Chapter 7 - Captain Levi

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(A/N): My computer was being a bitch for like 20 minutes so I couldn't update, wah! Baka computer! Onto the story ;-;


Your POV

Normally I sleep fine, but not tonight apparently, it was around 3:30 AM when I woke up so I decided to go on a walk. I grabbed my dark blue jacket and put on some black tights, over it was some grey shorts. I wore a simple dark blue tang to match my jacket. I quietly stepped outside the girls dorm and walked outside HQ and onto the hill behind it.

I started humming to relax myself, tonight was so beautiful, it looked so twilight-like and there where no clouds, just the dark blue sky with white glistening stars in it. The breeze pushed my (H/L) (H/C) hair in front of my eyes but I could care less, I just sat on the hill admiring the beauty before me.


Levi's POV

I heard foot steps outside the mess hall where I was drinking my black tea

"Tch, brat is probably pulling a stupid ass prank" I clicked my tongue in annoyance and put my tea cup down. I walked out the mess hall and saw no one there so I walked towards the door and walked outside HQ. I turn my head right and left and no one is there. Getting really annoyed I turn back to go back inside then suddenly I hear very peaceful humming 'Who is that?' is all I can think right now. I follow from wear its coming from and I see (Y/N) on the hill sitting there and all I can think while seeing her is

"She's stunning..." I whispered out loud but it was true. Something about her was just dazzling, her (H/L) (H/C) hair being pushed in-front of her face by the breeze, her sparkling (E/C) orbs staring into the sky and her (S/T) seems so soft and clear. I realize I'm just standing there so I walk up to her and sit down next to her.

"Tch, brat. What are you doing out so early?" I asked looking up at the stars as she was doing waiting for an answer "I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I came out here to admire the stars" she said in the softest tone I have ever encountered

"I see" I said in my monotone voice "Levi" she said in her sweet tone making me chest go ka-pump 'What the..' I questioned myself in my head, eventually I answered "What is it, brat?" I asked almost stuttering "Why do you promise every dying human that you will defeat the northern titans when you know that you are still just Human? You are just as human as everyone else you are just skilled. Just promising that to everyone is more weight of the world on you." She said still looking at the stars then turning to me I look at her then



Your POV

One second I was talking to Levi looking at the stars and then look at him then the next second his lips are on mine. My eyes widen and I don't know what to do so I just kissed back. His lips were so soft I didn't want to stop, but sadly he pulled back and stared into my eyes

"Why did you do that?" I asked trying so hard to blush and stutter

"I guess I couldn't resist" he smirked "Do you want to do it again or are you gonna be a brat?" he asked I laughed at his joke and I SWEAR I could see him smile a bit and I kissed him and he immediately kissed back, he licked my bottom lip asking- no begging for a entrance which I gladly accepted and he started exploring ever part of my mouth as if he was looking for something. He broke apart for air breathing heavily and a string of saliva connecting our lips. 

"Are you looking for something. Captain?" I emphasized the word Captain

"Are you trying to make me horny, Cadet?" He returned the sarcastic question, also emphasizing the rank title, I smiled "Maybe its just you." I said smirking "Maybe" he responded before laying down on the grass pulling me close to him and his embrace was so warm..

"Night...(Y/N)" was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep...


(A/N): Sorry for the super short chapter but i'm not feeling well and i'm so tired! ;-;... sowwy, have a nice day,night,morning or evening wherever you are and FINALLY SOME LEVI X READER ACTION. Was that rushed? I feel like it was rushed...idk I'm tired

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