Chapter 8 - What Are We?

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(A/N): Legit just woke up from a 3 hour sleep. Must update twice today though!

(N/N) = Nickname


Your POV

I woke up in the girls dorm but I don't remember coming back here last night 'Was that a dream?' I thought to myself as I began getting up and stretching. 'No way, I vividly remember it' I thought again while putting on my uniform, 'No, No. It could have been a very real-like dream. Don't make a scene, (F/N).' I thought but should I just ignore all of it? Don't say a word? Let him take charge? But what if it was a dream? Do I really like him? We've only known each other for like 2 days




"Who is it?" I yelled while putting on my belts "It's Petra! It's time for breakfast!" she yelled in her high pitched voice "Alright, I'll be right there!" I yelled back putting on my last belt. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Petra standing there waiting for me.

"Good Morning, (F/N)!" she exclaimed, I just smiled and nodded 'Dear god she is so.. perky' I thought as we walked down the hall and downstairs. I was to busy thinking about what to do with Levi because before I knew it we were downstairs. 'Just sit with Kaito and tell him later' I thought while walking over to him and squad Levi.

"Morning, (N/N)" Kaito said, leaning over and kissing my cheek "Good morning, You got me breakfast?" I asked looking down at the plate, he nodded and went back to eating. 

"(F/N), please don't take this the wrong way but are you and Kaito.. a thing?" Petra asked, lets just say I pretty much choked on my soup because that was one hell of a surprise.

"Like.. dating?" I asked regaining my composure, she nodded and giggled a little to my reaction

"Well honestly-" I was cut off by Kaito speaking

"You could say that, but in my opinion, yes we are dating." he said in a calm voice, and that caused me to choke though I didn't show it. I could hear all the squad saying 'awe's and 'how cute's but I could feel a very irritated stare on me and I had a pretty good feeling on who it was.

"(F/N), after training wash up and come to my office" Levi said in a more monotone voice than I have ever heard and I didn't even think it was possible, he get up, turned on his heel and left. "Ok" I simply replied and went back to eating.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip To After Training~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I said my byes to Kaito as I went towards my room and showered. After I was done I put on my (f/c) bra and panties and a grey sweater and black tights and put my (h/l) (h/c) hair down and walked over to Levi's office.

I knocked on his door and waited for a response "Name and Business" he said in his usual monotone voice "(F/N) (L/N), You asked to see me" I responded 'should I have said Cadet (L/N) or Cadet (F/N)?' I thought to myself but was cut off from my thoughts when the door opened. He went to the side of the door and gestured for me to come in.

I walked in and heard the door shut and lock, I started to turn around and speak but before I could get the words out of my mouth I was pinned against a wall by Levi.

"Umm, Levi?" I asked, part of my was confused and the other part was expecting something to happen while I was here. "(F/N), What is Cadet Kaito to you?" he said in his monotone voice "A brotherly figure." I responded 'Oh god is he... jealous?' I wondered "When Cadet Ral asked you what he was to you he answered saying you were dating, why is that hm?" he asked getting a bit closer to me and I swear I blushed a bit even though I tried so hard not to. 

"He d-didn't want a-anyone to m-make a m-move o-on me.." I stuttered 'shit' I thought frustrated with myself. He smirked, "Hm, I like him. Wouldn't want anyone making a move on my girl, now would we cadet?" he said in a very sexual voice making me blush even more than before. "No...captain" I stopped stuttering but then


It was like a blink of an eye, Levi was kissing me and his lips were as soft as they were last night. I immediately kissed back, he pulled away for a breath and a string of saliva was connecting out lips. He smirked and leaned in to my ear "Stay with me tonight" he whispered and I nodded, not being able to actually say something. He picked me up wrapping my leg around his waist and he carried me into his spotless room. He sat on the bed and sat me on his waist "Take off you're shirt and pants you won't be comfortable sleeping in that. 'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD' I was totally freaking out inside but I kept my cool and took off my shirt and pants and he pulled me down and cuddled me

"You know you're fucking beautiful right (F/N)?" He stated, I blushed "Especially when you're a tomato" I laughed and I swear I could see him smile for a second "Seriously you're the cutest thing ever when you're red" he said chuckling a bit and I couldn't help but laugh

We talked for at least an hour and eventually we both fell asleep in each others grasps.


(A/N): YOU HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR AT LEAST 3 DAYS (Unless I forgot and did a time skip then it would be 3 weeks). NO LEMON TILL U GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER! K? (Don't sleep with someone you don't know well k?)

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