Chapter 22 - The 57th Expedition | Part Three

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(A/N): Ok so I just saw I got 1k reads so....OMG YAY YAY I SO HAPPY THANK CHU!!!!


3rd Person POV

"No way..." Eren muttered "So what do you think of us now, Eren?! We managned to outsmart the damn thing!" Gunther yelled "Let this be a lesson to you, greenhorn! Don't ever underestimate the scouts, never again, agreed?!" Oulo scolded "Agreed." Eren said

Levi zipped up the tree next to Erwin "She's not putting up much of a fight" he said, looking down at the still female titan "It's no reason to let our guard down" Erwin defended "Good work leading her here. I'm more then a little impressed." he continued "We couldn't have without the rear's contention who's lives bought us time" Levi said sternly "This belongs to them...I don't intend to ever forget that." he said, venom filled his voice.

"That so?" Erwin asked, his gaze still upon the female titan "Yes." Levi said, also shifting his gaze to the female titan "Because of their sacrifices, we can expose who this really is." he said angrily "I tend to wonder if whoever is in there is pissing themselves right now..."

-Time skip a few minutes-

Levi pulled out his blade, readying to talk to whoever is inside the female titan "Not quite yet Levi." Erwin said, putting is hand above Levi's chest "A little more reassurance." he said calmly "SECOND AND THIRD WAVES.....FIRE!!!!" he yelled, grapples flew with loud bangs into the female titan's skin, keeping her down. 

-Time skip 10 minutes-

"FIRE!" Erwin yelled, Hanji on a lower branch shot 8 more grapples towards the female titan, holding her down more. "Poor thing" Hanji said crazily "Can't so much as bat an eyelash, can we? Must be terribly frustrating. Get used to it my dear, biology can often times be a curse. Case in point the more your wounds heal the stiffer your joints become. Hehehe" she said in a psycho voice "Now what in the world is the hold up on the extraction on her extreme guest?" she said, looking up at the branch Levi and Erwin were on. "It won't get any easier, strike while the iron is hot I say." she said, just then two Cadets flew in with their blades, aiming for her nape.

She suddenly crystalized her nape, break the blades as they clashed on it. They both flew up to Erwin, showing him their broken blades. One of them shook their head no at him, the other just looked frustrated. "An impressive ability, so she can harden her skin to protect parts of her body. Similar to the one who rushed Wall Maria, the armored titan I believe they call him." the crystals broke "The question is how many blades will it take to cut threw?" He motioned for a cadet to come down to him.

"Yes sir?" he asked "Prepare an artillery around, I want her hands blown off" Erwin said sternly "With all due respect sir there are risks with doing that. The hands will be blown off but anything under it will too." he said, Erwin nodded and walked next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder "A fine point solider, which is why you will aim and sever them at the wrists. On my signal I want an all out salvo." Erwin said "Yes sir" he replied before zipping down to the ground, telling everyone what to do.

"Knock knock" Levi said, standing on the female titan "We know your in there, why don't you make this easy and come on out, stop wasting our time." he said in a low voice "Seriously, what can you hope to gain by stalling? If your thinking we'll let you go, we wont. If your thinking about trying to escape, don't. All you should be thinking about are the good men you killed today." he stopped for a minute "Heh, not that you would, thats not your style is it? Remorse." he walked up closer to on her face "You enjoy killing, which means we have something in common. Of course I enjoy killing titans, but its a start, i'm sure we can still find some middle ground." he stopped again

"Oh thats right. Now that were on that subject let me ask...You're okay with me cutting your limbs off at the joints right? I mean they'll grow back right? I'm talking about your actual body..." he threatened her, switching his blades into his normal position "Don't want you dead just yet...timing wouldn't work." he said lowly. Suddenly she stopped and she roared...




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