High School Diaries (Chapter 3)~Destruction

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Aaron's POV

I mention Mom, and Aphmau starts wobbling around as she walks. 

"Aphmau? Aaaphmaaauuuu?" I wave my hand in her face, as she walks in circles. 

"Mom..." She mumbles. I grab Aphmau's shoulders, making her look into my eyes. She looks completely out of it, "Jessica Aphmau Obsidian!" I yell in her face. She then falls onto me, loosing balance, "Jess!" I yell, catching her. 

Her arms dangle to the ground, along with the rest of her body. My dad looks at me, with his girlfriend clinging to his arm. He tries to run to me, but she holds him back. My dad looks angry, trying to push his girlfriend off. I nod at him, assuring him that it's ok, then I pick her up bridal style and run out of the theater. 

"Stay with me.." I mumble, running her to a close clinic. 

People give me weird looks, considering that I'm holding Aphmau bridal style. I finally get inside and see the brunette from school. I think his name's Laurance. He looks at me weird, then his eyes trail down to Aphmau and his face expression turns completely terrified. 

"Aaron, what's going on?" Laurance asks, getting out of his chair and making his way to me. 

"I don't know, she just passed out." I reply. 

He nods, following me to the check-in desk. The woman looks at Aphmau, and has me explain what happened. She rushes me and Aphmau to a room, leaving Laurance in the waiting room. I don't regret it, all I need is for Aphmau to be ok. I lay her on the bed, and the doctor walks in shortly after. He looks at me strangely, then back at Aphmau. 

"I'm her brother, that's all." I tell him. 

He nods, everyone asks us if we're dating. BUT WE'RE NOT PEOPLE. I lean back, and let the doctor do his thing, he'll get things done faster that way. He finally gets up from where he was and looks at me. 

"Is she going to be ok?" I ask. 

"Indeed, she had a small anxiety attack, has this ever happened before and has anything tragic happened in the past year that's made her feel this way?" He explains 

"Well, our mom died a few months ago, due to a tornado. Same thing happened to our house. She's never had an anxiety attack before." I inform him. 

He nods, writing down on his clipboard. He opens the door, and a brunette figure stumbles inside from leaning on the door. The brunette crashes into the wall, causing Aphmau to wake up. 

"Laurance?" Aphmau and I both say in unison. He blushes a bright shade of pink, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

"Were you ease dropping?" I ask, anger rushing over me. 

"Maybe."  The pitch in his voice gets higher thru out the word. 

"Laurance, get out." Aphmau mumbles, still half asleep. He gives her a cheeky smile then leaves the room. 

I follow him out, "Don't make any moves on my sister." I growl, having a temptation to pin him to the wall. But me, being the nice person I am, I restrain myself from hurting him. 

"I won't, I won't. Calm down, I met her today, it's not like I'm falling for her... Just yet." He smirks. 

"I'm serious, Laurance. Don't break her heart." I grab his wrist, gripping onto it tightly. 

"I won't! Now, let go of me!" He exclaims. 

I let go "Don't break her heart. Or else I'll break yours." I threaten, leaving him running down the hall. I chuckle at his failed sprinting.

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