Chapter 19 - Missing You

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(A/N): Oh mer gerd. The feels last chapter was OVERLOAD!!!!!


Levi's POV

It's been a week since Kyouko came, since then we moved to a new HQ and  Petra has been thinking we were in a relationship, I have half the mind to beat the shit out of her had the 57th expedition not be tomorrow, she needs to be healthy other wise the infirmary would be her second home she'd be there so long. (F/N), I'm so sorry. If only you knew what really happened...


After training I went straight to my office to do some more paperwork that Commander Eyebrows gave me. 'Tch, that bastard, do I ever get a break?' I thought to myself as I reached my office door. I opened it and slammed the door behind me, dragging myself towards my clean brown desk.

I sat down and sighed, picking up my pen and began to write until I heard a knock at my door. Thinking it was (F/N) bringing my tea like she always does I answered saying a simple 'Come in'. I looked up and saw not (F/N) but Petra, she turned her back bit and shut the door, then walked over to my side of the desk and stood in-front of me.

"Levi..." she said, reaching out her hand to caress my cheek, I grabbed it just before it touched me and glared at her "Don't fucking touch me and don't call me Levi." I said venom in my voice. She smirked "Oh what? Already getting into nicknames are we?" she said devilishly, something was up, this wasn't Petra.

Just then, she pushed herself on my lap and put her arms around my neck, gripping onto me tightly, she started to suck on my neck. I put my hands on her waist in attempt to push her off but it was no use, her grip was to tight on me. I tried again and again but she just kept kissing,licking and sucking on my neck.

I heard the door open and I could feel Petra stop. We both turned to the door to see (F/N) with a blank expression on her face but her eyes showed sadness and awestruck. She was holding a steel tray with a piece of bread and a cup of tea, I could smell the peppermint flavor in it. My favorite. I could see a glimpse of Petra smirking, I could could wipe that smirk off her face, with a fucking blade. (A/N QUOTE FROM MY OTHER BOOK!)

She calmly walked over to me and placed the tray down on my desk. I looked up since she was taller due to the fact I was sitting down and she stared me straight in the eye. What she said had me surprised and heartbroken.

"Je te déteste, Ackerman" then she turned on her heel, and left the room, I caught sight of her tears and that broke my heart even more. I looked back at Petra who was still smirking, she leaned in to kiss me but anger rushed through my body. I slapped her enough to make her face turn, she held her red, blue, purple and black cheek and glared at me. I pushed her off and she fell to the ground.

I ran after (F/N), screaming her name and telling her that it wasn't what she thought, but she just ignored  me. I felt tears brim my eyes, shit, I'm losing her, no correction, i've lost her. Kaito is gonna kill me. Kaito is gonna kill me. I'm dead. I'm so dead. I'M SO FUCKING DEAD. That's all I could think as I ran down the halls.

I burst through the mess hall and everyone looked at me confused, I looked around and (F/N) nor Kaito was there. I heard horses neighing outside and the idea hit me. I ran out and towards the door, when I got there I burst through the door and it slammed on the wall, and saw (F/N) and Kaito on their horses, kicking their sides and they took off.

I yelled her name but she just kept forward, Kaito turned his head back and glared death at me, it honestly sent shivers down my spine. I stopped yelling and looked down at the ground in shame and regret. The wind blew my raven bangs over to the left side of my face, though they were still covering my teary eyes. She's gone, thinking that I had been unfaithful


I sighed, I felt so eerie without (F/N). She won't be there to help us and more people will die today because of it. I walked into the mess hall and all the heads turned to me, many people hated me mostly because of the incident with (F/N)...

I grabbed my cup of tea and walked over to my squad table. I sat down at the end and gripped my tear cup in my unusual manner and kept my stoic expression. We sat in silence then Petra walked in, earning death glares from the whole squad.

She came over and sat right by me, reaching for my hand I slapped it away, glaring at her. I decided it would be best to tell the what really happened, though they might not believe me.

"It wasn't my fault, you know." I said monotonously, they all looked at me with confusion, except for Eren who looked at me with pure hate like always, I couldn't blame him though. "How is NOT your fault?! You fucking cheated on her and she committed suicide because of it!" he yelled "Watch your language brat." I said. I turned to Petra an glared at her, she knew what I was gonna say and she couldn't stop me.

"Petra came into my office and sat on my lap and started to suck on my neck, I put my hands on her waist in attempt to push her off but it was no use, her grip was to hard on neck. When (F/N) walked in she assumed the worst, I chased after her in attempt to explain but-" I exclaimed, not being able to finish as my heart was breaking

"-she had already left." Gunther finished for me and I simply nodded. Everyone turned their gazes to Petra and she had no idea what to say so she stayed silent. I looked at her for a second before returning my gaze to the floor.

"...So it was you..." Eren whispered "IT WAS YOUR FAULT THAT SHE'S DEAD, ISN'T IT PETRA?!" he yelled, getting up pushing his chair back and slamming his hands on the table. She nodded "...Yes." Eren in attempt tried to jump over the table and strangle Petra but she backed up in fear and Oulo held him back.

"I wanna see her..." Eren whispered, I scoffed "I do too, idiot but she's gone now." I said annoyed "No...I wanna see her...grave." he said, I looked at him eyes widened, I couldn't face her grave, it'd be to much. "The expedition is tomorrow, brats. Get some rest." I ordered, I stood up and they saluted and nodded replying 'Yes Captain!". Petra was the last on to leave but I grabbed her arm, 

"Listen closely you slut, whoever dies tomorrow is your fault because you killed our only source of experience with killing more titans. Every titan out there could be dead but instead you had to let your feelings take over now anyone who dies at the hands of a titan is your fault because you killed her." I said harshly. I let go of her arm in disgust.

I walked up the castle's stairs and went to my office, taking off my jacket and changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt I went to bed, thinking about tomorrow till I passed out.


(A/N): WELL LEVI DIDN'T ACTUALLY CHEAT. But I still must kill Petra O.o 

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