Chapter 12 - My Best Friend, My Lover, My Captain

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(A/N): How amazing, you can be best friends, lovers and Captains and Cadet. You got some friendship skills :3 ALSO! You and Kaito's nationality is French BTW so... ya....


Your POV

After a few minutes of silence we all walked out, I was the last to leave but then I felt something- or rathe, someone grab my lower arm "Hm?" I turned to see Levi there with his head down and bangs covering his eyes. I heard everyone just shake it off and leave as though they thought Levi was just giving me an order, that is to say, everyone but Petra.

"Come on (Y/N). We can't be late." she said sweetly but I could hear the venom in her voice, Levi stepped in before I could get a word out

"Get going, Cadet Ral. I need to have a word with Miss Cadet (Y/N) here before she goes." he said, a bit coldly, Petra shivered and nodded, giving a shaky salut before scurrying off outside. My attention towards Levi for when everyone else left, his expression changed, so did his cold and monotone voice. I was going to ask hm whats up but before I got the 'W' out of the word he pinned he against the wall and looked me dead in the eye.

"(Y/N), you're mine. Not Kaito's, not Jaegers, not Erwin's or anyone one else. You're mine and only mine, understand?" he said in a sexual tone, I simply nodded and he started to suck on my neck, I moaned softly and could feel his smirk on my neck, he started to move his hands around me but I grabbed them and pushed him off.

"Now, Now. Captain Levi. Now is not the time for a steamy scene between me and you, right now we have to go back to training." I said, smirking, obviously teasing him and his emotions, I could see his teeth grit together "You're such a fucking tease, (Y/N)." he said and I just giggled and smiled, I waked up to him and pulled him close to me and whispered something in his ear.

"We can finish this later tonight, but not here at HQ, maybe back at my place?" he nodded in response and I let him go and walked outside Levi following a bit close behind. "Brats, you know the drill, everyone get to work!" Levi yelled coldly, I silently giggled and started to spar with Kaito, just waiting for tonight to come

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip After Training : 10:32 PM : Dinning Hall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"(F/N), You seriously need to train me, or us" Eren exclaimed "You constantly beat everyone! YOU EVEN BEAT THE CAPTAIN!" I smiled, Levi seemed a bit aggravated "Shut you're mouth Jaeger before I make sure you won't have a mouth to shut." he said coldly and went back to drinking his black tea 'Damn, harsh much?' I mentally said to myself but none the less I nodded to Eren "I haven't beaten everyone, Eren" I said looking over to Kaito then back at him "I'd love to train you, if we ever found the time." I said, Kaito joined in on the conversation

"Which you'll never have, Levi always works you guys' asses off and never gives you any free time, honestly, its train train train and eat then train train train then sleep." he said, earning a nice, cold, stoic glare from our beloved Captain Levi. "Tch, brat." he said, finishing his cup of tea "Everyone off to bed, (F/N), my office, now." he said and walked out, I nodded and earned a lot of 'Ooooo's and 'Someone is getting it on tonight's from my squad which, earned them a nice slap to the face, Petra however seemed a lot 'Oh don't tell me... oh my god...OH MY FUCKING GOD PETRA RAL LIKES LEVI' I mentally screamed, what do I do? Does Levi know? Does Petra hate me? Will she be one of those yandere girls who kill for her senpai?! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit; Thats all I could think at this moment, but the moment ended

"(-N)? (Y/N)!" I snapped my head up and saw Kaito snapping his fingers in my face "What?" I asked as if  nothing just happened "You zoned out, come on, get to the Captains office then head to bed. Tomorrow is another big training day plus cleaning so get some rest" he said and I smirked and nodded he looked at me weird. I got up and headed for the door but before I left I put my head to the side so my left eye could see his face.

"Oh and Kaito..Nous allons la maison ce soir... (We're going home tonight...)" I said and left the room but I could hear a faint sound of his voice

"D'accord, je serai prêt, (Y/N) (Okay, I'll be ready, (Y/N)) I smiled, ready to go home with my lover, and my brother for the night.


Petra's POV (RARE RIGHT?!)

I hid behind the wall right by the mess hall "What the hell are they saying?" I said wondering what they were speaking, I had never heard such language. 'Wait! If I tell Captain maybe he'll know that (Y/N) is so secretive and then.. the'll hate her, and, and... he'll be mine..' I thought to myself and sprinted to the Captains office quietly. I got to the door and checked if I looked well, I opened the door slightly 'Hm, thats weird, it's unlocked' I thought and continued to open it slightly, I opened the door to a sight that broke my heart into a billion pieces.

(Y/N) was sitting on Levi's desk while he kissed her passionately. So the rumors are true, they really are together... I closed the door, still not making a sound. I ran to my room and cried. Once I stopped I was filled with rage, 'Levi is mine until that BITCH (Y/N) AND HER FUCKING BROTHER KAITO COMES ALONG AND SHE STEALS HIM FROM ME' I thought "I'LL KILL THAT BITCH IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" I quietly yelled, loud enough or only me to hear, I sighed, laying down on my bed, going back to crying.


(A/N): Hey~! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for all Petra lovers but sadly she will be a Levi x Reader hater ;-;.

Petra: Levi. Is. Mine


(Y/N): I'm sorry..

Kaito: *Hugs (Y/N)* Jealousy sucks...

Levi: *Waits for Kaito to stop*

Kaito: *stops and smirks and backs up*

(Y/N): Hm? Something wrong?

Levi: *Walks up to (Y/N)*

(Y/N): Yes?

Levi: *Kisses her*


Jason: *Alone*

Kaito: *Blushes a bit* *Walks up to Jason* *Kisses him*

Jason: *Kisses back* *Fucking tomato*


Nico Di Angelo (Because why not I love him): *Kisses A*

A: *Kisses back for a moment then pulls away*

A: Hope you enjoyed this chapter... and this sudden kissing scene.

Levi: Tch, bye

Hanji: BAII

Eren: *Peace Sign*

Kaito: *Smiles and waves*


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