High School Diaries (Chapter 17)~Exploring The City

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Adam's POV

I'm a little ominous about someone else moving in with me, but I trust Aphmau's judgement, so I don't question it. He seems nice, but he also seems like a major flirt. 

"Well, lets show you around the city!" I offer, waving him over. 

Travis' face lights up and he gets off of the bed, "Lets go!" Travis smiles. 

Barney, Alesa, Ross and I lead him out of the room, soon leaving the house. We showed Travis around the city, in between the houses and into the hot spot of the town. Travis looks amazed as we show him everything, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. We took him out to a small hole-in-the-wall with fantastic pizza. He seemed to really enjoy it, along with everyone else. Soon after we leave, I smirk, along with everyone else. 

"Hey, Travis." I start, Travis looks at me with a questioning look, "There's one thing we haven't showed you yet." I say 

"And what's that?" Travis asks. 

"...The... Golden Gateway Bridge!" I smile brightly. 

Travis' face lights up even more as he starts to nod frantically, "Lets go!" Travis exclaims. 

"Lets." Alesa says. 

I look at her, and she gives me a cheesy smile. I look back and we start to make our way to the bridge. As we reach the big, red bridges, Travis' body fills with excitement. His eyes fill with amazement, his face lighting up with anticipation. The tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 

"I can't believe that--" He stumbles upon his words. 

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Ross chimes, speaking before me. 

"Exactly.." Travis smiles. 

We stand in silence for a few minutes until a rushing car sprays water on us. Alesa looks distraught while everyone else looking frustrated with anger lacing in their actions. Travis runs after the car. His skin turns gray with horns starting to stick out of his head. His hair turns a darker shade of white. He looks back at us with purple eyes then looks back around at the car. A demonic blade appears in his hand then becomes faster, his feet moving at a remarkable pace. Ross, Barney and Alesa look at me 

"What did you get us into?" Ross asks 

"I have no idea..." I mumble. 

Our attention is brought to Travis to seem him cutting the emblem off of the car's hood, leaving a slice in the window. He runs back, his skin turning to it's normal pale color as he gets closer. When he reached us, he's completely normal. I assume that we're all staring at him, because nervousness starts to fill his once cheerful expression. 

"What..?" He asks quietly. 

"What ares you?" Barney asks harshly. 

Travis' eyes widen a bit with his palms getting sweaty, "I-I--" Travis stutters "I'm the son of the... The Demon Warlock." Travis looks down, rubbing his arm. 

The four of us are wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

"Gets out!" Barney snaps, pointing away. Travis looks up, misty-eyed. 

"B-But--" Travis starts, but gets interrupted by Barney. 

"Nows!" Barney scowls. 

Travis waits for a moment, then sighs. He somberly walks off, but I grab his wrist. 

"Stay." I insist, looking him dead in the eyes. 

"R-Really?" Travis asks. 

I nod, smiling. Travis' face lights up, then Ross, Alesa and I lead him home. Barney stays behind to collect his thoughts... I know why Barney has mixed feelings for the Demon Warlock, but I don't think that he should use that against Travis.

Barney's POV

I can nots believe that Travis is the sons of the Demon Warlocks! Goat would not be happys. Goat's town was destroyed by the Demon Warlocks when Goat was little... I walks home, passing Adam's house and walks down the path of houses. I sigh as I fumble with the lock on my door. Finally, I get in and Goat jumps up to me. Nervousness fill me. 

"Goat, we need a plan. The Demon Warlocks son is here." I state as the door closes. Goat nods then runs to the living room. I wills get revenge on the Demon Warlocks son for what he dids to Goat.

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