Chapter 29 - Just for Tonight

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(A/N): NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST ONE! KAHHH WE'VE COME A LONG WAY! ;-; Here is the list of books that are on my page and upcoming ones as well!

AIICELY - Ongoing

The Phantomhives - Ongoing

Eternity - Ongoing

I love you Levi, Always have Always will - Completed

Say Something - Completed


Best Friends - Upcoming

Forever - Upcoming



As me and (H/N) galloped down the gravel and dirt ground, the thumps of her hooves. My mind was set to go to Kyouko's house. My mind was set to get ready to venture the world with her. My mind was set on being the new me. But my heart was somewhere else. It was as if the part of me was still my old self. The one that still loved Levi. The one that longed for the Survey Corps, longed for Eren's courage and Hanji's excitement. Every one of them have flaws and I can't say that i'm exactly perfect either but that doesn't mean I don't love them for them.

"Stupid attachments..." I muttered


3rd Person POV

(F/N) galloped swiftly to her sisters camp, her mind set on leaving Humanity behind and venture out the world with her family. If only she hadn't gotten attached to the Survey Corps she wouldn't be conflicted in this issue right now. If only she hadn't fell in love. If only she hadn't let her walls down, she wouldn't be crumbling to pieces.

Levi hasn't been the same since the few nights ago. He was colder, he worked a lot more just to keep his thoughts off of you. Saying your name made him vomit. He couldn't drink water without passing out and he couldn't see, touch or taste salt without going into a seizure. Sure, physically and mentally he was fine. Emotionally? Not so much.

"Captain Levi." Armin said, finally speaking as him and a few others were sitting in the Mess Hall. "What is it brat?" Levi asked lowly and coldly, making the poor boy flinch "We think we found the female titan." he said, Levi's eyes widened "Enlighten me." he ordered eagerly.


Your POV

I arrived at the small camp which was at least a day away from HQ--ugh I have to stop thinking about that place. Tying (H/N) to a tree I walked up to the fire and two tents. I sighed heavily before calling out "Kyouko! Kaito? I'm here!" I yelled, looking left and right for them but my sight was clear for them. "Over here, (N/N)!" I heard a male a voice, I turned around to see Kaito waving with a brown backpack on his left shoulder smiling brightly. I gave him a smile before he ran up to me.

"Where's Kyouko?" I asked looking around. He chuckled "She said she had to 'Inspect The Horses'" he said in his goofy tone. I however, looked dully then usual. I felt dully as well. My attention was in a complete bliss of emotions and thoughts that I felt prisoned. Kaito seemed to catch up on this quickly and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "If you don't want to do don't have to." he said kindly. I let the tears fall from my eyes, letting it all out. "I-i-i mi-iss h-h-him K-K-Kai..." I said, stuttering on my words from the chokes. He pulled me into a gentle hug and nuzzled his head in my (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Shhh Shhh.. I know"

I heard rustling in the trees and I turned my head to see Kyouko walking up to us. She looked at me concerned at my current state "What's wrong, (F/N)?" she asked. I shook my head "....Kyouko I can't...I can't go...." I said sadly, she walked up to me while I kept my head down, afraid she might be disappointed in my sudden change of attitude. She lifted my head up with her right index finger and she had a soft sweet smile on her face. "Go." she whispered. I hugged her tightly "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." I repeatedly whispered before pulling away and grabbing Kaito's hand rushing to the horses.

"I LOVE YOU, KYOUKO!" I yelled turning my head a little to see her waving. I returned my gaze to the north and genuinely smiled to nothing. I just smiled. I felt relatively happy for once in a while. Just for today i'll let all the worries go. Just for tonight i'll be happy. Just for tonight i'll forget the murderers. Just for tonight...

.....Yeah.....Just for tonight.



I'm so weird.

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now