Chapter 30 - As If I Could Ever Leave You

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(A/N): First off I would like to say thank you all so much for the support and love I got for this story! The ups and downs of this story even had me dying! >_< I'm not one for sappy thank you's and 'I love you all' isn't really my path but i'll let it slide. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this story, for taking your time and reading it even if you didn't have to. I am grateful for that. And now, without further ado. I give you...

...As If I Could Ever Leave You - Chapter 30 // As If I Could Ever Leave You


3rd Person POV

"Annie..." Armin whispered from the ally. He waited a few seconds before he heard rustling coming towards him. He saw Annie. "So uh...what's with the outfit?" she asked in her normal low tone. " mean the rain get up?"  he asked looking down, not meeting her eyes "It's a disguise to hid my 3DMG gear." Armin stated lifting up his dark green cloak. "What's this about?" she asked looking at him directly.

Armin took off his hood and finally met her eye to eye "Annie, we have a plan for Eren to escape and were hoping that you'll help us." he stated. "Wait escape to where? Stuck behind these walls, where can you possibly hide where they wont find you?" she asked, her voice still low. "We'll only need to hide him for a short while. This isn't an mutiny, we have every intention of returning. This is just a small act of scouts staging a small act of protest. We need time to gather evidence to overrule the council's rules against Eren. That's all we want" he stated. Annie's expression never changed "You're serious about this? How can you be sure the evidence exists? And what is it?" she asked as her tone changed

Armin looked down "I...can't say, i'm sorry." he said sadly. Annie sighed and looked down as well "Sorry Armin, i'm gonna have to decline." she stated "My lips are sealed though, best of luck" she said looking back up and turning on her heal and she began to leave. Armin reached out for her "Hold on! Annie please! They're going to kill Eren!" Armin whisper-shouted, she stopped in her tracks  "They'll kill him for no better reason then that they fear what they don't understand! They don't see that they're fear is driving humanity to the brink of extinction! Maybe there isn't any chance of changing their minds... but what if there is? We have no choice but to bet everything on that chance!" he stopped for a moment then looked back up at her "I'm sorry Annie, the last thing we want to do is cause you grief...but well, the only way to sneak him through the walls seen at for help with someone in the Military Police! It's our only hope..." he said sadly trailing off.

She turned back around to face him "But why me? Do I really look like that good of a person to you?" she asked, Armin stood down "A good person? I don't know. Actually i've never put some sort of value in those sorts of labels..." he stated "The way I see it 'good' are people who are convenient to our needs in some way, it's purely subjective. Anyway you try and look at it, labeling someone is a way to dehumanizes them. Regardless, if you still choose to say no to this request then at least in my eyes, that makes you a bad person." he said looking back up at her.

She thought for a moment more, the patience was killing Armin. Suddenly, she took off her gun from her back and put it against the wall. Turning back to Armin she answered "Alright." he gasped a little before looking down "Let's go." she said.

--Time Skip--

Mikasa, Armin, Eren and Annie were walking down the streets. "We made it, can't believe it was so easy." Eren said looking back at Mikasa and Armin "Hush." Mikasa said softly "Tch, the Military Police hard at work, i'm even surprised they bothered to show up at all." Eren said annoyed "Let's just keep moving" Mikasa advised to him, Eren ignored her "Hopefully they haven't noticed my stand in either. It's not gonna hold up when they close screw me, after and Jean look nothing alike" Eren stated with venom in his voice. Armin jumped in "It's gonna hold for now, you both have that angry scowl and that boulder sized chip on your shoulder." he said looking back at Eren.

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