High School Diaries (Chapter 80)~For Aaron

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A/N: If you're wondering why some of the reads have decreased, it's because I've been deleting some author's note to make more room for chapters! c: ~Car


Aphmau's POV

Aaron falls to the ground, "Aaron!" I exclaim. 

Ivy laughs, "Fools. Aaron's dead!" Ivy grins. 

Anger rushes over my body, "Bring him back. NOW!" I snarl. 

"Oh, Sweetie. I can't. He's dead." Ivy's pink hair flows as she turns to look at me. 

"At least.. At least let me see him." Tears stream down my face. 

Ivy ponders for a second, "Would you give up your life for him?" She questions. 

"Yes, no questions asked." I reply seconds after she finishes. 

A smirk appears on Ivy's face as she decides the fate of both me, and my brother. I gulp, knowing the decision I just made. 

Zenix hugs me from behind, "You don't have to do this." He mutters.

"But I am. For Aaron. T-Thank you, Zenix. For everything." I thank. 

Ivy points her scythe at me, a bubble of magic forming at the tip, "Goodbye, Aphmau!" Ivy exclaims.

I squint my eyes closed as a beam of light bounces off of it, heading straight towards me. I quickly push Zenix away from me before the beam hits. The beam hits my chest, energy spreading all over my body. Pain surges thru my veins. The unbearable pain starts to eat me from inside. I release an eardrum breaking scream. My vision starts to get blurry as a rainbow-shaped light flows from my body to Aaron's. My vision fades. The last thing I feel is my body being crashed onto the ground. 

"Aphmau... Aphmau!" Zenix's voice echoes throughout my ears. 

Everything goes silent, everything goes black. Coldness washes over my body as everything shuts off in an instant.

Zenix's POV

"Aphmau... Aphmau!" I exclaim as she falls to the ground. My best friend's life flashes before my eyes. 

Tears fall from my eyes, it flowing like a waterfall, "Aph... Mau." I fall to my knees, tears uncontrollably spilling from my eyes. 

My palms grow sweaty as a nervous and gut-wrenching feeling washes over me. 

"Ugh... What happened?" Aaron asks, getting up from the ground. 

I look up, my eyesight blurry due to the tears. Aaron rubs his head. His eyes trail from Ivy, down to Aphmau. 

"No!" Aaron exclaims, slamming his body against the metal bars. 

Aaron's fingers curl around them, "She gave up her life for yours..." I mutter under shaded eyes. 

Aaron whimpers softly. "Life and death are touchy subjects. One wrong turn, and you'll be squished like a bug. That's what I love about it." Ivy smirks.

"This is all your fault!" Aaron growls, saying something before I can. 

"It was her choice." Ivy informs. 

Aaron's lip quivers as his eyes grow glossy, "Why...?" Aaron croaks before a single tear falls down his cheek. 

"She loved you. That's why." I state, "What a sibling does for a sibling." I rest my mouth, giving it more time to quiver. 

"I-I can't believe she's gone." Aaron sobs. 

"Life and death. Hits like a truck, at the size of a fly. Don't see it coming, but oh boy, it is." Ivy snickers as she walks out of the corridor. 

Her footsteps echo against the pavement, but fades as she gets farther and farther away. Shivers send down my spine violently. 

"APHMAU... APHMAU!" A familiar voice exclaims. 

I look and see Laurance and Malachi turning the corner, "Laurance? Malachi?" Aaron questions. Malachi hugs Aaron through the bars. 

Aaron's tears stain Malachi's shirt, but Malachi's tears stain Aaron's as well. Malachi releases from his brother, then his eyes trail down to Aphmau. 

Laurance looks in that way as well, "Aphmau!" Both the boys exclaim, rushing over to us, "Step back, Malachi." Laurance commands. 

"Why?" Malachi questions. 

"I said go!" He exclaims. 

Malachi backs up, then Laurance forms into his Shadow Knight form. Laurance grabs the bars of my cell and pulls them apart, creating a gap between the bars. The gap is big enough for me to step through. Laurance then turns to Aaron's, and does the same thing. Aaron steps out, then Malachi tackles him in a hug. Laurance transforms out of his Shadow Knight form quickly after. I pick Aphmau's body up, her hair dropping, it ending below my waist. I carry her out bridal style, making sure not to hit her head. I mean, it wouldn't matter since she's dead, but I don't want to take my chances on that. 

The other boys hover over her body, a few tears here and there falling onto her, "Ivy!" Ty's voice bellows, "I didn't tell you to kill her!" Ty growls. Ivy growls, then the sound of her stomping steps echo through out the corridor. 

The sound of a slamming door can be heard. After the noise falls, Ty's tail comes into sight. 

It swishes back and forth, "You fools. She's dead." Ty comes into light, his face showing. He gives us an evil smile with blood staining his once-pearly whites, his teeth fully fanged, "And she's never coming back."

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