Chapter 11 - And the drama begins

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(A/N): I was soo tempted to call this chapter "Crazy in love" but nah...nah...


Your POV

I was playing with my soup, not eating it but just twirling it around with my spoon, Petra interrupted the silence though, "I still don't get it, (F/N).." Petra said in a questionable manner, like she was thinking something, "What do you mean?" I asked, setting my spoon down and looking at her, so was everyone else, except Levi who kept drinking his black tea calmly.

"I don't get you and Kaito. You kill the titan dummies in secrecy. You never eat, you never salut, you never do anything...normal" she said, still looking down at her bread and soup. I was shocked, 'normal'? what does she mean 'normal'? it was shocking, no, offending that she thought of me as an outcast and the look on Kaito's face showed he was offended as well.

"Petra, are acting as if me and Kaito are outcasts or different, we aren't. We don't salut because we don't respect you, we do eat just not this and we kill the titan dummies in secrecy because we 'normally' kill titans without you knowing. That's what 'normal' is for us, just like how saluting, eating bread and soup all the time and killing titans on order is you're 'normal', not ours though you don't have to accept us for what we do or who we are, we can't and we won't force you to." I said calmly, I looked down at my soup and picked up the spoon and started playing with it again.

I was expected some sort of 'I'm sorry' or 'You're right' but no, it was complete silence though I had no idea why. I looked up and everyone was staring at me, except Kaito. Confused I finally broke the ice "What?", Petra popped out of her stare as if she was zoned out, "Sorry, it's just, that was some speech" she said lowly "That was one opinion" I shot back and obviously I had won our little 'That was' contest, I guess...It was quiet for at least 5 minutes but Eren broke the ice.

"(Y/N), what's it like that far out? What's it like to...see the outside world without worry? What does the 'sea' look like?" he asking, curiosity filled his voice "Well to answer the sea question, its really big and has tons of salt, it never runs out. It is a pure blue, kinda like Erwin's eyes. To answer the 'seeing the world without worry' question, it's very relaxing to be honest but I can't really answer for you, I wasn't trapped in a box my entire life so i'm used to it, but if you saw it..." I stopped, not knowing how he would react to seeing the sea, deserts, blossom trees, fish, tigers but Kaito cut my thoughts off as if he knew what I was thinking.

"If you saw it you'd be shocked. You'd feel like a bird being freed from a cage, relief would flow over you and you'd love it. Other then that we can't say, you are you and who knows what you're emotions would be." he said then sipping on his cup of tea, Eren looked as if he was longing to go, I smiled but also felt bad that I couldn't show him the world like I wanted to.

After minutes of questions about me and Kaito's life, Levi stood up and walked to the doorway, "Back to Hand-To-Hand combat in 3 minutes, no later, no sooner." he said in a his usual monotone voice and simply left. Everyone saluted and me and Kaito just sat there, for 3 minutes waiting to go back to training.



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