Chapter 25 - The 57th Expedition | Part Six

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(A/N): I can't wait to finish the 57th Expedition! I want to continue my storyline! ;-;


3rd Person POV

"He's alive!" Mikasa said, determination filling her voice. Levi looked at her then turning around facing her but moving backwards "Someone's optimistic." he said, she grunted and looked over at him "If you had done your damn job and protected him we wouldn't be having this conversation!" he gasped a small bit "Oh I see now. Childhood friend right? Suddenly it's all making sense." he turned back forward and shot his gas more, she did the same. "Right, For the sake of argument will narrow down our wholes. "First, we forget about taking her down" he planned "No way. She's killed too many of our people for that" Mikasa argued "She's dead." she continued angrily "She's got defenses that neither of us have been trained to deal with. I'm telling you it's a lost cause." he paused "We'll attack on the assumption that Eren is alive, we'll focus only on freeing him before she exits the forest." he said pulling out his blades "I'll handle all the cutting, you find a way to distract her." he said she nodded "Right!" and she zipped down.

Moving from left to right Mikasa distracted the female titan. Levi flew in the upper right corner of the moving titan before him. A red gleam in his eyes he planned his attack, the female titan moved her eyes up and saw Levi but continued running. Everything seemed to slow down, the wind blew Levi and the female titan's hair back, Levi switched his right sword into his normal position. She ran for a few seconds before throwing a punch Levi's way. He took the chance to spin up and around her arm then stabbing her eyes out. He flew back still watching her as he dropped his blades and replaced them with new ones. Slicing her right shoulder down to her left ankle then flying back up to slice her hand in which cover the nape. She fell to the ground though still covering her name, steam emitted from her recovering eyes. He zipped around her, cutting lard portions of her body over and over again. The female titan's hand slithered down her body out of tiredness.

The female titan's head was lowed, Mikasa saw this and thought she could cut the nape. Little did she know it was a trap, only to figure this out before it was too late. She shot her cord in the female titan's back, readying her blades into the position to slice "Don't do it!" Levi yelled but Mikasa was already too close, the titan held up her hand getting ready to grab her and slam her to the ground. Fortunately, Levi made it to her and grabbed her arm, pushing her back but in the process breaking his Anterlor talo-fibular IIgament and Calcaneus. He grunted in pain but ignored it and flew up to the female titan's mouth, cutting it and opening it to reveal a unconscious Eren, covering in titan saliva. "Eren!" Mikasa yelled, Levi flew down and grabbed him and flew off back to a tree and rested for a moment. "Got him! It's time to go, come on!" he slightly yelled "Eren.." Mikasa whispered in relief "He's alright, disgusting but alright. What I tell you about trying to take her down? Now come on." he scolded. He looked over to the steaming female titan "We've got Eren that means our job here is done. Don't screw this up by making it personal, understand?" he said sternly looking back over to her "We all get that you love him but try not to act crazy." he said, flying off with Eren.

She gasped a little and looked down "I-I was just.." she stuttered a little before flying off after Eren and Levi. He heard other maneuvering and turned a little to see Mikasa following only to gasp at the sight of the crying female titan with her hand out, reaching for Levi, Eren and Mikasa (A/N: Only Levi can make a titan cry...

--Time Skip 30 Minutes--

They Survey Corps was riding their way back to the walls. They stopped for a break, lining up all the corpses and stacking them into the carts. Levi made his way over to one corpse and opened up the cloth a little, reviling the Survey Corps tag

--Small Time Skip--

"Stop shrieking." Levi said, walking up behind the two men, Erwin looked over "Captain Levi!" one of them shouted "If they have been named dead theres nothing more we can do." he said sternly "Whether we have his body or not it makes no difference now." he continued. Their eyes widened a bit "That's cold.." he muttered "Ivan and the others will be marked as missing thats my decision and thats final now let it go." Erwin said, walking off. 

--Time Skip | Riding back to the Walls--

As the Survey Corps rode close together Mikasa looked at the unconscious Eren in worry. "HEADS UP! WE'VE GOT COMPANY!" someone from behind her yelled, she looked behind her to see two titans running on the rear's tail. "EMENY SPOTTED IN THE REAR!" someone yelled, Erwin kept looking ahead "Full speed all soldiers!" he yelled "Our best chance might be to serve the back, make a b line for the trees, we can't put up much of a fight out here." he stated "No our best option now is to continue to the walls." Erwin argued. Levi 'tched' and slowed down to the carts.

One of the titans grabbed a solider and another went after him. The soldier was too late as the other was eaten. He went after the nape but the titan grabbed him with his hand, Mikasa noticed this and went up and killed the titan. It fell to the ground and the soldier escaped the grasp he was in, scared to death. 

"I'll go behind the bastard and you find a way to distract hi-" a solider said but was but off by Levi himself "Don't bother we need to drop the extra weight. Dump the bodies." he ordered sternly "B-but sir...!" he gasped a little "Do you know how many corpses we have already left behind? These aren't special. Dump them." he said sternly "Consider they're last service to the cause." he ordered, they're eyes were wide and they hesitated but obliged soon enough.

As the bodies rolled down Levi looked back at them. Observing the bodies he saw a certain short-haired ginger fly down and get stomped on. He turned his attention back forward, riding faster as did the others towards the walls.


(A/N): The story is coming to a close. Will there be a sequel? I can't say yet. Who wrote the journal? Will Eren get to see (F/N)'s grave? Who knows, you'll all find out soon.

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