Chapter 24 - The 57th Expedition | Part Five

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(A/N): Guys you don't understand what i'm feeling right now...I have the perfect ending for this story but I don't know if you'll accept it that way...The fact that the storyline remains hidden strikes me as incredible but also special. It means that this story isn't predictable, I like that. The journal has a very personal and spiritual meaning that I understand that you don't understand what it means, thats ok. The pieces put together will strike you as a surprise, that's why it wont be out. I'll give small hints as to what's going on. 


3rd Person POV

Eren's eye's widened, Oulo swooped down and grabbed him "Go kid come on! Keep moving!" he yelled, Eren brushed passed the trees in shock "Gah! Were just leaving?!" he yelled, getting thrown away from Oulo. He gasped as the hooded figure caught up to them "Who is that?!" Petra yelled "Keep him away from Eren!" Eld yelled "Damn it~! Eld what are we doing?!" Oulo asked in a loud voice "No time to get the horses, make for HQ at full speed!" he yelled, they all zipped towards HQ.

"Is that the female titan or did she have an ally?!" Oulo asked "Damn it! Whoever it is they're gonna pay even if it's the last thing I do!" Petra yelled, turning around and looking at the hooded figure. Eren glanced back before continuously moving forward. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the hooded figure disappered in the trees.

All of Squad Levi turned around, looking backwards to find the hooded figure but it was nowhere to be found. 


Yellow lightning struck from the sky and the female titan emerged from the trees with smoke coming from her "I hate being right.." Oulo complained "GET MOVING!" Eld yelled, Eren fully turned arond "DAMN YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! I SWEAR IT!" Eren yelled, bringing his hand up to his mouth "No don't! The three of us can handle her! You get back to base!" Eld yelled, looking at Eren. "I can fight too!" Eren yelled "Just go! We cannot afford to put you at risk!" Eld argued. Oulo flew up next to Eren "Have you nothing?! After all you been through do you still not trust us?!" Oulo asked.  "Is that true Eren?! I thought you had faith in us! That you trusted us!" Petra yelled. Eren thought for a moment...

"I have faith in the Levi Squad! Good Luck!" Eren yelled, flying off. Oulo smirked and Petra smiled, Eld just kept a straight face.

Squad Levi turned around, Eld flying up to the female titan's face ready to bulge out her eyes, only to fly off but not without pushing gas in her eyes, blinding her for a mere second. Petra and Oulo took this chance to spin on either side of her face, taking out her eyes. She fell back on a tree, still covering her nape.

They all flew back taking in the bigger picture of the situation. They all thought terrible thoughts about killing her, they turned to Eld for directions as she hit the bark of the tree. He put his arm up and bended his elbow, doing a motion under his arm signaling an attack, they both nodded as Petra and Oulo flew towards her, doing a flip mid air then falling back down, cutting her breasts. Eld flew in, cutting her arms and Petra and Oulo copied this movement over and over again and soon enough her arms fell.

As Eld zipped towards her to slice off her nape, she used all her strength into one eye, biting Eld in half. Petra fell down out of pure shock. The female titan spit out Eld's bitten half and looked up, aiming for Petra next. She bent down and took off, her arms following behind her. Petra still in shock just kept moving her gas away from the female titan, muttering confusion under her breath. "PETRA GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Oulo yelled "PETRA!" he yelled again but it was too late. The female titan caught up to her, squishing her against a tree, breaking her spine and messing with her insides, killing her.

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