Chapter 23 - The 57th Expedition | Part Four

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(A/N): YAY! NEW CHAPTER WHOOOO! Anyway who's journal do you think it was? When I reveal the journal's owner I will explain what 'they' mean when they are talking about the dead life. If you already know then great! ;D


Unknown POV

Oh Levi. I wish I could see you again. You have always been sweet, even if it was only to me. I'm happy I know the truth, though I still cannot return. This plan you and the commander have will fail without fault. The loud roar that you had heard is a roar of surrender, a roar of suicide. Hah, who am I kidding? That was anything but suicide. You know, It's very nice writing down my thoughts and feelings.

I should have done it before

You upset Kaito and Kirigiri. They'll kill you, I know it. You upset someone else to, but that someone else is already dead. Heh, i'm glad that certain someone is, because of that death, a new life is out, ready to kill anyone or anything in that life's way. So hows life? Are you happy with Petra? I know you aren't. She's so fucking annoying, so...chirpy. It hurts at the thought that she made you happy, or tired to at least.

It hurts because it's so stupid.

It's stupid because you and her are so different, you aren't even opposites. She's a fucking demon and your a beautiful, devoted angel. She treated Eren with such disrespect I thought he might go rage on her and kill her, sadly he didn't. Don't die, Levi. That's an order. Haha! An order, like you would follow that. I'm kidding, Short-Stuff. I hate to see you in pain though at the same time I love it.

Ever heard the duet 'I hate you, I love you'? It's a nice song. So is 'Silver Wings'. They mean something, kinda like, hmm what's the song, oh yeah! 'The Reluctant Heroes' that's a good theme song, I wonder what the Military Police's theme song is, probably 'Fake Ass Bitches'. If you find this, which I have a thought you wont, I want you to know this:

No matter if you betray me, no matter if you hurt me, no matter if you love or loathe me, I will always love you. Never in my life will I full-on leave you alone, never.

You see, even if you have betrayed someone, you do deserve happiness but you also require a lesson. I believe you said it yourself once, ah yes!

'It's just my personal opinion, but pain is the best tool for discipline'

That is one of the times you are correct, you need discipline for your terrible crimes against emotions, your pain is losing the one you 'loved'. Heh, good luck finding another one of those beautys, the ones that care about not just their well-being but yours too. Thats rare, i'll tell you it's not in Petra.

Hanji! Ah Hanji is one of them i'll say that, maybe you can go out with her! Hah! Nah, Hanji wouldn't date a bastard like you, hm maybe you should tell her what happened between you and Petra. Whatever, you probably got over that life that died anyway.

I know I did. Ugh this Female Titan you are trying to catch is driving me nuts, all I have to say is:

Bye Bye, Squad Levi.

I would save them but they are so determined to win i'm not sure how. Hm, oh well. I am off my dear journal. Farewell for now.


3rd Person POV

As the female titan roared, everything around her shook. The Survey Corps covered their ears, almost loosing their composure. It echoed past the forest, miles around it even shaking some of the soldiers protecting the outside of the forest.

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now