Chapter 1 - Don't Go

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Your POV

"(F/N)" I shifted in my sleep.

"(F/N)" I groaned

"(F/N)!" Slowly, I opened my eyes turned over, looking at my worried mother in the eye. "Mommy? What's wrong? Where's Daddy?" I asked, confusion visible in my voice. Her breathing was ragged, and her long (H/C) locks were pulled up into a messy ponytail. She pulled me up and shoved my small bag into my arms.

I peaked inside, a few water bottles and apples, as well as knife. I frowned and looked back up at her. I opened my mouth to speak, but a crash from in the living room seemed to interrupt me. Mommy had tears starting to fall down her face, she gave me a loving smile before climbing onto my bed and opening the window.

She turned back to me, her smile still on her face. She picked me up and lifted my small, fragile body up to it. Still confused, I frowned. "Mommy! What's going on...?" I said, tears prickling at the ends of eyes. She wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. "I love you." she whispered. "Mommy?" she shut the window and I saw her shadow rush out to the front of the house.

I slid off the window sill and looked over to the window of the living room. It was dark outside, but a candle was lit inside the house so I could see shadows. There were three on one side, and two on the other. One of the two, was suddenly hit with a big thing, and liquid had flew around the room.

I heard Mommy scream for Daddy, then scream again as another big thing hit the other one of the two, making the body fall down with the same liquid splatter on the wall. I'm so confused. What's going on? I'm tired. I wanna sleep.

I sat down on the wall of the house and waited for Mommy and Daddy to come out and get me. Slowly, my eyes started to close and the last thing I saw were three figures. One of the big ones reached out for my small body and picked me up. I wanted to protest and ask for Mommy and Daddy, but I was just too tired, so I let the exhaustion take over me.

"This one will be worth tons"

 You're POV

My eyes shot open and I jumped up from my leafy bed. Sweat trickled down my forehead and my breathing was uneven. I sighed, just another memory. Why do I keep having these? It was 19 years ago. Inhaling and exhaling, I got out of bed.

I headed downstairs and grabbed a piece of meat from my 'kitchen'. Living in the outside world isn't really that bad. I get meat more than those pussies in the walls, I don't have to deal with annoying people and I get...nature, I suppose. I do get quite lonely sometimes, while I do have a brother and sister, they aren't with me right now. I never actually had a 'lover', but to be honest I'm not really sure how to be a good one. 

I shook my head from my stupid thoughts. It's scary to actually care about someone. Especially someone in the walls. They could die at any moment and break your heart. They could turn crazy at any moment and break your heart. They could--

A sudden growl erupted from a figure beside me. I smiled as the announced presence and turned to the side, facing the all too familiar wolf. "Good morning, (W/N)" I said with amusement. (W/N) growled again and sat down in-front of me. Rolling my eyes, I ripped part of the meat off and threw it in the air, which (W/N) easily caught, however some very thin liquidly blood came out from the torn piece. I took another bite and pointed to the blood dripping on the floor. "Lick that up, will ya?" I said as I walked away from (W/N).

--Time Skip--

While I do live outside the walls, I live quite far south. When I had come outside the walls, I had very disrespectfully taken the horse and 3DMG of a dead solider. Ever since then, I promised myself I would help the Survey Corps on their expeditions in order to repay that fallen solider I had stolen from. 

Currently, I was keeping my word once more. The 54th Expedition formation had just been activated and I could do my part in secret. Usually, I'd stay on the right or left flank, depending which way I maneuver when I come here. I sighed and pulled out my blades, staring a titan in the eye. 

"Let's see what you got now, you filthy monster." 


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