High School Diaries (Chapter 55)~Entranced

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Aphmau's POV

The evil grin on Sasha's face is implanted in my head, unable to escape. Sasha charges at me, so we both clash swords. 

"What do you want, Sasha?" I ask, anger and hatred lacing in with my voice. 

"You and your pathetic friends to be dead." She snarls at the word 'dead'. 

We both scowl at each other. Even know she's in her Shadow Knight form, I can still defeat her. Her and I look into each others eyes, our expressions dead and cold. While she's distracted, I push her to the floor. 

She furrows her eyebrows, "Is somebody scared?" I taunt, smirking. 

"No! What're you talking about, wings?" She growls, insulting my wings. 

"At least I have wings, penguin." I snap. 

She grows angrier, then gets up, crashing our blades together. I use a gravitational force to help me climb Sasha. I'm more running than anything else. My feet gab her stomach with every step. I then boost off of Sasha, kicking her to the ground. Sasha screams, then black souls with yellow eyes come from out of the trees. Once has Malachi, one has Levin and another has Marshal. I look back to see Laurance wide-eyed. Laurance and I both slash Gene and Sasha, knocking them to the ground. We then run over to the kids. 

"LET THEM GO!" Laurance growls, completely speaking for me. 

Garroth and Zenix take care of Gene and Sasha as Lucinda rushes over to Laurance and I. I look at Lil' Marshal, who has fear beaming in her eyes as she's being held in the clutches of a Shadow Soul. Levin and her make eye contact. I look up at Laurance. He looks down at me. But his red Shadow Knight eyes aren't normal. They're like red, glowing orbs that's plastered in his head. 

"L-Laurance?" I stutter. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Marshal. 

She looks absolutely terrified at the sight of her dad being possessed. Laurance raises his blade. "Laurance... Think this through. You don't want to kill me, at least not in front of your daughter!" I put my hands in front of me cautiously. 

Lucinda starts distinguishing some Shadow Souls, or at least the ones that don't have Malachi, Levin and Marshal. Laurance thinks for a second, then smirks. He grabs my hand, then we disappear in a red and black tornado.

Malachi's POV

Marshal, Levin and I were taking a stroll around Phoenix Drop, when I heard a rustle in the bushes. I direct my attention to the noise, but nothing seems to be there so I shrug it off and continue walking with the kids. Suddenly, I feel someone grab my shoulders and yank me back. I can't make out who it is, but they have shadow-like hands. Shadow Souls... I see that they have Levin and Marshal. 


We're then taken thru the woods to see Laurance and Gene fighting, with Sasha and Aphmau battling only a few feet away from them. Garroth, Lucinda and Zenix are keeping other Shadow Knights from entering the overworld. Laurance and Aphmau the run over to us. 

"LET GO OF THEM!" Laurance commands. 

Garroth and Zenix then rush to Gene and Sasha. They start fighting as Lucinda runs over to Laurance and Aphmau. Lucinda start obliterating some Shadow Souls, leaving us for last so other Shadow Souls don't take us while we're free. Laurance's eyes are red. Even know his eyes are red while he's in his Shadow Knight form, this is different. His eyes are glowing circles. Black tints of color fill his eyes, it mixing with the demented red that ultimately fills them. 

"L-Laurance?" Aph stutters. 

Laurance raises his sword, ready to slice Aphmau, "Laurance.. Think this through.. You don't want to kill me, at least not in front of your daughter!" Aph pleads for our safety and hers as well. 

Laurance ponders with the choice for a second. He then smirks, grabbing my sister's hand and teleporting away with her in a small red and black tornado.

Aphmau's POV

Laurance takes me somewhere. I look around to see a bunch of memories all in floating bubbles. Everything else is black. It's just Laurance and I. I glance at each bubble, and it's just about every moment I've had with Laurance. Both good and bad. 

"What is this?" I ask, still taking everything in. 

"Your grave." He growls. 

I look at him with wide eyes, "Laurance, please.. Don't kill me." I plead. 

The scowl on his face only grows. Laurance puts his blade to my neck, but with there not being a wall, I slip out of his grip. He then pushes me to a wall. Hm, I guess there is a wall? And I just can't see it? His blade is to my neck, both of our grips tightening on our swords. 

"Let go of me, Laurance." I command sternly. 

"No." Laurance smirks. 

"P-Please. I don't want to hurt you. You're one of my best friends, Laurance. Please." I plead, choking on my words due to tears threatening to spill. 

"I won't be for long, knowing that you'll be dead in seconds." Laurance growls, a demented tint in his voice. 

A single tear slips from my eye, "Awh, crying? Pathetic!" He insults. His blade digs deeper into my skin. 

WHY AM I LETTING HIM DO THIS? I grab his blade, pull it down and crash my lips into his, trying to snap him out of his demented state. He melts into it, obviously free from the trance. I then pull back. He drops his blade to the floor, it's noise echoing thru out the place. He turns from his Shadow Knight form to human. His baby blue eyes stare into mine. His eyes trail down to my neck, where he realizes the mark that his sword left. 

"Aphmau! Are you ok?" He asks, his breaths getting short and shaky. 

"I'm fine." I chuckle. 

"N-No you're not! You're bruised and have a bit of blood... Who did this?" Laurance's voice has anger in it. 

I hesitantly gulp, "You." I say, as quiet as a mouse. 

"Who?" Laurance asks again. 

"You.." I answer a bit louder. 

His voice turns to complete disappointment in himself, "I'm so sorry." He apologizes. 

"It's not your fault. You were in a trance. Now, lets get back to Phoenix Drop... Shall we?" I offer. Laurance nods softly, then grabs my hand. We disappear in a gust of red and black.

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