Chapter 27 - What's lost, Must be found

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(A/N): KAAAAHHH! 1.4k READS! YAY! :3


Levi's POV

"Levi~! Levi wake up.." someone cooed. I groaned, memories of the mysterious white atomosphere flooded my mind. Then it hit me. The journal; My eyes shot open and I jumped up to what seemed to be a bed, I looked around and sure enough I was in the infirmary, next to me was Shitty Glasses who seemed to be eyeing down my tired figure.

"Where's cadet Arlert?!" I exclaimed eager to know more about this journal he was talking about. "He's out in the mess hall eating dinner." she said, her voice a little calmer in then usual but she was still grinning ear to ear. I got up out of the bed only to have a throbbing pain in my head. I groaned once more and sat back down, clutching my head in my palm.

"Oh no no shorty! You need to stay here! I'll go get Armin and you stay here!" she exclaimed loudly, only to have the throbbing pain get worse. I glared daggers at her "Shut up, four-eyes. My head is starting to hurt more." I said annoyance lacing my sentence. She just giggled and ran out the room.

I sat there for a few moments, regaining my composure from the sudden pain. I thought about the journal '(F/N) is can't she come back to me? I didn't intentionally hurt her...right?' I thought to myself, I didn't notice a figure in the doorway watching my stressed form.

"Heichou" a low voice said, I almost jumped, I lifted my head up to see Armin with a ice pack and the journal he implied was (F/N)'s. I looked at him and motioned for him to sit in the leather brown seat across from the single white bed. He obliged to my requests and sat down, I stared at him for a moment, my steel-blue eyes piercing his ocean-blue ones.

"The journal." I said sternly, he jumped at my sudden sound then relaxed. "W-well I said a few hours ago I believe (F/N) is still alive..." he said in a low and shy voice "Where is she then? If she's...alive" I said the last part sadly, thinking that it wasn't true. Armin nodded "Sir, you love her...right?" he asked leaning closer to me. I snapped all my attention to him "Yes. Of course I do, brat." I said back to my usual monotone voice. He smiled a small bit "Then lets go after her."


Levi: What the fuck brat this is have of what you usually write.


Levi: With what?!


Levi: Tch

Author: YEAH I WIN!

Levi: Brat

Author: That's right my lovelies! I am going to Miami which means NO UPDATING! I'm sorry that this was short but I do have to pack! I hope you all are having a wonderful day, night, evening, morning or whatever and I will see you all in the next chapters!



As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now