Chapter 2 - You're Different

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Levi POV

I clicked my tongue as we rode into the walls. My ears bled as I heard all the annoying bickering from the women. 

"Look! It's Humanity's Strongest!" yelled a little girl

"He's so hot!" yelled a teen girl


"Idiots." I thought with annoyance. Despite my obvious displeasure, I couldn't help but wonder who took out all those titans. It wasn't me, and it's practically impossible to take out titans yourself. As I heard the clamping of shoes riding up beside me, I rolled my eyes as Hanji rode up beside me. "Hey! Levi! Do you think titans can get sick? Maybe that's how they all died! Oh, I can't wait to test!"

A quiet bump was heard as I smacked her upside the head. She moaned out in pain before moving away again and crazily muttering to herself.

2nd person POV

As you flew through the air back home with ease, you calmly climbed up the vines onto the stable platform, while happily being greeted by a very hungry wolf. You laughed with joy at the sight of him/her. Practically bouncing your way to the main area and pulling out some meat from the make-shift freezer, you set up a fire and plopped one-half of the meat on a pan and threw the other half to your wolf, who caught it happily. 

Levi's POV

The usual booming room was quiet as I sat down in the mess hall, sipping my tea and contemplating with myself. I choked on the hot substance as I heard a sweet, candy voice. "Captain, sir!" She saluted. Emotionlessly, I lifted the teacup to my lips and spoke before taking a sip. "What do you need, Cadet?" She seemed to shrink as her voice lowered. "Commander Erwin would like to see you in his office, sir!" I clicked my tongue and set down my teacup. Standing up and pushing in the wooden chair, I walked off towards the door. "Clean this mess up, would you Cadet?" She nodded and saluted temporarily before scurrying off.  

Third Person POV

Levi stood outside the infamous Erwin's office and knocked, irritation emitting from him. "Name and business," Erwin called out while looking over papers, signing them with ink every few moments. "It's Levi, Commander Eyebrows" He mocked with annoyance. Erwin sighed, "Come in." The large, double-wooden-door creaked opened and closed shut as the short male walked in. Levi stood in front of his Commander's desk and crossed his arms. "Why did you call me here, Erwin?" He asked as if he really cared. Erwin sighed once more and looked up at him. He crossed his arms over the desk and spoke with authority. One that dared to threaten Levi every time. "Our recent expedition has been an unusual one. With the current state of the titans seemingly dying at random, Hanji had requested a testing on her, per say, pets in order to see if they get sick at force. However, I don't believe they are sick, and I certainly don't think they are killing one another." His serious voice seemed to trail off, and the silence in the room remained for a few moments. "What are you suggesting, Sir?" Levi slowly sat onto the leather chair in front of the dark wooden desk and crossed his legs. While his expression was the same, an interest sparked within.

"It's a possibility that someone may be helping us from outside the walls. Or maybe against us, I am unsure. But it's worthy of investigation." Levi scoffed. "It's not possible to live outside the walls. This is dangerous, Erwin. If your wrong, we're wasting so much that could be used for better." Erwin nodded and stood up, pushing his large chair back and walking over to the large window, the bright sun was blocked as his back faced Levi. "Maybe. But if I am correct, we may have a phenomenal ally, and rid of the titans much sooner. Isn't that worth the risk?" A silence was released again as Levi analyzed his words. "Fine." Levi agreed, his nonchalant voice back. He uncrossed his legs and stood up. "I and my squad will find this mysterious person, and force them back here." Erwin turned and shook is his head. His large eyebrows furrowed. "No. You will bring Hanji for observing if you were to go further that expected. Remember, this is important." Levi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, but looked over at Erwin with a raised brow. "You're serious about this?" Erwin nodded and let out a 'Hum' sound. 

The door slammed open, and Hanji appeared in the door way. With her legs apart, her glasses glinting, brown ponytail bouncing and a smile only the devil himself would wear, Levi began to dread bringing her along. Erwin shifted his gaze over to the woman, "You're just on time. Are you prepared, Hanji?" Her smile widened into a smirk, and she nodded vigorously. "Damn right I am!" She exclaimed, excitement resonating from her. "Squad Levi has been informed and is setting up the horses for a long trip as we speak! Now, let's get going!" She was extremely hyper and bounced up and down consistently. Levi grumbled insults and pushed past her, walking out the office and heading downstairs. Meanwhile, Hanji innocently looked between where Levi was and Erwin and shrugged carelessly. "Someone isn't happy today." Erwin sighed and sat down and tended to his papers as he heard Hanji's footsteps fade and the door shut.


11/10/16 - Edited

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now