Chapter 13 - Welcome Home

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(A/N): DISCLAIMER! I will now be making (F/N) all nationalities because @uneducatednerd said 'they' are Spanish so i'm like "Why the hell not?" so now you are French and Spanish and if you are something else then I will make you that to but i'll have you know I didn't study everything ok? I am very bad at Spanish because I didn't study it as much as I did with French so if I say something ridiculous don't blame me...pls ;-;


Your POV

"Mmmm, Levi stop" I managed to get out while he was kissing me, he backed up and looked at me with confusion "Were leaving for a bit, kay?" I said getting off his desk and grabbing his hand, he nodded and we walked out to the stables.

Once we got there we made sure no one was following us "Did you see anyone?" I asked while he walked in the stables getting his midnight horse putting on his saddle "No, where is you're horse?" he asked leading his horse outside by me, I smirked "Oh (He'll/She'll) be here."

I waited for a moment till it was 9:00 PM on the dot "3...2..1..." I counted and then I heard sudden gallops heading towards us, I smiled "There (He/She) is." I said watching (H/N) slow down and continue to ride towards us. "How did (He/She) know when to come?" Levi asked, a bit surprised "(He's/She's) smart.

I get on my horse and Levi does the same (On his horse not yours.) and we rode towards the gate. When we got there there was a tall guy around the height 5'10 and a girl around the height 5'1, the girl was glaring at me "Can you let us through?" I asked kindly "Why should we"? the guy said, I was about to speak but Levi did instead "Open the gate, thats an order" he said coldly and I saw the girl blush a bit and nodded, she opened the gate and me and Levi rode towards the forest.

~~~~~Time Skip To The TreeHouse AKA You're House : 11:00 PM~~~~~

I got off (H/N) and stretched "Ughhhhhh, Finally!" I exclaimed, I turned to Levi to see him smiling. He got off his horse and finally asked the question I thought he would have asked earlier "Why are we here?" he said walking towards me. I smirked thinking of his expression when I show him what I want to. "That's a surprise, Clean Freak. Just follow me" he nodded and I grabbed his hand, I turned to the horses and gestured for (H/N) to lead Levi's horse to go to the stables, well, my stables at least.

They did so and I turned back to Levi and flashed him a smiled "You know (F/N), You have a beautiful smile." he said softly, I couldn't help but blush "Thanks, Clean Freak.." I replied, I realized it was close to 12:00 PM and I needed to get to my favorite spot at 'The Place' before the moon hit the middle of the sky. "Come on!" I said running and dragging Levi there.

~~~~~Small Time Skip Again To 'The Place' : 11:56 PM~~~~~

We were almost to the place and I stopped and Levi did too, panting it a bit "Where are we?! Where are we going!?" he exclaimed and I giggled "Cover you're eyes" I said sweetly and he did so, I walked pass a few trees and stopped and waited for a bit. "Ok open you're eyes now" (A/N: Ok play the music now)


Levi's POV

I opened my eyes and they widened, I stood in front of loads and loads of sand and beyond that was water. Tons and tons of it, the water was gleaming from the midnight moon and it was beautiful. I turned to (F/N) and I saw her beautiful smile, I smiled back looked back at the sight before me.

"Well come on, Clean Freak!" she exclaimed and she ran forward, I followed her. "What is this?" I asked but I had a pretty good hunch on what it is "This is the ocean, now, take off you're clothes but not you're underwear." I looked at her in confusion, why here? "No, no no no! Not like that Lev! Just do it." she said, I still didn't understand why so I didn't do it. She sighed "Fine, I'll do it first" she said and started to take off her shirt, she took off her brown boots and (F/C) socks; Then she took off her white leggings leaving only her (F/C) bra and panties, I blushed a bit and she smirked "Are you eyeing me down, Captain?" she said kinda devilishly and I smirked as well "Maybe"

She laughed "Now now, you take off you're clothes" she said gesturing me to come closer to her, I did so but I didn't know why. She smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked towards to water, I was still shocked at it, I felt the urge of... freedom.

She let go of my hand and walked in the water. I was still eyeing her beautiful body down but I was cut from my staring by a smirking (F/N) who turned around "Clean freak you can stare at me all you want later, right now come in and swim with me. Don't drink or open you're eyes under water though, it's very salty" she said laughing, I chuckled and slowly walked towards her.

Once my feet touched the water I felt shivers down my spine, it was a bit cold but I used to it. I walked in further till a bit over my ankles were cover with water, it felt nice. I stood next to (F/N) and she grabbed my hand, walking in further till we were both covered in water up to our shoulders. "Do you like it?" she asked sweetly "I love it" I said in a soft tone and she smiled and swam closer to me, I pulled her arm and gave her a passionate kiss which she seemingly gladly returned, she pulled away and splashed me.

"There you go clean freak, now you have a salty bath!" she laughed, I smiled at the sound of it "Then why don't we take a bath together?" I pushed a big splash on her it was like a wave "LEV!" she screamed and I laughed more but was cut of when she pushed a really big wave on me, we continued this for about an hour.

~~~~~Time Skip An Hour 1:24 AM : Beach Shore~~~~~


Your POV

Me and Levi were walking on the shore, I was still in my bra and underwear but I was wearing his shirt, it was buttoned up 3 buttons from bottom to top so it still showed my bra. His right arm was around me, the glistening moon complemented his silky wet hair, I smiled enjoying this moment.

"We should head back, I'd be to tired to carry you back if you fell asleep" he said stopping in his tracks, I stopped too and grabbed his hand "Don't worry, I got this." I said and he nodded, we walked a bit further until we arrived to a bed

It wasn't just any bed though, it had white blankets on it and around it with 4 pillows on it, 2 on either side. It had a canopy above it make out of the same angel white silk with 2 dark wood supporters on the back and front of the bed holding up the white silk above the bed, it was by a few Autumn and Cherry trees.

"What is this?" Levi asked, surprise filling his voice, I smiled at his reaction and led him towards the bed and gestured him to lay down with me "I made this place not to long before the Survey Corps brought me back to HQ, I used it to sleep out here sometimes hoping Kaito would arrive home but it didn't happen until the morning you guys got here." I said, starting to cuddle Levi's chest.

"Ah" he simply said, I yawned and he chuckled at my actions "Night, (F/N)" he said "Goodnight. Lev.." I said sweetly and softly before falling into a peaceful sleep cuddling my Lev.


A: Awwwwwweeeeeeeeeeee, Reader~Chan and Levi are so cute together! :3 *Takes picture* Kawaii

Levi: Tch, brat.

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