Chapter 21 - The 57th Expedition | Part Two

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3rd Person POV

A ear piercing sound could be heard from all around them. "An acoustic sound?" Eren asked, still covering his ears.

"What is your job?" Levi asked, turning his head towards Eren "Was it simply to succumb your emotions?" he continued "I'm sure that wasn't your job, the mission of this squad is to do everything we can to keep this brat unhurt..." he trailed over, turning his face back to the front " our last breath" everyone nodded, looking determined.

"We will keep going on horseback...Got that?" he ordered "Roger!" Petra exclaimed "Keep going...? Where?!" Eren shouted "That titan is almost on us!" he stopped as his eyes widened "...more reinforcements." he yelled "Eren! Keep looking straight ahead!" Gunther shouted at him "Gunther?!" Eren yelled, looking back at Gunther. Eld jumped in on the argument "Keep the pace! Keep going at top speed!" he yelled look straight forward, Eren looked at him in awe.

"Eld..." he trailed off "WHY?!" he continued "If Squad Levi doesn't stop her, who will?!" he exclaimed. Grunting could be heard in the distance from behind him, he turned to see another cadet get killed "ANOTHER CADET!" he screamed "WE COULD HAVE SAVED HIM...!" he turned to face Petra "There's still a man fighting!" he yelled again "We can still get there in time!" he tried to convince his squad in a pleading voice.

Petra turned to him, a stern look upon her face, "Eren! Keep moving forward!" she scolded he glared at her "And turn away from the fight?! Run away and leave a fellow solider to die?!" he questioned in a loud voice. Petra glared right back "Yes, that's right! Follow the captain's orders!" she yelled, he didn't understand why "I don't understand why you won't explain that to me!" he yelled, looking back at the sight before him "Why?!"

"Because Captain decided not to!" Oulo yelled, also joining in, glaring at Eren "You don't understand because you're still a greenhorn!" Eren gasped "Now shut up and follow orders" Oulo yelled, returning his gaze forward. Out of frustration, Eren moved his gaze from Oulo and downwards, he gasped at a thought. He put away his blades and pulled his hand to his mouth "What're you doing, Eren?!" Petra questioned, looking at him "You're only allowed to do that if your life is threatened!" she scolded. He moved his hand closer to his mouth "Eren!" Petra yelled, she had a concerned expression and worry filled her voice. 

"What you're feeling isn't wrong." Levi started, Petra and Eren gasped and turned to him "If you want to fight, then go!" he yelled, everything seemed to slow down for Eren, focus all on Captain Levi. "I can tell what he's feeling...This guy's a real monster...And it has nothing to do with his Titan powers. No matter how much anyone tries to suppress him, even if they put him in a cage, no one can subjugate his will. Eren, the differences in the decisions we make comes from experience. But you don't have to rely on that. Make your choice...Believe in yourself...or believe in me and the Scout Regiment. I don't know the answer. That's how it's always been. Whether I believed in my abilities, or the choices of friends I trust, no one could predict how things turned out. That's why the best you can do is to make your choice with no regrets." he said sternly.

Eren was in awe on his short lecture, he turned back to see yet another solider killed. He turned to look at his hand and went to bite it before Petra had called out to him "Eren" she said, he looked towards her "Trust us." she said, her eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern. His eyes were widened, he had to decide.

So much time seemed to pass as Eren was in deep thought, recalling a memory from before "Eren!" Levi yelled "What's taking so long?! Decide!" he turned to face Eren. Eren squeezed his eyes shut, until the answer finally came out "I'm going forward!" he yelled. He heard yet another scream of pain, he shut his eyes "I'm sorry...!" he whisper-yelled. "The target is closing in on us!" Gunther yelled "Faster! We have to get away!" Levi yelled. Eren glanced back at the female titan, rushing towards his beloved squad.

Suddenly, when they reached a certain point, the female titan stopped and made a big boom on the ground. The ground shoo, the dirt bounced suddenly a loud stern voice could be heard from the top of the trees "FIRE!" the voice yelled and loud bangs occurred and the female titan...was trapped.



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