New Book / New Schedule

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Ok! Hello reader! So yesterday I said I would do two updates today BUT a shock wave of idea flew through my head and I decided that I would make a new book about it! Yes, it is a Levi x Reader book! The title is called "Back In time - Levi x Reader FanFiction"! Now now, I will be continuing this story yes yes but starting Monday there will a new schedule for my stories! Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday I will release "Back In Time"; Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will release "As If I Could Ever Leave You". On Saturdays I will release both A.K.A "Spam Saturday". And yes, I do know the name is also used by the Youtuber "LifeSimmer" but I thought of the name before I found out about her so no hate on me. 

Have a lovely day!


As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now