Chapter 3 - Brat

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Levi's POV

The sun's hot rays beamed down on us as we sat on our very impatient horses, waiting for the gates to open. Hanji's face was stained with an ear-to-ear smile as her glasses glinted, speaking enthusiastically. "I can't wait to see what's going on outside! I really~ hope the titans are getting sick! Do you think it's more abnormal than the abnormal titans?!" She yelled. I leaned over to her with an emotionless expression, and gripped her ponytail harshly and turned her head towards me. "I already see one." She gasped and her eyes trailed around as much as possible. "Huh? Where?!" Harshly, I pushed her head back and faced forward. "It's you, Four-eyes."

"You know, Levi. It could be a person." She offered. I looked over at her for a moment but shifted my gaze back quickly. "That's just an assumption. A scenario which is highly unlikely. However, if somehow it is a person, we do what we are told. Take them back to the walls for interrogation. Nothing more, nothing less." She nodded and we were quiet. She turned to me with another wide smile. "Like a relationship?" I scoffed. "Don't get attached Shitty Glasses. Don't be stupid."

"You never know~" She sung. I rolled my eyes at her childish actions and kicked the side of my horse as the gates opened. The sound of stomping of horseshoes and the large stone barrier lifting filled my ears as we rode off. 

Hours later, the sun had moved yet still beamed down harshly as we stood watch in a wide open land just outside the forest. I looked over, my eyes squinted as I looked for signs of life. With no luck, I clicked my tongue and turned to face Petra, her hands beside her waist and her face serious. "We've been riding forward for two or more hours, Captain sir! We haven't found any sign of life, let alone human. It's in our best interest to retreat back to the walls." I shake my head. "It isn't every day that something like this comes up, and if this goes on, and this mysterious being turns out to be an enemy, we're risking humanity. Erwin wouldn't send us on this wild goose chase if he didn't think it was a priority." I stated and placed my foot in the stirrup on the horse and hopped on. Turning the horse towards Petra, I looked down at her. "Captain I still--" I cut her off. "My argument is more valid than yours, Petra. Follow the order and go get prepared. I'm willing to take this risk, and so should you." She sighed in defeat and turned as we hear Gunther jog up to us. "Sir! Everyone is ready and you are, Captain!" I nod at the two and hold onto the reins as I speak. "Let's go. We're continuing to head south. Just south, nothing yes, got it?" I order. The two nod and salute, before running off to their respective horses.

Your POV

I close my eyes and drift to sleep for a minute before my eyes snapped open as I heard my "favorite" wolf howling constantly. I groan with annoyance and sit up. "What is it now?" I moan. I hear the door creak open, and I swiftly grab a blade from my 3DMG gear and stand up. "(F/N)? You home?" I hear a weary voice. Immediately, I drop my blade and jump over the small couch, rushing out the room and into the main area, tackling the all too familiar boy. "Kaito!" My voice trails as I happily call out his name. He drops his blades as I hug him. "I missed you so much!" I say as I let him go and look up at his laughing expression. "I missed you too, sister." I giggle and suddenly jump. "What did you find? Was it fun?" I crowd him with questions. Having both of us building a boat over the last few months, he wanted to go out and see the sea for himself. I wanted to go along, but he denied for reasons such as 'You're too young' and 'I want to protect you'. Hesitantly, I let him go to my self-destruction. He had been gone for over 3 months and I was practically breaking with worry. He's like a brother to me. He's been with me through thick and thin ever since I saved him after he was badly injured and left behind on a failed expedition. That was years ago, I was about 19 at the time. Right now he's 26, despite being 2 years older than I am, he's as childish as a child. It's extremely rare for him to be serious.

"It was nice and shocking. I found an island, but it's super far. If something ever happens, though, we know where to go." He said. I smiled and ran my hands through my hair. "Wow. That's great! You must be hungry, Kai. Wanna eat?" I offered with another smile. He nods frantically and hungrily whines. "Yes! I'm very hungry! Feed me please!" I laugh hard, tears prickling at the ends of my eyes. Sometimes I think I might just die from laughter. As I catch my breath, I speak in bits. "Okay, Kaito. If you stop whining like (W/N) here, I let you have your favorite food! Breadsticks!" He moans and drifts into a daze of the thought of them, falling onto the couch and drooling. "Yes please!" He asks. I smirk and pulled out ingredients and supplies. "Okay, I'll get onto it right now. They'll be done before you know it!-" We both stop abruptly and stay quiet as the pounding sound of horses gets closer. My eyebrows furrow as I look over at Kaito worriedly. All the horses are in the stables, so the only exception was,

"Survey Corps," Kaito mutters as he stands up in a fighting stance. He motions for me to walk over and get his dropped blades. I nod and tread carefully, not to make any creaking sound from the wooden floor. I get into a stance as well, but on the inside, I'm fearful of our lives. As if Kaito read my mind, he speaks with a serious tone. "Don't worry. I won't let them lay a finger on you. That's a promise." Reassured, I walk to the door and bite my lower lip cautiously. "Hello! Hello, is anyone up there?" A cheery voice calls out from outside. I look over at Kaito and nod, opening the door and looking down at them. There seemed to be 7 of them, all in the same uniform. A short male with ebony black hair styled in an undercut looked up at me with shock in his eyes, yet a stoic expression on. "What the hell do you want?" I ask, holding my blade behind my back. A man with similar looking apperance to the short one with ebony hair speaks in a rude tone, "Tell us who you are and what you're doing here, and things don't have to get dirty." I growl and snap my fingers, and (W/N) emerges from the trees.


Edited - 11/11/16

As If I Could Ever Leave You | Levi x Reader | [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now