I know, all dem author's notes. ~ONE-SHOT DETAILS~ CLOSED

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Random Ship At Top :3 CLOSED

Since I said in the 800 reads author's note, I said that I'd do a one-shot of any ship from MyStreet or MCD. Tell me in the comments which ship you want me to do!

Example ships: #Laurmau (My personal favorite), #Garmau, #Aarmau, #Jefflyn, #Travlyn, #Travcinda, #Dancole, #Dan~Chan, #Danmau (Does anyone ship #Danmau anymore? 0.o), #Larroth/#Garaunce, #Zanemau and #Travmau.

Well, those are some example ships if you can't think of any. The deadline for one-shot suggestions are on March 20th (along with the upcoming Q+A). If we don't have any suggestions, then I'll choose some popular ships and my personal favorites. I hope you enjoy them once they're here! :)


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