where I could only update them once or twice a week, and only once a day (Because you guys know that I update twice in one day sometimes. I'm updates twice in one day right now. :3). Instead of creating a schedule for my book, I'll just be playing it by ear for now. Thank you for sticking with me<3. I hope you enjoy the chapter! =^-^=  ~Carleigh

Garroth's POV

We're walking back to Adam's house to drop Travis off, then we'll be going to Ross' to drop Ross off (Obviously). "Thanks for taking care of him guys.." Adam thanks as Travis scurries inside the house. "Hey, it's no problem." Aphmau smiles. Adam engulfs her in a tight hug, then releases and does the same to Aaron. "We talked about this, I don't like hug--" Aaron starts. "You did when you were a kid!" Adam cuts Aaron off. Aaron's face turns slightly pink. Adam then releases him and connected eye contact with me. He puts his hand out, "Ugh, fluff it, come here!" (A/N: Yes, I said 'Fluff' :3 Dun judge<3) Adam then embraces me in a tight hug. I awkwardly pat his back (I'm not good at hugs if you didn't notice). Once Adam puts me down, Travis comes back out. "I'll leave you guys be.." Adam trails off, then shuts the door. Travis stares at Aphmau, "There might as well be drool running down your mouth, you've been starring long enough." Aaron snaps protectively. Travis shakes his head slightly, "Was not! And I do not drool! I'M A MAN!" Travis defends, puffing his chest out at the last sentence. Aphmau giggles, a smirk appearing on my face. Travis engulfs Aphmau in a hug and muffles something in her ear that I can't make out. He then shakes hands with Aaron, and approaches me. "Well.. Is this goodbye?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly at the end. Travis seems to be in a daze, "I think it is.." Travis sighs. "We'll visit you again, Travis.. Don't worry." Aphmau chimes. Travis glances at her for a second, then back at me. Travis smiles cheekily "COMMERE SWEETIE!" Travis yells, then starts getting closer to me. Aaron smirks with Aphmau laughing as hard as possible. "N-No! T-Travis, what're you d-doing!?" I start to back away. "Just gettin' to my honey-boo!" Travis puckers his lips. "N-No!" I trip over the back step. "LAURANCE HELP!" I yell. Laurance and Ross come running down the street (Laurance was taking Ross to his home, Laurance wanted to get to know him better). "Travis... Can you stop?" I plead. "NOPE! COME HERE SUGAR MUFFIN!" Travis chimes. Laurance runs up to Travis "Lets be sugar muffins together." Laurance smirks at Travis. My eyes widen slightly "LETS DO IT!" Travis screams. Laurance starts to chase Ross "APHMAU HELP!" Ross chimes. "N-No.. I'm not a good sugar muffin.. L-Let me go!" I protest. "Gah, nonsense!" Travis jokes. When he gets close to me, he lends me a hand and smirks. "Come on. I wasn't going to ACTUALLY do anything." Travis admits. I take his hand, then get back on my two feet. Travis engulfs me in a hug as I get up. "I'll miss you, buddy." Travis muffles into the collar of my shirt. "I never thought I'd be saying this but... I'll miss you, too..." I admit. Travis' grip tightens, then he releases. Laurance walks back down the street, I guess he dropped Ross off. "Did you drop Ross off?" Aphmau asks before I can say anything. Laurance nods, then walks up to us. Travis and Laurance make eye contact. I step out of the way, then Travis runs to Laurance (I'm lucky that I was out of the way, if I wasn't, he would have trampled over me). Travis and Laurance hug, again, muffling sweet nothings into each other's ears, then releases. Travis struts back up to the front step. "I'll miss you guys.." Travis smiles. "We'll miss you too..." Laurance, Aphmau and I say in sync. All of us look at Aaron. "I-I guess I'll miss you too." Aaron smirks. Travis engulfs him in a quick hug, then releases just as fast. "Travel safe, ok?" Travis says. "We will." Aphmau assures. "Good. If you guys ever need anything.. Just come on over." Travis smiles. "Always." I state. Travis seems down, which I can't blame him, he's starting a new life here without us... Him and I make eye contact, then Travis motions me forward after the others make their way to the horses. "Take care of her for me, ok?" Travis mumbles to me. "I will." I assure. Him and I stare at each other for a second, then I hear Laurance calling my name. "COME ON HELMET HEAD.. I MEAN GARROTH! WE'RE LEAVING WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!" Laurance screams. Travis and I burst out in laughter, shake hands, then I'm off. Travis watches us off, then stumbles back into his house once we're out of his sight.

