Chapter 16 - Kyouko Kirigiri

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(A/N): I WAS SUPER DUPER BUSY YESTERDAY I SO SORRY!!! ;-; Enjoy the new character! Omg I love Dangan ronpa!


Kyouko Kirigiri's POV

Hmph, fucking '"Humanity's Strongest" Cheating on MY (F/N)? Uh.. nuh-uh. She has feelings whether she shows them or not and I will NOT tolerate her being hurt, especially in the love department!' I thought as I stormed up to the gate to this...this...prison. I cringed at the thought and walked in. Surely enough, it was flooding with titans. Ah, this must be Wall Maria, the one that got attacked all those years ago.

I simply strolled across the town, walking pass the titans as if they were nothing, which they were but i'd rather not think about that. I walked straight, thinking it would be best if I wouldn't take any 'shortcuts' in the alleyways in fear I might get lost and be here longer then wanted. "They just left this all behind? Hmm" I thought aloud, continuously and cluelessly walking through this abandoned city.

It maybe have been hours, i'm not sure but I realized the second I got to the second wall I needed a break, my energy was slowly leaving me and I might need a bit of a rest, why the hell I didn't bring a horse beats me but oh well, whats done is done. I sat down, holding my right hand on my lap, the left one was on top of it. I waited a few minutes before getting up and going towards 'Wall Rose'.

I stared at it for a minute, pondering if I should go here. Pfft, what am I thinking? I'll be fine. I shot my 3DMG up the wall and walked across it, then shooting it downwards and started to walk through the town. Of course, I got stares of confusion and fear from everyone but I quickened up my pace, walking towards this HQ.

----15 Minutes Later----

As I approached the HQ of The Survey Corps I thought about how depressed (F/N) looked. She had no emotion in her eyes yet they showed nothing but betrayal and sadness. It pained me to see her like that. She was like a younger sister to me, Kaito me and her were family and if someone hurts one of us its the end for them.

I stormed in and no one was there, I looked around and heard distant chattering that got louder and louder as I walked forward. It finally got louder and I barged in, earning even more stares but I could care less "Where is your commander?" I calmly asked, trying not to freak them out.

Nothing. No one said a word. I sighed, fucking hell they seriously need to get a grip on their reactions. "I'll ask again, where is your commander?" I asked, getting impatient with these kids. Eventually, someone with dark brownish-black hair and bright blue eyes answer me, standing up with a salute. "Commander Erwin is in his office. Upstairs to the right." he said firmly, I smiled a bit and nodded "Thank you" I said back in my calm voice while walking out their eating quarters and to Command Erwin's Office.

I walked upstairs looking around seeing multiple doors. I saw the big brown one, bigger then the others of course,on the right side of the headquarters. I assumed that was the office so I stormed over and burst open the door with an angry face on

"Where is Lance Corporal Levi?"

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