Chapter 17 - Stay Away From Her

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(A/N): Kyouko Kirigiri is like one of my favorite anime characters so...yeah. Also how she knows (F/N) will remain a secret for a bit longer but...the twists I am thinking of are like....oh my god yes. OK ONTO THE CHAPTER!


Kyouko's POV

"Where is Lance Corporal Levi?" I asked sternly, he had a confused look in his eyes. He set down his pen and intertwined both his fingers "Why? Who are you?" I rolled my eyes, obviously annoyed by the fact he ignored my question.

"Kyouko Kirigiri. Friend of (F/N) (L/N) and Kaito. I need to speak with him for personal matters." I responded, annoyance filling my voice. He motioned for me to sit down, I hesitated but obliged and sat down. I glared daggers at him, not showing any remorse for these caged people.

"So, Kyouko. You want to see the Corporal because?" he asked, I clenched my fists in annoyance and in anger. "I just told you. Personal matters. Nothing harmful." I said, trying hard to keep my cool. I normally could but when it came to these people I just snapped easily.

"Ah, I see." He said, looking back down at his papers then up at me "Knowing how to get here i'm sure you you passed the Mess Hall for directions. Go back there and find Eren Jaeger. He and Squad Levi should be down there by now." I simply nodded and walked out, walking towards the stairs and to the Mess Hall.

I opened the door normally instead of barging in and looked over the room. I spotted a table a bit farther from the others and there were 6 people sitting at it. One had mocha brown hair and determined emerald eyes. Next to him was a man with older features, he had wrinkles around his face. He had a undercut styled hair with at was blonde on the top and the cut was brown, he had a cravat that was a bit of a grayish white. Across from them there was an average height man with a brown hair that had a point at the end. He was speaking to a taller man with long blonde hair, parted in the middle and a bun folded at the back. Lastly, there was a smaller girl, strawberry blonde shoulder length hair. She was leaning on the table talking to who I assumed was the Captain himself. He had bored and dull steel-blue eyes, his face seemed to be molded into a frown as she talked his ear off.

I blatantly walked over, not causing to much attention though I still got a few confused looks but like usual I just ignored them. As I reached the table, they all stopped talking and looked up at me but ' 'Lance Corporal Levi' kept sipping his tea, holding his cup in an unusual manner. I stood quietly, observing him, he was quite boring, never knew (F/N) could fall in love with a rock but oh well.

"Might I ask who you are?" the short girl with the strawberry blonde hair asked in a sweet tone, I tried hard not to cringe, this was her, wasn't it?

"Kyouko Kirigiri. Family of (F/N) (L/N) and Kaito." I stated firmly. The captain looked up at me, widened eyes as the rest of them did to. The one who I guessed was Eren stood up, pushing his chair back, slamming his hands on the table.

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" he yelled, getting everyone else's attention. Well at least he cared, why didn't (F/N) fall in love with him? He obviously cared more then this Levi. I motioned for him to quiet down and he obliged hesitantly.

"(F/N) (L/N) is deceased. She will not be returning to The Survey Corps. Cause of death: Suicide". I firmly stated, I looked over to Levi and he was fighting off tears, pain filled his eyes. Eren was in tears and that...girl was...smirking. I looked her in the eye and glared practical death at her. She let out a small "Heh".

No one saw it coming but I pinned her to the wall, my dark, blackish steel colored blade piercing her neck, crimson blood trickled from it and onto my hand, falling onto the floor. "'Heh' huh? Death is so funny to you? Maybe I should show you first-hand what it truly is. Would you enjoy that, Missy?" I said, coldly I felt the shivers go down her spine. 

"Maybe I should feed you to a titan, or torture you to death, or maybe cut your wrists till you die of blood loss. Will that be funny?" I asked again, harshly and coldly. I made a small slice on her neck, not killing her but leaving a scar, I leaned up to her ear and whispered a few words.

"Those lips fell onto someone else's. That someone else was my sister's boyfriend. Maybe one day, you can't let those lips onto someone else." I paused causing a dramatic effect "Because they'll be blue and cold, attached to that lifeless body of yours."

I backed away and stashed the blade in my blade-holder on the right side of my waist. I nodded at everyone else and turned on my heel and towards the door and out the mess hall, little did I know I was having a certain Captain get up from his seat and follow me to bombarde me with questions.




I'm mental..

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now