Chapter 28 - Please

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(A/N): I'M BACK!!!! WHOOOOOO! ALSO 1.6K?! WAT?! No way.


Levi's POV

Me, Titan boy, smart ass and Titan boy's protector sat on our horses, readying to ride for two hours to (F/N)'s house. I had to admit I was nervous, If Armin wasn't right about this then i'd have to face her grave, the 'ghosts' of her and other one's i've lost haven't really helped me either. As I looked back at the 3 brats they all had determination filling their faces. I nodded one time looking between the 3 of them, they all nodded and we took off.

--Time Skip 2 hours--

Hopping off my midnight shaded horse I looked back at the now uneasy Armin "Brats stay here, this is personal matters." I ordered, they just nodded and stayed on their mounts. I walked up to the large tree house I took one good look at it before sighing and walking up the stairs. I stared at the door, hesitant to knock but after a few moments I gathered up the courage and gave it 3 good knocks.

I was sweating and the palms of my hands itched with anxiousness and tension. Finally the door opened to a very calm Kaito, his eyes were off somewhere off but his body faced my own "Kyouko I told you, you can't--" he cut himself off as he realized I wasn't who he thought, he went to slam the door in my face but I stopped hit, making a dent in the door.

He glared bullets at me, sharp ones. "What the hell do you want, Heicheater?" he asked venom filling his voice. I rolled my eyes "You know that's not what happened--" he cut me off "WELL I DON'T GIVE A SHIT LEVI SHE'S DEAD SO IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW!" he yelled in my face. My eyes dropped and my heart pieces shattered even more at his words. I dug in the back pocket in my jeans and pulled out the journal, holding it up in his face.

"What's this?" I asked angrily, he didn't speak. I got angrier by each second of his silence. I went to grab his shirt before an all to familiar voice prevented me from doing so.

(A/N: Play Music Now)

"Ackerman. Nice to see you again." I turned my head to see the beautiful face once more, the one that belonged to (F/N). My jaw dropped a little and my eyes widened. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair shone the same way, her (E/C) eyes sparkled just like before. My eyes traveled to her stomach and there was no bloody hole. Just the same (F/N) I know and love.

"(F/N)--" she cut me off by putting a hand in front of her, motioning for me to stop. I pushed pass Kaito and walked up to her, only for her to step back. My heart broke even more at her actions "Stop." she said, looking me dead in the eye. It showed....pity. "Levi, I know what happened. I told you that in the journal. I told you I loved you and that i'd never leave you alone." she said kindly, walking up to me but I was frozen in place.

She caressed my cheek lovingly and gently, I pulled my hand up and grabbed hers, stroking it with my thumb. That is, until she pulled away. "....But I also said I can't come back." she said, turning her back to me. My eyes widened "Why?!" I exclaimed, she chuckled a small bit. "I put these walls up for a reason, Levi. To protect myself from things like this..." she trailed off, I went to speak but she beat me to it "I know that's not what happened but it could happen. Not only that but you aren't like me, you could die any moment and I can't risk myself breaking so painfully. This is the only way." she said calmly.

My eyes brimmed with tears "No..(F/N), we'll be fine...I promise.." I muttered my voice cracking. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Levi." she said "I told you, you killed someone else and a new life has emerged. This is the new me, numb from all romantic feelings." she continued, turning back to my breaking figure. Walking up to me she cupped my face, smiling gently. "Goodbye, Levi..." she said lowly, kissing my forehead.

"(F/N) please..don't go." I managed out, she laughed a small bit again "Levi do you love me?" she asked sweetly, I nodded "Yes...with all my heart." I said, my voice dry and hurt. "Then do what's best for me...and let me go..." she replied, smiling. I let out a small sob and nodded, kissing her on her forehead. She let go of my cheeks and walked out the door with one final wave and smile. I watched her figure walked out the door and down the stairs.

Kaito walked up to me, handing me a medium sized notebook. "For Hanji." was all he said before walking out too. I sighed and wiped the little tears I had. Looking around the fun memory of playing uno ran through my mind. I walked to the door and turned my head back just a little "Goodbye...(F/N)" I muttered before walking out and shutting the door behind me, walking down the path towards the horses.


As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now