High School Diaries (Chapter 2)~Flash Of The Past

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Aphmau's POV

Class finally ends after about an hour. Everyone gets up, grabbing their bookbags and such. I walk out of the classroom, being greeted by Blue Hair.

"Uhh.. Excuse me." I say politely, trying to shuffle past him.

He grabs my wrist when I reach the hallway, unable for me to escape. He instead pulls me closer.

"Can I help you?" I ask, trying to yank myself out of his grip, it just tightens, hurting my wrist. "E-Excuse me, you're hurting my wrist." I wince.

His grip loosens, but not enough for me to make my escape.

"Name's Dante." He finally speaks up.

"Jess, but you can call me Aphmau." I introduce.

He gives me a crooked smile, pulling me closer once again.

"Why're pulling me closer to you?" I ask.

"Because, you're pretty. And a pretty girl such as yourself shouldn't be walking alone in a big school like this." He says, flirtatiously.

"I'm, uhh, not alone. I have my brother, Aaron here." I inform him.

"With that being said, you should be by someone who knows their way around." He pulls me up to his chest, picking me up and putting me at his side.

His hand moves down from my wrist to my palm, intertwining our fingers. I hesitate at first, but I don't have a bad feeling about Dante, so I follow along. I look behind me to see a confused Aaron starring at me. A few girls crowd around him, breaking our eye contact forced me to turn about around. I see Katelyn as we walk down the hall and I wave to her. She smiles, waving slightly at me then looks at Dante with slight confusion mixed with fear in her eyes. I give her an assuring nod, and her mixed emotions turn into joy. She scrambles to her classes, leaving me with Dante.

"So, Dante, what are you interested in?" I ask

"Uhmm, sports such as football, soccer and basketball, friends, and getting good grades. I might look like I don't get good grades, but I do." Dante assures.

I nod, "Then we're alike! But, I like writing and reading more so than sports." I inform him.

He smiles, not breaking eye contact with me. We walk into our next class, waiting for Dante's other friends to get there

(Timeskip To Lunch)

Aphmau's POV

I walk to lunch, still stuck with Dante. He leads me thru the cafeteria, showing me the table with his friends at it. I squeeze Dante's hand, signalling him to look at me. He turns his head around, looking down to my level.

"I have to go find Aaron, I'll be here later." I tell him.

He nods, letting go of my hand and going to his friends. I walk out of the cafeteria, with my phone in hand. I call Aaron, waiting for his voice to come from the other end.

"Hello?" Aaron says over the phone.

"Aaron!" I exclaimed, "Where are you?"

"The cafeteria. ." He had an odd tone in his voice, "Why do you ask?"

I sigh, "I can't find you anywhere! Why don't you meet me by the bathrooms?"

"Right now?" He asks.

"Yes!" I start, "Go!"

"Adios," Aaron says.

"Don't be late." I tell him.

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