Highschool Diaries (Chapter 14)~The Second One

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Aphmau's POV

"That was weird that Lowell just... left." I say. 

Aaron nods, as we walk to our room. Our Dad isn't here, so he must be at his new job. Aaron sighs, plopping himself on his bed. Then I hear something, our dogs Celeste and Throgina start barking like crazy.  I look outside at a funnel forming in the sky. Not again... 

"Aaron..." I shake him, he groans, "AARON!" I scream, terror lacing in with my words. He shoots up, and I point to the window. 

He bolts to it, his lip starting to quiver, "No... No!" Aaron cries.

He grabs Thorgina, me grabbing Celeste then running off to the basement, "I'm sorry..." I whimper. 

He hugs me tight, with our dogs in the middle. I hear our door open and someone rush downstairs. I turn my head and it's our Dad, along with... Garroth? The two of them circle us and the dogs. 

"I love you guys" I confess. 

I see Garroth blush, but I brush it off, "We love you too..." The three guys say in unison. 

Minutes of whirling wind, flying building and car sirens go off, wailing at every second. I cover my ears as the terrible noise makes its way to me. Finally, it all stops. Garroth, Dad, and Aaron release from me and the dogs and we're greeted by sunshine pouring into the ceilingless room. Aaron and I make eye contact, the dogs barking and pouncing around the floor. Aaron and I engulf each other in a hug, tears streaming down our cheeks. Garroth looks at me confused, but doesn't say anything, considering the vulnerable condition I'm in at the moment. 

Dad joins on in the hug, and Garroth stands there awkwardly, soon tending to the dogs. Dad releases from the hug, leaving me and Aaron still in tears. I pull away from his embrace, looking at Garroth. I get up, grab his wrist and lead him up the crumbling stairs. 

I look him in the eyes, "What's going on?" Garroth asks 

"Well, Aaron and my mom died from a tornado. That's why we reacted the way we did... She passed.." I sniff before continuing, "A few months ago." I finish. 

Garroth engulfs me in a hug, "I'm so sorry." Garroth muffles. 

"It's not your fault." I wrap my arms around him. I close my eyes, a final tear streaming down my face. 

We release, standing there awkwardly until a tear rolls down my cheek, Garroth wiping it with his thumb. He looks into my eyes and starts leaning in until he gets pushed back. 

"DON'T YOU DARE." Aaron growls. 

I look at them in shock, Garroth on the floor and Aaron having anger flowing through his veins.

"Guys, stop!" I command. Both of them look at me, Garroth getting up, "Where's Dad?" I ask. 

"He left to venture the town." Aaron informs. 

I sigh, turning around and walking away, "Aphmau, wait." Garroth calls out. 

I ignore him and Aaron's calls and continue walking until I get into the woods. I hear a rustle in the bushes, so I decide to investigate further. I walk over to the bush, something hopping out of it and pouncing on top of me. It's a wolf... With human eyes. A werewolf! I try to find words, but nothing comes out. 

The werewolf turns to a human form, "L-Lowell?" I stutter. He nods. 

"Get clothes before you talk to me." I squeeze my eyes shut, with Lowell blushing. 

"Sorry, I'm new at this..." Lowell apologizes and I feel him stand up. 

"No need." I assure. 

Lowell chuckles, "You can open your eyes again." Lowell says. I do as he says and see him in a white v-neck t-shirt with jeans and a black jacket. 

"Why're you here?" Lowell asks. 

I sigh, and start explaining to him what happened... Since the beginning so he's not confused on the trauma in all of this for Aaron and I. Minutes of explaining later, Lowell interrupts me by wrapping me in his embrace. 

"You don't need to continue if you don't want to." Lowell offers. 

"Thank you..." I sniff, wiping  the tear off of my cheek before he sees it. 

He unravels us then looks into my eyes, "Everything will be ok..." Lowell brushes my cheek with his hand. 

I blush, "Thanks." I thank him. 

He blushes as well, but it fades quickly, along with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him one last time before releasing and making my way out of the forest. 

"Aphmau, wait!" Lowell calls. 

I look back "I'll see you at school..." He smiles. 

I'm confused for a second, but process what he's saying only seconds later. 

"See you at school... If it wasn't destroyed." I shrug. 

We both chuckle, then part our ways. I'm glad I have a friend like Lowell. 

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