High School Diaries (Chapter 82)~Jeffory Will Take Care Of Them... Right?

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Cadenza's POV

After Aaron leaves the room, I can hear him and Adam talking. I pick up my phone and dial someone very special.. 

"Ty, we've got her, she's not coming back." I smirk into the phone.

"Great job, Ivy." Ty's voice rings into my ear. 

The fiery hair that's laid on my shoulder morphs into a pink color as the blue in my eyes turn more electric. I take my phone away from my ear, watching the small device form into a 6ft scythe. I smirk, then swipe the scythe thru Aphmau's chest. 

"Goodbye, little potato." And with that, I disappear in a gust of smoke, just to reappear in the End.

Aaron's POV

A Few Hours Later...

"It's been about.. 4 hours and Cadenza hasn't come out, nevertheless had anyone come.." I glance at Cadenza's door, a gut-wrenching feeling immediately running thru my system. "We have to go in there." I state. 

"We can't, Cadenza's helping Aphmau." Adam reminds. 

"But nobody's come over... Something's up." I state. 

Laurance looks at us from the kitchen, "I wouldn't do that." Laurance says as he gives Marshal a drink. 

"Too bad." I furrow my eyebrows as I get off the couch. 

I walk to the door, placing my hand on the knob. I hear nothing coming from inside the room, so I twist the doorknob and walk in. I close the door behind me, a hideous sight laying before me. Aphmau... Dead... Cadenza missing. I glance at the wall, there being a message in blood there. 

"'The one closest will be the death of you'." I read aloud. 


I hear their sneakers screeching against the floor as they run in here. Laurance and Adam burst through the door, their eyes widening and jaws dropping at the sight. A dead Aphmau and the bloody message on the wall. 

"'The one closest will be the death of you'." Laurance repeats. 

"Signed by Ivy." I finish. 

"Who's Ivy?" Adam asks. 

"Ty's pawn. She has pink hair and blue eyes... She killed Aphmau in trade for Aaron's life." Laurance explains. 

The same wave of guilt washes over me as he talks about how she gave up her life for mine. It disappears quickly as Adam opens his mouth to say something, "That's not the point right now. The point is that someone slashes Aphmau in the stomach and chest, left a message on the wall then left." Adam states the obvious. 

"We know where they are, but almost every time we go there, someone gets left behind or either..." Laurance gulps, "Or dies." He finishes. 

I look at my sister, who's laying on the bed, not breathing at all. I push past Adam and Laurance, 

"I'll be back." I state as I storm out. 

I walk to Jeffory's, pounding on the door. Jeffory answers with a cheery smile on his face. 

"Jeffory, we have something to discuss." I state. 

He nods, then lets me in, "What's wrong?" Jeffory asks. 

"Phoenix Drop isn't safe anymore... Not for this kids, at least. I need you and Malachi to take the kids out of here. Alexis, Levin, Abby, Kyle, Marshal... All of them. Malachi will help." I explain. 

"Isn't this a bit sudden?" Jeffory asks.

"No... Somebody's going to hurt the kids if we don't do something, so this is not drastic." I answer. 

Jeffory nods, "Abby! Pack your things, we're going to go on a trip!" Jeffory exclaims to the upstairs. 

"Yay! Trip, trip!" Abby cheers from upstairs. 

"I'll go get the others." I state. Jeffory nods, then I'm off.

"Laurance, I need Marshal." I state as I burst into the house. 

Laurance looks at me, "She's taking a nap." He informs. 

"I don't care, I need her." I reply. 

"Why?" Laurance asks. 

I sigh, "Phoenix Drop isn't safe for the kids anymore. I'm having Jeffory and Malachi take Levin, Marshal, Alexis, Kyle and Abby somewhere until this subsides. I might have Katelyn there to help, I'm not sure yet." I explain. 

Laurance glances in the direction of Marshal's room, then back at me. 

"Fine." He seems unsure about the decision. 

I can tell that he doesn't want her to leave, but as a father, you have to make hard decisions to keep your child safe. Laurance walks into Marshal's room, coming out minutes later with her. Marshal has a small bookbag slung over her shoulders. 

"Go with Uncle Aaron, you, Uncle Jeffy and the other kids are going to go on a trip." Laurance says as he kneels down to Marshal's level. 

"Will Daddy be coming?" Marshal questions, referring to Laurance. 

"No, Daddy's got to stay here. Uncle Jeffy will be nice. Malachi will be there too." Laurance cracks a smile. 

Marshal smiles as well, swinging her arms around Laurance's neck. He hugs back. Once Marshal releases, she runs to me. 

"Lets go!" She exclaims cheerfully. 

I smile, then Marshal and I are off to Jeffory's, "Jeffory?" I call out as we enter his house. 

"I'm upstairs!" Jeffory exclaims. 

"Marshal, you go to Jeffy's room, ok?" I command softly. 

She nods, then runs up the stairs. I then bolt off to my house. 

"MALACHI." I yell. 

"Yea?" Malachi asks from the kitchen. 

"I need your help." I state, walking over to him. 

"With what?" He questions. 

"I need you to help Jeffory with the kids. Phoenix Drop isn't safe for the kids anymore, so I'm having Jeffory take the kids somewhere. I need you to go as well." I inform. 

"B-But, what about you?" Malachi asks. 

"I'll be fine." I state, "Now, pack your stuff then leave with Levin, ok?" I command. 

Malachi nods somberly, then makes his way to his room, "Levin, start packing!" Malachi exclaim. 

"Okie!" Levin replies. I smile at my brothers, then leave.

~45 Minutes Later, Aaron's POV

All the kids are at Jeffory's house. Katelyn agreed to come along, so it's Malachi, Jeffory and Katelyn watching over Levin, Marshal, Alexis, Kyle and Abby. Laurance is at my side. 

I walk up the Jeffory, "Be careful with them, ok?" I say. 

Jeffory nods, "We will." He smiles. 

I return the gesture. We all say our goodbyes, then Jeffory, Katelyn, Malachi and the kids leave. 

"I wonder where Jeffory's taking them..." Laurance trails off.

"I know they'll be safe. Jeffory will take care of them." I assure. 

Laurance looks at me, smiling. My smile drops as I grab my fists, "Now it's time to get revenge on the people who have ripped Phoenix Drop to shreds." I crack my knuckles. Laurance silently agrees, then we walk out.

I will get revenge on each and every person who was apart of this.


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