~1 Hour Later, Garroth's POV

"Finally.. We're in Phoenix Drop." I mumble, slumping over on my horse. Horse riding makes me tired... "Is somebody a tad bit tired?" Aphmau smirks. I prop up "Not at all!" I protest. The others laugh (I'm surprised Aaron laughed). Before anyone else can say anything, we're already approaching the gates of Phoenix Drop. Dante rushes up to us, "Guys! You're back!" Dante calls out. The four of us hop off of our horses then make our way to Dante. "Follow me, you guys need to see the progress we've made since you were gone. Bright Port and Meteli have already pitched in and helped." Dante informs. Laurance smirks at the name of Meteli, which I'm assuming he was at. As we walk thru the town, we see houses being rebuilt, supplies in crates and new clothes. We walk into a tent, where we meet up with Jeffory and Cadenza. "Where's Abby?" I ask. "She's playing with the other kids. Due to a malfunction in transportation, they're forced to stay here another day." Jeffory informs. He has a bunch of cuts on his fingers, "I shouldn't have put clothing design on my card... The things that Abby makes me do." Jeffory mumbles. "She's a little girl, she shouldn't be able to force you to do anything." Aphmau states. "I know.. It's just--" Jeffory stops. "You're a big softie for kids. I know." Aphmau cuts him off. "What? Wha-- Uhh... True" Jeffory sighs. "Where are Vylad and Zane?" I ask "They're in the middle of town, I think. That's where most people are." Cadenza informs. "Thanks, I'll be back." I set off to the middle of town. I find a sea of people there and hear some familiar voices. "Vylad! Zane!" I call out. Two head swing around, making eye contact with me. "Garroth!" The two of them say in sync. They both run up to me, engulfing me in a hug. "Are you ok?" Vylad asks. "Yeah.." I reply. Zane doesn't say anything, he just releases. Vylad does the same seconds later. "Come on, lets get your cleaned up." Vylad brushes some dust off of my shoulders. I stare at my clothes, "I guess I could use a new pair of clothes.." I mumble. "Exactly!" Vylad chimes, he then pulls my hand and starts dragging me thru the crowd. I think Zane goes off with his friends, I'm not entirely sure.

~20 Minutes Later, Garroth's POV

"Vylad.. Are you sure about this?" I question, admiring myself in the mirror. "Come on, just show me!" Vylad pleads from behind the curtain. I sigh, "Fine." I open the curtain and walk thru it. "Oh my Irene... It's awesome!" Vylad gushes. I look down at myself. A blue and white plaid shirt with a white shirt under it. I have dark blue jeans and black sneakers. I look up at Vylad, "Lets show the others!" Vylad takes my hand and carries me thru the sea of people. We make our way to the clothing design station. Cadenza gasps, "Garroth Ro'Meave! YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!" Cadenza screams. Aphmau turns around, making eye contact with me. "Cadenza's right." Aphmau walks up to me. She straightens out my collar "You look handsome." Aphmau compliments. I blush a shade of pink, "Thanks." I reply. She smiles at me then walks out of the tent, Aaron following. I think they went off to find their dad, I don't blame them. Laurance looks at me, "Are you ok?" I ask him. "Shaken up, but fine." Laurance assures. "Anyone would... Is there anything that we could get you?" Vylad offers. "Like I said, I'm fine... But thank you." Laurance assures. "I'm glad that Laurance has good friends like you guys." Cadenza gushes, engulfed in the outfit she's creating. "We know." Jeffory says, cheekily. "Shut up." Cadenza defends. Jeffory chuckles softly. I walk over to Jeffory "Do you like Cadenza?" I whisper in his ear. Laurance must hear, because he starts shooting daggers at us. "Calm down, blue eyes." Vylad tells Laurance. Cadenza directs her attention to Laurance, "WHY'RE YOUR EYES BLUE?!" Cadenza screams. "I went into the water.. Became a Shadow Knight.. And this was the outcome." Laurance trails off. Cadenza's eyes widen "YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN THAT SHADOW KNIGHT FORM IN FOREVER!" Cadenza jumps up and rushes to Laurance. She starts inspecting him, making sure nothing else is blue (I guess). Once she stops, she has Laurance change into new clothes (Out of his winter clothes). Vylad takes Laurance to the changing rooms. "Again, do you like Cadenza?" I whisper, quieter this time. "W-WHAT!? GARROTH!" Jeffory flips out. Cadenza turns around and looks at us, "What're you to up to?" Cadenza smiles. "Oh just--" I start, but Jeffory's hand covers my mouth. "NOTHING." Jeffory states. "Ok.." Cadenza smirks, turns around and goes back to her sowing. Jeffory shoots daggers at me, which causes me to chuckle. Before Jeffory can say anything, Laurance and Vylad walk back into the room. Laurance is wearing a black and white stripped shirt with a leather satchel across his chest. He has khaki pants and black sneakers, similar to mine. "Spiffy." Cadenza compliments. Laurance rolls his eyes. "Thanks." He replies. Him and Cadenza chuckle for a second, then the room drops into silence. "I better get going.. Weather forecast isn't going to watch itself." I state. Everyone waves me goodbye, then I'm off to my duties. It feels good to be home...

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