Chapter 9 - Dating The Captain

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(A/N): Every chapter has to be i the range of 960-1000+ words, if this isn't then I'm sorry but I'm extremely tired and have been working my ass off to finish these chapters. Not that I don't like to write but god damn... this is hard especially when I fall asleep for 3 hour and wake up super late and become really tired, enjoy the chapter and if its short I sorry :P


Your POV

I woke up birds chirping and the sun shining down on me, I sat up but was immediately pulled down by a strong force.

"Stay in bed for a bit longer, (F/N)." Levi said in a very morning deep voice in which I was practically in  love with "But I have training..." I said though I didn't mind staying in bed with him all day "You're sick then.." he said making an excuse "What about Kaito? He'll be looking for me.." I asked and her turned me over to him "Kaito won't be looking for you until after training, by then you'll be out of bed so stop talking and sleep with me." he said not giving up on the defenses of his statement "Alright fine.." I said and closed my eyes snuggling with Levi

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skippidy Skip 2 Hours Brought To You By Hanji's Crazyiness~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and looked at the time and it was 10:00 AM. Levi wasn't in bed so I just got up and put on my uniform

"Good morning" I turned to see Levi walk in with a tray with soup, bread and water on it, I smiled and replied "Good morning", I walked over to him and he gave me a peck on the forehead, I smiled again "sit down and eat, I have to go watch those brats. When you're done just wait till I get back I nodded and began to eat and he walked out of his office and went down to the training grounds


Levi's POV

I walked out of my office relatively happy, (F/N) seemed to brighten up my world when I was stuck in darkness. Walking downstairs and towards the training fields I see my squad but not a certain blue haired Cadet.

"Levi" I turned to see Kaito leaning up against the wall "Tch, what is it brat?" I asked in my normal monotone voice "(F/N) is basically my sister. I could care less that she was with you, but if you hurt her physically, emotionally, mentally- no scratch that, if you hurt her in any way possible I will personally rip you to shreds, understand?" he said in a very serious tone.

I understood where he was coming from so I just nodded and spoke in the slightest softer tone than usual "I understand. Now get back to training, Cadet Kaito." he simply nodded and walked back to training, beating everyone else.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip To Lunch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked straight upstairs to (F/N), not sitting with my squad. I opened the door to see her sitting on the chair opposite of where I sit reading a book, next to a cup of tea and... organized paperwork?

"Oh hey Levi! I finished you're paper work for you and made you some black tea, I hope you don't mind" she said smiling, god she had a beautiful voice (A/N: Each and everyone of you have amazing voices and laughs please don't say you don't because that just makes me sad. ;-;) 

"You didn't have to do all this" I said, looking at the papers done perfectly in beautiful handwriting "But I wanted to do something nice for you, is that bad?" she asked me, I looked up and shook my head "Of course not, it's just.." I spoke not knowing what to say "Don't be silly Levi, surely you're tired from working so hard right?" she asked and she was right, I normally get 2-3 hours of sleep a day, I nodded took the last sip of the tea she made me which was delicious.

"Did Kaito talk to you?" she asked "He would most likely know if we were dating and become protective..." she continued "Yeah he talked to me but were good, no need to worry" I reassured her and she gave me a simple smile "Come here, (F/N)" I said looking at her she looked confused and walked to the other side of the desk in-front of me "What is i-" I cut her off and pulled her onto my lap and kissed her neck, she moaned a little and I turned her to me

"I love you, (F/N)." I said and she became flustered a bit and smiled "I love you too, Levi."



Narrater's POV

Levi and (F/N) spent the day together just hanging out and having a bit of fun (NO NOT LIKE THAT YOU LEMON-LOVERS :3) while the rest of the squad talked and ate for 30 minutes till going back to the rest of their 1 hour training

"Where did Corporal go?" Petra asked

"Tch" Auruo said "Isn't it obviois, brat? He's doing paperwor-" he bit his tongue causing laughs

"Not sure, Petra. Maybe doing paperwork" Eren said and went back to eating

"He and (F/N) are together right now, their dating" Kaito said in a very calm and collected voice

"REALLY?!" Even exclaimed "I thought you and (F/N) were..."

"Eren think about it, Kaito said that because Gunther over here was gushing over (F/N). Probably just protecting her." Eld said and ate his bread and Gunter started blushing a bit

"She's hot and all but relationships for me" Gunter said sipping his soup

Petra just stayed quiet, she had a glint of jealousy in her eyes, her heart broke, she liked Levi and he liked her... right? That fucking outsider ruined everything

"Petra you ok?" Petra snapped out of her thoughts out of the sound of that outsider's brother, Katio

"Oh yeah I just zoned out, I'm fine!" she exclaimed, faking her happines

"Alright" he went back to drinking his tea and she went back to eating.


Levi walked (F/N) outside when everyone was asleep and walked to the hill where they first kissed, they both sat down and star gazed. (F/N) leaned on Levi and he put a arm around her back. "The stars are beautiful tonight" (F/N) said Levi nodded and agreed "But theres something more beautiful" Levi said still looking  at the stars but (F/N) looked at him "What?" she asked, he looked at her beautiful face "You." (I got that "But theres something more beautiful" "what?" "you" thing from instagram btw.) she smiled and he leaned in to kiss her which she happily accepted and kissed him back. They parted and went back to watching the stars, together.


(A/N): Dear god I am so tired! I MUST SLEEP! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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