High School Diaries (Chapter 74)~He's Gone Insane!

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Garroth's POV

2 Days Later...

Of what I know of, my name is Garroth Ro'Meave. I have two brothers named Vylad Ro'Meave and Zane Ro'Meave, Vylad is adopted. The brunette guy that I first saw is Laurance Zvahl with a sister named Cadenza Zvahl and the girl was Aphmau Obsidian with three brothers, Levin, Malachi and Aaron Obsidian, yet Aaron has gone missing as well. And we're in a village called Phoenix Drop. Weird name for a village... Oh well. I walk through the town, taking in the familiar, yet new view. Suddenly, everyone stops what they're doing as a girl with hot pink hair walks to me. She has cyan eyes. 

"Hey." She smiles. 

"Uh... Hi?" My words come out more like a question than a statement. 

"Do you remember me?" She asks. 

"No, sorry." I reply. 

"Well... I was your girlfriend before the whole... Event." She looks down, then back up at me, "Garroth, it's me... Your girlfriend, Ivy." She smiles.

Aaron's POV

Two Days Earlier

"Travis, no!" I yell as him and Ivy clash weapons, "Don't do it!" I exclaim. 

Venom drips off of Ivy's scythe. I stand there, unable to do something. I know Travis, he won't listen to me, even if his life depending on it. It's practically eating me alive, the guilt is! I can't just stand here and watch! I have to do something...! I grab the bars and start to pull the apart. Creaks bounce off of the walls, the metal making obnoxious sounds. I'm surprised that I can do this. I step out of the bars, immediately going into my magickal form. I pull Travis back. 

"If you want Travis, you're going to have to go through both of us." I snarl. 

Ivy laughs evilly, "Fine." She states. The three of us get into fighting formation, "Wait..." Ivy laughs, "You thought I was doing this alone? Ha, you idiots!" Ivy snaps her fingers, Ty appearing right by her. 

He's in his Enderlox form. Ty curses under his breath. I scowl, "Fine." I state coldly. 

The four of us lunge at each other. I take Ivy. 

"YOU'LL PAY FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE!" Travis screams as he tackles Ty to the ground. 

I hit Ivy with the flat side of my sword. Her scythe scratches my arm, but the venom doesn't enter my bloodstream or my body at that. I lunge for her, Ivy falling to the ground. 

"Pawns." She mutters. 

Her hand glows a red color, then both Travis and Ty pass out,  "You'll pay for that!" I growl. 

I grab both of her arms and pull her up rather forcefully. I push Ivy to the wall, pull her into the air then throw her onto the ground. I throw a punch at her face, her not having enough time to deflect it. Blood trickles down her nose, but she wipes it off quickly. Her hand shakes, but not enough to take her off her game. Ivy grabs my ankle and pulls me down to the floor. My ears ring for a second, but not for long. 

A horrid thought runs through my mind, "I have to do it." I mutter.

Ivy doesn't hear me. I pull down my hood then unravel my mask. The dark color in my eyes is gone, both of my eyes plain and white. A glow shines from them, it masking Ivy's vision for a period of time. I don't bother to put my mask back on before scrapping Ivy off the ground and throwing her across the room. I run over to her, my speed enhanced. Before Ivy has time to swing her scythe, I take it from her and smash it against the wall. It breaks into pieces, a green spirit arising from it. The spirit disappears in a gust of smoke, then I glare at Ivy, who's regaining her vision. I put my mask back on. My hand flies across her face once more. Blood sticks out from her lip as more blood trickles down from her nose. I leave her on the ground, then walk to Travis. I scrape him off of the ground, sling him around my shoulder then walk up a flight of stairs. Travis starts to wake up when I'm half way up. I then lay Travis down, allowing him to wake up more smoothly. 

"W-What happened?" Travis mutters in a tired voice. 

"No time to be slow, come on, we gotta go." I pull Travis up by one of his arms. 

Travis shakes his head slightly, then him and I jog up the stairs. Once we're at the top, I twist the doorknob and pull the door, but it won't open. I take my sword and slash it through the keypad, then open the door without worry. Since, both Travis and I are still in our magickal forms, people scurry away from us. We pass rooms of solitary confinement, most of them empty. We come across one that has a familiar face in it. 

"Zenix!?" Both Travis and I say in sync. 

Zenix gives us an insane smile, "Hey, guys... Wanna play." He tilts his head. Zenix has gone insane...

Lucinda's POV

Present Day...

"LUCINDA... LUCINDA!" Someone calls out. 

I turn my head away from Bigglesworth, to see Malachi standing there, panting, "I-I need your help." Malachi catches his breath. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

"Well... Aphmau, Garroth and Laurance have lost their memory." Malachi informs. 

"Really?" I question, shocked. 

Malachi nods, "Is there anyway you could possibly make a potion to help them regain their memory?" Malachi asks. 

"Maybe. I'll try, but it might not be everlasting. The only way that they'll be able to regain their memories completely is by the person who took them. Only Aphmau, Garroth and Laurance will know that when I get their memories back. But, it'll be temporary..." I say. 

"Ok, awesome... Great. Please, help us." Malachi pleads. 

I giggle, "I will, don't worry." I smile. 

"Thank you so so much!" Malachi thanks. 

I smile in response, "Malerchi!" Marshal calls from outside. 

"I-I'm coming!" Malachi waves a goodbye to me, then runs outside.

I turn back to Bigglesworth, "We have a lot of work to do." I sigh. Bigglesworth hoots, then we start working.

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