High School Diaries (Chapter 98)~Hostages

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A/N: Aggghhhhhh I can't believe we're on chapter 98...! Chapter 100 is going to be released in two days! AHHH! I can't believe it. ~Car


Ty's POV

I watched the whole thing go down.

It went exactly as planned.

It wasted their time and wasted Travis' magicks. Perfect. 

"Vincent!" I exclaim. 

I hear his footsteps get closer and closer, "Yes?" He asks. 

I turn to him, "How is Zenix?" I question. 

Vincent smirks, "Awful." He informs. 

I small chuckle leaves my mouth, "Great." A smirk grows on my face as well. 

I look into Vincent's eyes, "Do you have the prisoners?" I ask. 

Vincent's face lights up, "You know it!" He exclaims cheerfully. 

"Take me to them." I command. 

Vincent's giddiness quickly disappears as he walks down the hallway, me following. The eeriness of the scene is practically bouncing off the walls, the eeriness high. "Just wait until I get my hands on you!" Aaron growls as we approach his cell. 

Amber is in the one opposite of him, "Let me out! Now!" Amber's high pitched voice doesn't make her as threatening as she was hoping to be. 

"Aaron... Guess who we have." I walk up to him, placing a finger on his chin. I swipe it away quickly before Aaron can grab it and pull me in. 

"Who?" His voice is cruel and cold. 

"Don't be so cold, we're just here to be friends." I say in a tone that I know annoys him. 

Aaron looks down, but when he lifts his head, he slams his body against the bars, his fingers curling around the metal. A vibration is sent across the cell bars, a Thumdp! noise being echoed. 

"We are the farthest thing from friends. Friends do not lock each other in cells and hold them captive!" Aaron growls. 

His grip on the bars tighten, a scowl evident on his face, "Don't be so hasty. At least let me finish my sentence." I back up a could steps. 

"What." Aaron pauses, "What do you want?" He asks. Vincent turns to the girl, then back at Aaron, "You're NOT taking Amber." Aaron growls. 

"We never said we want her." I say, "We aren't going to take her." Vincent finishes. 

A look of relief washes over Aaron's face, but he wipes it off quickly, due to the fact that weakness is key here. 

"But we did take someone close to you." Vincent breaks Aaron's relieving moment. 

"Who?!" Aaron exclaims frightfully. He pushes himself against the bars again, "Tell me before I rip you to shreds!" He commands. 

"Wow, wow, wow..! Don't be hasty, Obsidian." I throw my hands up into the air, showing a sign of fake surrender. 

"Who is it?" Aaron asks again. 

A moment of silence washes over the place, the only noise to be heard is shaky breaths of Aaron and Amber. I smirk, "Levin and Marshal." I inform. 

Aaron's worry turns into pure anger. A red color rises to his face, "LET THEM OUT, THEY DID NOTHING!" Aaron yells. He attempts to pull the bars apart, "LISTEN TO ME, DRAGON. LET THEM OUT NOW!" Aaron screams, "DON'T MAKE ME MESS YOU UP! LET THEM OUT!" Aaron's pure anger amuses me. 

"Haha, you thought it would be that easy to make me let them out?" I ask. 

"YOU BETTER LET THEM OUT!" Aaron yells. 

"It's not that easy, Aaron. I thought you knew that." I say in amusement. 

Aaron's rage turns into sadness and regret, "Since when did you become a monster?" Aaron asks, "What happened to the old Ty that was always up for a good laugh, even when times were tough? What... What happened to the Ty we all used to know and love?" Aaron questions, making a sappy speech about it. 

I run up to Aaron, grab his neck and bring his head a few inches out of the bar, "That Ty left a long time ago." I growl in a blood chilling tone. 

I release his neck and walk back, the bottom of his chin hitting the metal bar. I chuckle as Aaron rubs the spot where it hurts. 

"Pain is for weaklings, not for fighters." I say, then walk down the hall.



Aaron's POV

I sit in the woods with Amber, keeping warm by the fire that sparkles. Small fiery sparks fly into the sky, it seeming to dance around with each other until the sparks disappear into thin air. 

"Aaron... I have something to tell you.." Amber pulls the apple away from her mouth. 

I look down at her, moving my attention from the sky and directing it into her beautiful violet eyes, "What is it?" I ask. 

"Aaron... I'm pr-" Amber screams as a pair of black arms wrap around her. 

I gasp as a pair of arms wrap around me, "Lights out." Somebody whispers in my ear. 

I feel an excruciating pain in my head, the world eventually fading and slipping out from my grasp. Everything goes black.

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