Chapter 15 - Shattered But Together

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Your POV

Once me, Levi, Kaito, Jason and the others got back to HQ, it was almost time for daily training. We all walked into the mess hall seeing as it was 10 minutes before the others got here. The others sat at a table as I went to the kitchen and made some black tea with some honey. I walked back in the mess hall with the cups of tea and set them down in front of everyone.

"Thank you!" Hanji exclaimed

"Thanks sis!" Kaito said playfully

"Thanks, (F/N)" Jason said, smiling

"Thank you." Petra murmured

I swear I could hear Levi mutter under his breath a 'thank you' but I pushed passed it. We drank in silence but it was peaceful, that is until people started to walk in talking, ruining the peaceful silence. "Good morning everyone!" Even exclaimed happily, Hanji gave him a big bright smile and Kaito waved. Petra nodded and so did Levi, something was up with Petra but her gloomy aura disappeared as soon as the rest of the squad sat down at the table.

Since Jason was in Erwin's squad, he got up and kissed Kaito on the forehead and whispered something in his ear which I couldn't make out, he then left the table with his tea and got breakfast, heading towards his squad's table.

"Heichou?" Eren asked, looking up at Levi "What is it, brat?" he replied monotonously obviously not caring what he had to say "Where were you and (F/N) last night?" he asked curiously, I saw Oulo smirk and I gave him a cold, hard glare, enough to scare the living shit out of him and it did, I saw his eye widen and small hairs stick up on his neck, I turned my attention to Levi who had seen everyone else smirking except for Petra.

He blushed a small bit realizing what they were thinking but he put his stoic face back on "Nothing like that you idiots. We were studying the Southern Titans." he said, annoyance filling his voice. They all looked at me, I nodded in agreement and I swear I heard a sigh of relief around me. Ok, something was up.

"Guys, ill be at training in 3" I said softly, I looked over to Petra who was giving me a sickening look but changed it to her 'sweet' one "Petra, can we have a girl-talk for a sec?" I asked sweetly. She arched one eyebrow in suspicion but she hesitantly nodded. I got up as did she and we walked out the mess hall.

"Ok, Petra. What the hell is up? Every since you came to my house you have been acting as if you want something that you can't have!" I slightly but quietly yelled, she glared at me and I was confused as why she wasn't her normal sweet stuff.

"You wanna know whats up?!" she exclaimed, quietly "You have the one man I love and the laughs and games you two have should be me and him! Not you! I have known him longer and yet you come in and snatch him up your devilish, fake smile and grip and its not fair!" she continuously glared at me and my eyes widened in shock, she loved Levi?!

"You love Levi?! Why didn't tell me?! Why didn't you tell him?! What the hell am I supposed to do!? Stop loving him!? You should have told me sooner! I'd never- he wouldn't-" I stopped, thinking on what I would have done. Would I really stop loving someone for someone else? No. I wouldn't. "I'm sorry Petra. I didn't know. But I can't just stop loving Levi just for your own sake. I'm sorry." I said apologetically, she glared at me and gritted her teeth.

"Levi is blinded by your  evil beauty that he can't see that i'm the one for him!" she exclaimed a bit louder this time, I covered her mouth with my hand she pushed it away, I shushed her and she glared but obliged to my commands of quieting down. "Petra, I get it, you love him but there isn't a chance between you and him while i'm alive so please, do me a favor and get over him, do yourself a favor and get over him, don't waste your live chasing for something you'll never catch." I advised, and with that I walked away, feeling her shocked gaze upon my utterly confused one.

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now