High School Diaries (Chapter 86)~Buh Bye, Ivy!

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Song: Birthday Ride - twenty one pilots vs. Fall Out Boy, Adam Lambert, & Florence + The Machine (Mashup) by oneboredjeu Mashup.


Lucinda's POV

As Ivy shoves me to the wall. Fear runs over my body as my staff flies from my hand, it sliding across the floor. 

"Prepare to die, you little witch!" Ivy threatens. 

Sparkles radiate around Aphmau as a quartz sword appears in her hands. Wings sprout from her back as Aphmau's eyes grow into a pure white. 

"LET GO OF HER." Aphmau bellows. 

Aphmau charges at Ivy. Ivy puts her back to me, but stomps on my foot in the process. 

"GET YOUR DIRTY PAW OFF OF ME." I growl, pushing Ivy towards Aphmau, "Kill. Her.." I say, full of anger. "W-We found her! Lets go, guys! We found her!" A voice chants, running down the hall. 

Aphmau pushes Ivy to the ground as I look in the direction of the voice. A hand wraps around my ankle and pulls me to the ground. I kick the owner's face in the process of falling. The hand quickly unravels itself from me. I scramble onto my feet. 

I glance at Aphmau, "Kill her." I urge. 

I glance in the direction of the once heard voice to see Laurance, Zenix and Zane running in our direction with a dangling Cadenza. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" I ask in a raised voice as I run over to the three. Aphmau stays back with Ivy.

"T-Ty happened." Zenix says, out of breath. 

"We barely escaped... We ran through the whole fortress just to loose him." Zane explains, still panting. 

"What did Ty do?" I question. 

"Ty whipped her with his tail, which sent Cadenza flying. She went unconscious when she hit the wall." Laurance explains. 

I can see Laurance turning out of his Shadow Knight form, "Stay in that form. We may need it." I order. 

Laurance nods, then turns back into the red and black knight. I turn around due to a blood chilling scream. I see Ivy with a sword in the heart. 

"DIE IN THE NETHER." Aphmau yells. 

"What's wrong with Aphmau?" Laurance questions, recognizing her unfamiliar eyes. 

They're a pure white with no color, "I... don't know..." I reply slowly. 

The color reappears into Aphmau's eyes after she takes the sword from Ivy's heart. Blood drips off from the tip of her sword. Aphmau looses balance then starts falling to the ground, but Zenix runs over and catches her. 

"Is she ok?" I question. 

"Yea... Just sleeping." Zenix informs. 

"Come on, let's get out of here. We'll have to defeat Ty later." I state. I grab my staff, then walk out with the boys following. 

"Wow, what happened to Aphmau?" Aaron asks as we get into sight of the portal. 

"Aphmau!" Travis exclaims. 

The two rush over to Zenix, who has the sleeping Aphmau in his arms, "We have to get out of here before the Ender Soldiers arrive. Quickly! Let's go." Laurance urges us to leave.

Zenix hops out first, followed by the rest of us. Once everyone's out, an Ender spear slices thru the portal. Travis closes the portal before the soldiers can enter. The spear breaks in half. Once the pieces hit the ground, they disappear in a small gust of smoke. 

Garroth and Vylad then follow us, "Zoey, Kawaii~Chan, you can release the barrier. Everyone's out." I order. 

Zoey and Kawaii~Chan do as told, "Come on, let's get these two to the clinic." Garroth leads us to a small clinic, where we check Cadenza and Aphmau in, then sit in the lobby waiting for the doctor. 

"They'll be ok. The black haired girl is just sleeping. 

The fiery haired girl has a minor concussion, but it is said to heal in a weeks time." The doctor explains. 

Laurance seems worried, but keeps a smile plastered on his face. The doctor has a look of fright on her face, considering there are three Shadow Knights, two former Jury of Nine members, a warlock, a witch, a Devine descendant, a meif'wa and an elf. All of us in our magickal forms. 

"Are you afraid?" I ask in the sweetest voice I can muster. The doctor shakes her head no rapidly, "Let's change out of this form... It's scaring her." I say.

As if on cue, everyone morphs out of their magickal forms. The only thing that happened with me was that the particles stopped circling around me and my staff turned into a smaller one, the size of a wizard's wand. The doctor then scurries off to another patient, leaving us in the lobby, waiting for our friends to awaken.

"Do you think we scared her?" Zane asks out of the blue. 

"Of course." I reply. We all burst out into a roar of laughter.

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