High School Diaries (Chapter 33)~The Waterfall

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Katelyn's POV

"Aaron, lets spar." I offer, wanting to get my mind off of Jeffory's sudden departure.

Aaron runs over to me, "Lets." He says.

We walk into the sparring tent. We pull out our weapons then start. I lunge towards him, my fists turning into fire. Aaron deflects my attack, throwing me onto the ground. I get up quickly, onto to trip him. He almost falls to the ground, but he catches himself by putting his hands out. He flips his feet around, him now on his back.

Since my hands are still latched onto his feet, I'm thrown as well. I scramble up and tackle him. He knees me in the stomach, me falling on top of him. I roll off of him and grab his feet. He kicks at me but fails to hit me. I drag him around until his head hits the tent walls. He flips me over, causing me to fall on the ground by him. My ears ring slightly as my head hits the dirt and stone. I shake off the feeling, then both of us get up. He immediately pins me to the wall, his sword at my neck.

"Nice. You're improving, Aaron." I compliment. He doesn't say anything.

"Hey.." I hear Jeffory's voice mutter. I trick myself into thinking that it's a fib. Aaron releases me from his sword's grip, "You seem to be having fun." The same voice says.

I turn around and see Jeffory standing there, "Jeffory!" I exclaim. I run over to him, engulfing him in a tight hug, "I'm so glad you're here." I muffle.

"I wasn't gone for long." Jeffory chuckles softly.

We release, "Still." I smirk, "Come on, my training with Aaron just ended." I offer.

"Aaron, Malachi and Levin are back." Jeffory informs. Aaron smiles softly, then runs out. I lace my fingers with Jeffory, then look up at him, "Yes?" He chuckles.

"I'm just glad you're back." I smile.

I grab the fire fists that had slipped off of my hands in the spar, then we head out to the clearing. Not for a duel though, there's a waterfall there and Jeffory wants to take me to it. When we reach the clearing, Jeffory takes my fire fists out of my hands and drops them onto the ground.

"Hey! Be careful with those!" I growl.

Jeffory rolls his eyes, then drops his sword too. He drags me along through the forest, through the trees and leaves. Soon, I hear the sound of rushing water. Jeffory pulls a branch back, revealing a waterfall.

"It's beautiful." I mumble.

"Just as beautiful as you." Jeffory compliments.

I look at him, debating on to kiss him or punch him in the arm. I decide to go with the obvious and punch him in the arm.

"Hey! It was supposed to be a compliment!" Jeffory rubs his arm.

"And that was supposed to be a punch!" I reply.

Jeffory sighs in defeat, "Just come here." Jeffory grabs my shoulders lightly, pulling me to his direction.

He collides our lips in seconds. The scenery is perfect, which makes the scene 10 times better. Once we pull apart, Jeffory leads me to a small cliff near the waterfall. We sit on it and joke around. We start playing truth or dare.

"I dare you to jump into the water." Jeffory dares.

I glare at him, then sigh, "Fine." I say.

I get up and slide my shoes, socks, jacket and over shirt off. It leaves me in khaki pants and a white tank top. I kick off my combat boots, then take a deep breath. I run towards the end, jump and try to grab Jeffory's hand. I fail, so it's just me falling. The feeling while falling is great. I feel alive. Wind whistles through my hair, the noise of rushing water fills my ears. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, preparing for impact of the water. Once I hit the water, bubbles dance around my body.

I swim up for air, "Come on down!" I call up to Jeffory.

He hesitantly gets up. I assume he's taking off his shoes. He jumps into the water, only in his khaki pants. As he falls, he looks like he's at peace, just like I was. He splashes into the water, some of it falling onto my face. I swim under and grab his foot. I pull him down then get up before he can do anything. He grabs mine and pulls mine down as well. He pulls me into his embrace, then kisses me underwater. We pull back and swim up.

"You're a good kisser." Jeffory smirks.

"Shut up." I chuckle.

We swim around and make awful jokes for the next hour or so before it starts to get dark. We hike up a hill to get back to our stuff. Once we make it at the top, it's already dark. Too dark to go back.

"I'll get our weapons, you stay here." Jeffory offers.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Positive." He states.

With that, his eyes become gold, a small light surrounding him.

He walks into the woods, "I guess we're camping here." I mumble.

"You're right!" Jeffory yells.

I chuckle, knowing now that since he's in that form, his senses are enhanced. He can hear better and see better, which is a somewhat invasion of privacy, but not completely. I sit down and sigh. I take off my wet clothes and cover myself in my over shirt and wrap my jacket around me. I keep the wet khakis on, so I don't go pantless. That would be embarrassing, especially in front of Jeffory. I wait for a few minutes, trying to brush my hair out with my fingers when Jeffory comes back.

He hands me my fire fists, then sits down besides me, "You need warm clothes?" He asks, his eyes turning it's normal color.

"I'll be fine." I assure.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Come on, you look cold." Jeffory continues.

"I'm fine." I repeat.

"Kaaatelyn." He trails on with my name.

"What?" I snap.

"Just.. Come here." Jeffory extends his arm.

"We're camping here, aren't we?" I ask him from earlier.

"I guess so. It's too dark and dangerous to leave now." He informs.

"I guess you're right." I sigh.

Granted, I am cold, but I don't cuddle. Jeffory pulls me closer to him. I sigh, giving in. I put my head on his shoulder and fall asleep only minutes later.

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