High School Diaries (Chapter 7)~Kidnapped

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Aphmau's POV

I walk home when I'm suddenly pinned to a wall.

I squirm out of the persons grasp, "Let go of me!" I yell.

The person puts it's finger over my mouth, shushing me. I knee him down under, then make an escape while he's holding his manhood (A/N: As reading back on this chapter months later, I can't believe I wrote that! ~April 20th 2017  Carleighnow im reading this a year later in 2018 lol literally in april).

"Aphmau, wait!" The stranger yells.

I whip my head around, "How do you know my name?" I snap.

The man comes out of the light, seeming to be Aaron. "A-Aaron? Why?" My lip quivers.

He runs up "I needed to warn you." He huffs.

"S-Someone's coming... You have to stay by someone." He warns.

"Who?" I ask.

"I don't know, but they're coming. I-I have proof." He answers, pulling a note out of his pocket and letting me read it.

Dear Aaron,

I'll be taking your sister, Aphmau, and if you say anything about it, you'll lose everything you've ever fought for.

Xx, M

I read the note a couple more times, "Then why'd you tell me, you idiot!" I growl.

"I couldn't let you go unnoticed." He answers.

"You idiot!" I snarl, walking away. I see Aaron at the corner of my eye following me, but I ignore it.

"Aphmau... Aphmau!" Aaron puffs, trying to catch up to me.

I whip my head around in his direction. He looks at me, his eyes glistening by the lamppost's light. His black eyes glimmer at the sight of me.

"We've already lost Levin and Malachi... I don't want to loose you.." Aaron says, walking closer. He caresses my cheek with his hand, a tear slipping from his eye. Levin and Malachi.

~Flashback, Aphmau's POV

"Mom! Mom!" I exclaim.

Aaron and I run outside as our mom gets home from work. She hugs us both, being careful not to drop the grocery bags in her hands. Once we enter the house, my dad looks frantic.

"Kevin, what happened?" My mom asks.

"Elizabeth..." My dad starts by calling our mom by her name, "Levin and Malachi have gone missing."

... My heart shatters into tiny little pieces.

~Reality, Aphmau's POV

The same tear Aaron had dropped started to fall down my cheek. Though Levin and Malachi were found, the traumatic event still resides with us. Aaron then walks me away until we get to the suburbs. He assumes that nothing wrong will happen, so he leaves me be. I look around a bit once he's gone then start walking away. After a few minutes, I start to feel uncomfortable when I hear rustling in the trees that I pass. I look behind me, seeing no Aaron. No one, actually. I shrug it off, assuming it's the wind and keep walking. Soon, I'm tackled, with a bandage around my mouth.

I try to squirm out, but have no luck,"You'll learn to love me." A man says, smiling. One eye is covered, and he has black hair. He leads me to his car and drives off. I should have listened to Aaron.

A/N: []I'VE ADDED ONTO THIS CHAPTER TO MAKE IT LONGER[] Sorry for a short chapter, but I hope that this was a good one! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! ~Carleigh

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