Chapter 18 - If Only You Knew

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(A/N): UGH! IT'S ONLY BEEN A FEW DAYS AND I HAVE ALREADY MESSED UP MY SCHEDULE! Ok tomorrow I will update both my stories...btw did the last chapter surprise you or no? Find the Ed Sheeran quote ;3


3rd Person POV

Kyouko casually walked out the Mess Hall, Levi chased after her. She heard footsteps behind her and ignored them till they got so close she turned around to see Levi almost close to her. She glared at him with full on hatred for what he did to (F/N).

".Why?!" he yelled, a few tears falling out from his eyes. 'Hmph, so this bastard cares a little? Doesn't matter anyway.' she thought, mentally rolling her eyes. "I already told you, dumbfuck. She committed suicide after SOMEONE cheated" she said, venom filling her voice. He looked down, guilt flushing over him "What...What were her last words?..." he asked lowly, she sighed and dug in the inside pockets of her jacket and handed him a note.

He looked up and shakily grabbed the note, his eyes widened.

"(F/N) (M/N) (L/N)'s Suicide Note" It was titled, he sobbed a little then opened it, scared to see what's inside...

"My name is (F/N) (M/N) (L/N) and this is my suicide note,

Obviously this is useless because no one really gives a shit about my death in fact the only reason why

I'm committing suicide is actually seriously idiotic and typical. Yup, you guessed it i'm assuming,

Love. I'm committing suicide because of love. Pathetic, right? I am so sensitive that heartbreak

Causes me to end my life. Now, if you have no idea who the hell I am then let me lay it down for you.

When I was five, masked men attacked me. my mom and my dad. Why they attacked you ask? Well I'm 

French, Japanese, Asian, Spanish and many more that I am not aware of. They killed my parents and 

took me Away. The afternoon that I was taken, I escaped and ran to see the Scouts leave for an 

expedition. I sneaked in the crowd and escaped out the walls. After about 16 years of living in the wild

I had met Kyouko Kirigiri and Kaito. The two had become family to me and I loved them dearly.

Kaito had come to live with me but Kyouko was more of the adventurous type, she didn't

settle down while I had known her and she just traveled the world and found many things.

After 3 years, The Survey Corps had discovered me and taken me in. I agreed to fight

Alongside them on Squad Levi also known as Special Corporation Squad.

During this time I had fallen in love with Lance Corporal Levi and heres where I

Get to the part why I have killed myself. Me and him had become very close

And had started a relationship. Sadly, there was a bit of a block on it.

Petra Ral. Petra and I had sorta become friends though it was only

After I had started to date Levi I had found out about her feelings

Towards him. I had told her to stop chasing him because

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